Data displays in this screen as a result of manual entries or from creating template data and running the process from the Create Transfer Transactions screen. The data resides in this screen on an interim basis, where you can edit it, before the data is written to individual asset transfer history records.
Use this screen to enter, edit, or review transfer data for your entire selected asset records in a single table, before individual records are populated with the data. Once you complete your review in this screen, you can run the final process from the Process Transfer Transactions screen, in which the transfer data from this screen (within your selection parameters) is cleared and is written to the Maintain Transfer Info screen.
You can manually enter transfer data in this screen at any time after you have established the record in the Maintain Asset Master Info screen.
To review or edit system-generated data, you must first create template data, specify selection parameters, and run the process from the Create Transfer Transactions screen. Because the system clears all data from this screen each time you run the final process from the Process Transfer Transactions screen, you should follow the normal sequence when you create transfer records, as follows:
Enter template data in the Create Transfer Template subtask of the Create Transfer Transactions screen.
Enter selection criteria in the Create Transfer Transactions screen.
Execute the process from the Create Transfer Transactions screen.
Edit the interim data in the Edit Transfer Transactions screen.
Select the final range of records and execute the final process in the Process Transfer Transactions screen, in which transfer data is written to the Maintain Transfer Info screen.
In this table window, you can enter, edit, or view transfer data for all asset records. Data can be entered manually, or it may have been system-populated from template data entered in the Create Transfer Transactions screen for ranges of records based on your selection parameters.
When you have entered, edited, and/or reviewed the data in this screen, you can run the process from the Process Transfer Transactions screen, which moves data from this table into the Maintain Transfer Info screen on an asset-by-asset basis.
Edit or enter the date associated with the transfer record in this required field in date format. You can enter multiple rows of data associated with the same date because the system records a line sequence number "behind-the-scenes."
Enter the asset number for which you want to record new transfer data in this required field. Because this entry is validated, you must first have added the record in the Maintain Asset Master Info screen. You can use Lookup to review the available asset numbers previously established in the Maintain Asset Master Info screen.
Enter the item number that is associated with this asset number in this required field. You can use Lookup to review the item numbers previously established in the Maintain Asset Master Info screen.
This field is not available for user entry. The system displays the short description from the Short Description field of the Maintain Asset Master Info main screen. Edits to this field can only be made in the Maintain Asset Master Info main screen or the Maintain Asset Desc Info screen. If you did not establish a short description for this record, this field is blank.
If you designated a label for the first field in the Transfer Labels group box of the Tracking Field Labels screen, your label description displays. You are not required to establish a label for this field. If you did not set up a label for this field, Transfer1 displays as the label for this column in the table window.
For new records, enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters in this optional field.
For existing records, you can edit data that displays in this field or you can add new data to a blank field.
Please refer to the documentation for the Transfer1 (or your label) field.
The system stores transfer data from this screen in the FA_TRACKING_EDIT (Tracking Edit) table.
The system stores user-defined transfer labels, as applicable, in the FA_LABELS (Fixed Assets Labels) table.
Lookup accesses data from the ASSET (Asset) table.