Use this screen to view asset change history data stored in the ASSET_AUDIT_LOG table. 

To store change data in the ASSET_AUDIT_LOG table, you must run the Asset/Template Change Settings screen. You must also access the Asset/Template Field/Column Names subtask from that screen to select checkboxes on a field-by-field basis for Asset Master records. Each checkbox that you select signifies that you want to capture data for that field for an Asset Master record each time you make a change to that data, regardless of the screen in which the change was made.

The ASSET_AUDIT_LOG table holds audit history data that is created when you make changes in any of the following screens:

In the header of this inquiry screen, you can select a general subset of records to view, including the asset/item number, entry date, entry user ID, English column name, and user-defined label name. 

Data displays in the table window when you select the Execute button on the toolbar. Once data displays in the table window, the Match button on the toolbar is enabled. If you select the Match button and then select the Execute button, the fields from the first row automatically display in the screen header fields. Alternately, if you highlight a specific row in the table window, select the Match button, and then select the Execute button, the fields from the highlighted row will automatically display in the screen header fields, and the columns will not be visible in the table window.

Use Subquery to choose more specific selection criteria or enter selection criteria in the screen fields. Data in the table window is non-editable.

You can view asset change history data at any time in this screen once the asset change history data has been written to the ASSET_AUDIT_LOG.

Header Fields

Select general parameters using the fields in the header of this screen, or use Subquery to select a more specific subset. If you use Subquery, you will not need to enter any data in the header fields in this screen as selection criteria.

If you do not enter data in this field or in any other header field in this screen, and you do not use Subquery, all available data from the ASSET_AUDIT_LOG will display in the table window.

The following describes how the English Column Name and User-Defined Label fields function in the header of this screen:

  1. You can specify a single database column name in either data field either by data entry or by using Lookup (to S_FA_DB_COL_DEF.ENGL_COL_NAME). 

  2. If you leave both fields blank, all database column data will automatically display in the table window, excluding user-defined data and within the confines of your other selection criteria.

  3. If you leave the User-Defined Label field blank and specify a column name (other than "User-Defined Text," "User-Defined Date," "User-Defined Numeric," or "User-Defined Validated Text") in the English Column Name field, data for the specified column will display in the table window.

  4. If you select or enter "User-Defined Text," "User-Defined Date," "User-Defined Numeric," or "User-Defined Validated Text" in the English Column Name field, these "columns" will also be included as selections during the Lookup to S_FA_DB_COL_DEF.ENGL_COL_NAME.

  5. If you do not enter a specific user-defined label in the User-Defined Label data field, all data for the user-defined field type will automatically be selected (within the confines of your other selection criteria).

  6. To print user-defined data for a specific user-defined label, you must select or enter "User-Defined Text," "User-Defined Date," "User-Defined Numeric," or "User-Defined Validated Text" in the English Column Name field (these "columns" will also be included as selections during the Lookup).

You must also specify the label in the User-Defined Label field.

  1. The User-Defined Label field is disabled if the data entered in the English Column Name field is not one of the following: "User-Defined Text," "User-Defined Date," "User-Defined Numeric," or "User-Defined Validated Text."

Asset No

Enter the desired asset number or use Lookup to select the asset number of the data you want to view. 

This field is optional. If you leave this field blank and you do not use Subquery, all asset/item numbers from the Asset Audit Log table, within the confines of your other selection parameters, will display in the table window.

Because this is a standard Lookup to the ASSET table, you may find that you have selected asset/item numbers for which change history data does not exist or does not meet your other selection criteria. In this event, the data you expect to retrieve from the ASSET_AUDIT_LOG table may not be selected.

Note:  The Asset No field is one of several key fields in the Asset Audit Log table. If you have entered data in this field and you select the Execute button in the toolbar, the Asset No column will not display in the table window.

Item No

Enter the desired item number or use Lookup to select the item number of the data you want to view. 

This field is optional. If you leave this field blank and you do not use Subquery, all asset/item numbers from the Asset Audit Log table, within the confines of your other selection parameters, will display in the table window.

Because this is a standard Lookup to the ASSET table, you may find that you have selected asset/item numbers for which change history data does not exist or does not meet your other selection criteria.  In this event, the data you expect to retrieve from the ASSET_AUDIT_LOG table may not be selected.

Note:  The Item No field is one of several key fields in the Asset Audit Log table. If you have entered data in this field and you select the Execute button in the toolbar, the Item No column will not display in the table window.

Entry Date

Enter the desired change history entry date for the data you want to view in this optional field. Lookup is not available at this field.

If you leave this field blank and you do not use Subquery, all change history entry dates, within the confines of your other selection parameters, will display in the table window. 

Note:  The Entry Date field is one of several key fields in the table. If you enter data in this field and you select the Execute button on the toolbar, the Entry Date column will not display.

Entry User ID

Enter the or use Lookup to select the desired user ID for the data you want to view. 

This field is optional. If you leave this field blank and you do not use Subquery, all entry user IDs from the Asset Audit Log table, within the confines of your other selection parameters, will display in the table window.

Lookup at this field is to the Asset Audit Log table, and will therefore display only entry user IDs for which change history data has been written to the Asset Audit Log table (ASSET_AUDIT_LOG). If no data exists in the table, the system displays this message, "Nothing found in Lookup."

Note:  The Entry User ID field is one of several key fields in the Asset Audit Log table. If you have entered data in this field and you select the Execute button in the toolbar, the Entry User ID column will not display in the table window.

English Column Name

Enter or use Lookup to select the desired English column name of the data you want to view.

This field is optional. If you leave this field blank and you do not use Subquery, all English column names from the Asset Audit Log table, within the confines of your other selection parameters, will display in the table window.

Lookup at this field is to the Asset Audit Log table and will therefore display only English column names for which change history data has been written to the Asset Audit Log table (ASSET_AUDIT_LOG).  If no data exists in the table, the system displays this message, "Nothing found in Lookup."

Note:  The English Column Name field is one of several key fields in the Asset Audit Log table. If you have entered data in this field and you select the Execute button in the toolbar, the English Column Name column will not display in the table window.

Use the rules outlined in the Header Fields documentation section to make your desired selection in this field.

User-Defined Label

Enter or use Lookup to select the desired user-defined label of the data you want to view. This field is optional.

If you leave this field blank and you do not use Subquery, all user-defined labels from the Asset Audit Log table, within the confines of your other selection parameters, will display in the table window.

Lookup at this field is to the Asset Audit Log table\ and will therefore only display user-defined labels for which change history data has been written to the Asset Audit Log table (ASSET_AUDIT_LOG).  If no data exists in the table, the system displays this message, "Nothing found in Lookup."

Note: The User-Defined Label field is one of several key fields in the Asset Audit Log table. If you have entered data in this field and you select the Execute button in the toolbar, the User-Defined Label column will not display in the table window.

Use the rules outlined in the Header Fields documentation section to make your desired selection in this field.

Table Window

Please refer to the preceding documentation regarding the relationship between column data displayed in the table window and field data displayed in the screen header. The columns in the table window are non-editable.

Note:  Technically, in this version of Costpoint, you can use the standard Windows Find and Replace functionalities in most child table window screens. Because this is an inquiry screen that cannot be edited, the Replace function has been disabled. You can, however, safely use Find in this screen because its sole purpose is to help you locate specified data within the table window. For more information about the Find and Replace functionalities, please see the Basic Functions documentation.

Asset No

This column, as applicable, displays the asset number for the change history data that you have selected to view.

Item No

This column, as applicable, displays the item number for the change history data that you have selected to view

Entry Date

This column, as applicable, displays the change history entry date for the change history data that you have selected to view

Entry User ID

This column, as applicable, displays the change history entry user ID for the change history data that you have selected to view

English Column Name

This column, as applicable, displays the English column name for the change history data that you have selected to view

User-Defined Label

This column, as applicable, displays the user-defined label for the change history data that you have selected to view

Orig Col Value

This column displays the original (old) data from before the change for the records you have selected to view

New Col Value

This column displays the revised (new) data after the change for the records you have selected to view

JE Reqd

This column displays the Journal Entry Required indicator flag for the records you have selected to view.

You can have the system automatically generate transfer entries for posting to the General Ledger when you make changes to the asset ("ownership") account, organization, and project fields AND/OR the Accum Depr Acct Code fields in an Asset Master record. You can enable this capability in the Asset/Template Change Settings screen.

Fiscal Year

This column displays the fiscal year in which the change history data was saved in the Asset Audit Log for the records that you have selected to view.


This column displays the accounting period in which the change history data was saved in the Asset Audit Log for the records that you have selected to view.


This column displays the accounting subperiod in which the change history data was saved in the Asset Audit Log for the records that you have selected to view.

Posting Seq No

In the event of a system failure during a posting, or if an entry for the asset is currently being posted, the entry's posting sequence number will display in this non-editable column for the row.

Identical posting sequence numbers are assigned to all entries posted in a specific session. A sequence number displays only for entries that were unsuccessfully posted or if the system is in the process of posting the entry. The sequence number will no longer display after the entry has been successfully posted for the asset.

Posting Fiscal Year

You can have the system automatically generate transfer entries for posting to the General Ledger when you make changes to the asset ("ownership") account, organization, and project fields AND/OR the Accum Depr Acct Code fields in an Asset Master record. You can enable this capability in the Asset/Template Change Settings screen.

After a transfer entry is posted, this column displays the fiscal year in which the transfer entry was posted to the General Ledger. In this circumstance, "P" also displays in the JE Reqd column in this table window.

Posting Period

You can have the system automatically generate transfer entries for posting to the General Ledger when you make changes to the asset ("ownership") account, organization, and project fields AND/OR the Accum Depr Acct Code fields in an Asset Master record.  You can enable this capability in the Asset/Template Change Settings screen.

After a transfer entry is posted, this column displays the accounting period in which the transfer entry was posted to the General Ledger. In this circumstance, "P" also displays in the JE Reqd column in this table window.

Posting Subperiod

You can have the system automatically generate transfer entries for posting to the General Ledger when you make changes to the asset ("ownership") account, organization, and project fields AND/OR the Accum Depr Acct Code fields in an Asset Master record.  You can enable this capability in the Asset/Template Change Settings screen.

After a transfer entry is posted, this column displays the accounting subperiod in which the transfer entry was posted to the General Ledger. In this circumstance, "P" also displays in the JE Reqd column in this table window.

Table Information

the system stores data viewed in this screen in the Asset Audit Log table (ASSET_AUDIT_LOG). You can print the data from this table by running the Print Change History report.

Lookups, as applicable, access the following tables: