You can use this subtask to enter up to 254 characters of additional information that can be linked with the template record. The notes list box uses typical Windows technology, and supports word-wrap, scrolling, and so on. Notes entered in this screen are saved with the template record, and can be printed separately or in combination with other template fields.
Use this subtask, as desired, to enter notes for both new template records and to edit data in existing templates. You can enter notes in this subtask whenever you choose.
In this group box, you can view the template number and revision number, if applicable, of the record that you are accessing in the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the template number from the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the revision number, if applicable, from the main screen.
For a new template record, enter up to 254 characters in this optional text box.
For an existing template record, you can edit data that displays in this text box, add new data to a blank field, or add additional data, as desired.
The notes from this subtask will automatically display in the Notes subtask of the Maintain Asset Master Info screen and in the Notes field in the Maintain Asset Desc Info screen for a new Asset Master record if you specify the use of this template/revision number, if this template has been specified as the default template in the Default Template for Asset Master group box in the Fixed Assets Settings screen, or if this template/revision number replaces an existing template/revision number in the Template No/Rev No fields in an Asset Master record.
The system stores data displayed in this subtask in the FA_TEMPLATE (Template) table.