Use this screen to make a final selection by asset/item number from among the data in the Edit Maintenance Transactions and to initiate the final process that populates the individual asset maintenance records with this data. After this process is run, you can edit or view this data on an asset-by-asset basis in the Maintain Maintenance Info screen.

You should edit data in the Edit Maintenance Transactions screen before you run this process. In this way, you can narrow the selection parameters by specifying a more limited range of asset/item numbers, if desired. During this process, data in both the Create Maintenance Transactions screen and the Edit Maintenance Transactions screen will be cleared.

Select Asset/Item Numbers

In this group box, you can select the range of asset/item numbers to be populated with data from the Edit Maintenance Transactions screen. Your selection of asset/item numbers can be all-inclusive, if desired, to ensure that all potential data records from the Edit Maintenance Transactions screen are converted to maintenance records for each asset record selected.

Alternately, you can select a smaller range of records. You should do this with caution; however because data for any records not selected for the final process will be cleared from the Edit Maintenance Transactions screen. If you need to create additional maintenance data for records that did not fall into the range of your final selection criteria, you can:

Range Opt

The default option for this field is "All." You can accept the displayed default range option, enter a different valid range option, or select one from the drop-down box. Range options are "All," "One," "Range, "From Beginning," and "To End."

If you save the selection parameters for this process, the selected range option, as applicable, will be stored in the Query table in the Asset/Item Range column.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the asset/item number(s) for which you wish to process maintenance transactions. Because this is a standard Lookup to the ASSET table, you may find that you have selected asset/item numbers for which data does not exist in the FA_TRACKING_EDIT table.  If you select "All," or "From Beginning" in the Range Opt field, these fields will be inactive.

Hint:  Because Lookup can enter a value in only one field, you should first run Lookup from the Asset No field to choose from a list of all asset numbers. Then run Lookup from the Item No field. The list of item numbers will be limited to those associated with the asset number you just entered.

If you save the selection parameters for this process, the selected "From" value(s), as applicable, will be stored in the Query table in the Starting Asset No and Starting Item No columns.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the asset/item number(s) for which you wish to process maintenance transactions. Because this is a standard Lookup to the ASSET table, you may find that you have selected asset/item numbers for which data does not exist in the FA_TRACKING_EDIT table. If you select "All," "One," or "To End" in the Range Opt field, these fields will be inactive.

Hint:  Because Lookup can enter a value in only one field, you should first run Lookup from the Asset No field to choose from a list of all asset numbers. Then, run Lookup from the Item No field. The list of item numbers will be limited to those associated with the asset number you just entered.

If you save the selection parameters for this process, the selected "to" value(s), as applicable, will be stored in the Query table in the Ending Asset No and Ending Item No columns.


Select the Process button on the toolbar to initiate the system process that populates the Maintain Maintenance Info screen with data from the Edit Maintenance Transactions screen based on your selection parameters from this screen.

Note:  If you select the Process button on the toolbar, the system populates ONLY the Maintain Maintenance Info screen for the asset record(s) selected. Although this is the final step in the automatic population of maintenance data to individual asset records, note that you can still make manual edits in the Maintain Maintenance Info screen.

Table Information

The system stores user-defined maintenance labels, as applicable, in the FA_LABELS (Fixed Assets Labels) table.

The process run from this screen inserts maintenance data into the FA_TRACKING (Tracking) table and deletes maintenance data from the FA_TRACKING_EDIT (Tracking Edit) table.

Lookup accesses data from the ASSET (Asset) table.