Use this subtask to enter purchase information for both new property records and for the initialization of your historical property records. Three fields are system-required: Fiscal Year, Acct Pd, and Subperiod.
For established Asset Master records only:
You can enter, edit, and view the data from this screen in a table window format by accessing the Maintain Asset Purchase Info screen (directly from the Asset Master Records menu). An alternate access route to Asset Master subtask data gives you more flexibility in setting up screen security options for users with different access needs.
If screen rights are set up so the user can access the Maintain Asset Master Info screen from the Asset Master Records menu option, this screen and ALL its subtasks are automatically accessible to the user.
If screen rights are NOT set up for the user to access the Maintain Asset Master Info permissible subtasks in an Asset Master screen, the system administrator can alternately grant or deny access rights using the direct menu option on a screen-by-screen basis, which correlates directly with the data contained in each subtask. In this manner, each user can access only the data from permissible subtasks.
Although the data displays in columnar form in the table window screen, data entry functionality and data rules for each column are identical to their corresponding fields in the Maintain Asset Master Info screen, regardless of which entry screen methodology you establish for each user.
For a new asset record, default data may automatically display in one or more of the Asset Master fields in this subtask. The source of this data is determined by the template number that displays in the Template No/Rev No fields in the main screen. Data may have been copied from a default template specified in the Default Template for Asset Master group box in the Fixed Assets Settings screen or from a specified template other than the default. Initial data that displays as a result of using a template can be edited as desired.
If you want to take advantage of the asset template functionality, you should set up one or more asset templates before you enter data in this screen. Default data can be overwritten on a field-by-field basis in this subtask, as desired. Use caution in the timing of your edits, which may affect the types of records included in system reports.
Although you can enter purchase data in this screen at any time, changes to critical fields such as Fiscal Year, Acct Pd, and Subperiod may cause unexpected results in reports that use these fields as selection parameters. In general, always use caution in the timing of your data edits.
Use this group box to view the asset number and item number of the record that you are accessing in the Asset Master screens.
This non-editable field displays the asset number from the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the item number from the main screen.
Use this group box to enter, edit, or view data related to the purchase order for this asset record.
Enter the purchase order date in this optional field in date format.
For a new asset record, this field will be blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, or you can add data to a blank field as desired.
Enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters to record the purchase order number in this optional field.
For a new asset record, this field will be blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, or you can add data to a blank field as desired.
Enter up to four numeric characters to record the purchase order line number in this optional field.
For a new asset record, this field will be blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, or you can add data to a blank field as desired.
Enter up to three numeric characters to record the release number for a blanket purchase order number in this optional field.
For a new asset record, this field will be blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, or you can add data to a blank field as desired.
Use this group box to enter, edit, or view data related to the receiving function for this asset record.
Enter the receipt date in this optional field in date format.
For a new asset record, this field will be blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, or you can add data to a blank field as desired.
Enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters to record the receipt identifier in this optional field.
For a new asset record, this field will be blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, or you can add data to a blank field as desired.
Enter up to 15 alphanumeric characters to record the packing slip number in this optional field.
For a new asset record, this field will be blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, or you can add data to a blank field as desired.
Use this group box to enter, edit, or view accounts payable data for this asset record.
Enter the invoice date in this optional field in date format.
For a new asset record, this field will be blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, or you can add data to a blank field as desired.
Enter up to 15 alphanumeric characters to record the invoice number in this optional field.
For a new asset record, this field will be blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, or you can add data to a blank field as desired.
Enter the accounts payable voucher date in this optional field in date format.
For a new asset record, this field will be blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, or you can add data to a blank field as desired.
Enter up to nine numeric characters to record the accounts payable voucher number in this optional field.
For a new asset record, this field will be blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, or you can add data to a blank field as desired.
Enter up to five numeric characters to record the accounts payable voucher line number in this optional field.
For a new asset record, this field is blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
For an existing asset record, you can edit the data that displays in this field, or you can add data to a blank field as desired.
Use this group box to enter, edit, or view timing data relative to the acquisition of the asset.
For a new manually created asset record, the system automatically supplies default data for the following blank fields:
Fiscal Year, Acct Pd, and Subperiod: The system displays the current FY/Pd/Subpd data from the Posting Settings screen.
Date: The system displays the beginning date of the displayed Fiscal Year and Accounting Period, which is obtained from the Maintain FA Accounting Periods screen and is always the same, regardless of the displayed subperiod.
You can edit the initial default data that displays in these fields as needed. If you overwrite the default data and manually change the Fiscal Year/Acct Pd/Subperiod data, the system will NOT automatically insert corresponding data in the Date field. In addition, if you overwrite the default Fiscal Year/Acct Pd/Subperiod data with blanks, the system will NOT automatically blank out data in the Date field.
During the manual entry or edit of data in these fields, the system does not validate your FY, period, and subperiod data against any established table data.
For a new manually created asset record, the system automatically displays the current FY/Pd/Subpd data from the Posting Settings screen. There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
Enter the appropriate fiscal year that relates to the purchase (or acquisition) date for the property in this system-required field or accept the system default that automatically displays. Although there is no system validation of the fiscal year, you should note that many standard system reports use the fiscal year as one of the report selection parameters. In addition, you will find that the fiscal year is an important field when using Query or when designing user-specific output with Impromptu.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, as desired. Note that the data entered in this field should reflect the fiscal year that relates to the purchase (or acquisition) date for this property record, and not necessarily the current fiscal year.
For a new manually created asset record, the system automatically displays the current FY/Pd/Subpd data from the Posting Settings screen.
There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
Enter the accounting period that relates to the purchase (or acquisition) date for this property record in this system-required field or accept the system default that automatically displays. Although there is no system validation of the accounting period, you should note that many standard system reports use the accounting period as one of the report selection parameters. In addition, you will find that Acct Pd is an important field when using Query or when designing user-specific output with Impromptu.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, as desired. Note that the data entered in this field should reflect the accounting period that relates to the purchase (or acquisition) date for this property record, and not necessarily the current accounting period.
For a new manually created asset record, the system automatically displays the current FY/Pd/Subpd data from the Posting Settings screen.
There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
Enter the accounting subperiod that relates to the purchase (or acquisition) date for this property record in this system-required field or accept the system default that automatically displays. Although there is no system validation of the subperiod, you should note that many standard system reports use the accounting subperiod as one of the report selection parameters. In addition, you will find that Subperiod is an important field when using Query or when designing user-specific output with Impromptu.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, as desired. Note that the data entered in this field should reflect the accounting subperiod that relates to the purchase (or acquisition) date for this property record, and not necessarily the current accounting subperiod.
For a new manually created asset record, the system automatically displays the beginning date of the displayed Fiscal Year and Accounting Period which is obtained from the Maintain FA Accounting Periods screen and is always the same, regardless of the displayed subperiod.
There is no corresponding Asset Template field.
Enter the acquisition date that relates to the purchase (or acquisition) date for this property record in this optional field in date format or accept the system default that automatically displays.
The acquisition date displays both in this field and in the Acq Date field of the Government Info subtask. If you have entered a date in the Acq Date field of the Government Info subtask, the date from that field automatically displays in this field, where it can be overwritten. Conversely, overwrites to the date in this field automatically display in the Acq Date field of the Government Info subtask.
Although there is no system validation of the acquisition date, you should note that several standard system reports use the acquisition date as one of the report selection parameters. In addition, you may find that the acquisition date is an important field when using Query or when designing user-specific output with Impromptu.
If you enter data in this field, you may want to develop some internal rules on its use because there are four other (optional) date fields within this subtask: PO Date, Receipt Date, Inv Date, and Vchr Date.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, or you can add data to a blank field, as desired. Although there are no system rules regarding the date entered in this field, the date entered in this field should relate to the purchase of the property and be consistent with your entries in the Fiscal Year, Acct Pd, and Subperiod fields.
Use this group box to enter, edit, or view data on the vendor associated with the purchase of this asset record.
For a new asset record, enter up to 12 alphanumeric characters to record the vendor ID in this optional field.
You may find that this field is already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No/Rev No fields in the main screen. Data may have been copied from a default template designated in the Default Template for Asset Master group box in the Fixed Assets Settings screen.
If your entry matches an established vendor already set up in the Maintain Vendors table in Costpoint Accounts Payable, the vendor name will automatically display in the Vendor Name field in this screen. You can use Lookup if you need to review the available vendors. Note that if you enter a vendor ID for an asset record that has not been previously set up in the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable, the vendor ID will only be in effect for the asset record and will not be written back to the Maintain Vendors table.
For an existing asset record, this field will display the latest selection you made when you originally added or edited the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template specified in the Template No/Rev No fields, if a template is used. It may not always be easy to identify the source of the Asset Master data because template functionality in this screen and in the Edit Autocreation Transactions screen allows you to overwrite ALL existing data with template data or to populate only BLANK fields with template data.
Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record, as needed, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism).
For a new asset record, enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters to record the vendor name in this optional field.
You may find that this field is already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No/Rev No fields in the main screen. Data may have been copied from a default template designated in the Default Template for Asset Master group box in the Fixed Assets Settings screen.
If your entry in the Vendor ID field matches an established vendor already set up in the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable, the appropriate vendor name from that table will automatically display in this field. You can overwrite the table-provided vendor name with a different name, if desired. Note that edits to the table-provided vendor name in this field will only be in effect for the asset record, and will not be written back to the Maintain Vendors table.
For an existing asset record, this field will display the latest selection you made when you originally added or edited the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template specified in the Template No/Rev No fields, if a template is used. It may not always be easy to identify the source of the Asset Master data because template functionality in this screen and in the Edit Autocreation Transactions screen allows you to overwrite ALL existing data with template data or to populate only BLANK fields with template data.
Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record, as needed, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism).
Use this group box to enter, edit, or view data on the manufacturer associated with the purchase of this asset record.
For a new asset record, enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters to record the manufacturer ID in this optional field.
You may find that this field is already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No/Rev No fields in the main screen. Data may have been copied from a default template designated in the Default Template for Asset Master group box in the Fixed Assets Settings screen.
If your entry matches an established manufacturer already set up in the Manufacturer table in Costpoint Product Definition, the manufacturer name will automatically display in the Manufacturer Name field in this screen. You can use Lookup if you need to review the available manufacturers. Note that if you enter a manufacturer ID for the asset record that has not been previously set up in the Alternate Part table in Costpoint Product Definition, the manufacturer ID will only be in effect for the asset record and will not be written back to the Alternate Part table.
You may find that this field is already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No/Rev No fields in this screen. Data may have been copied from a default template designated in the Default Template for Asset Master group box in the Fixed Assets Settings screen.
For an existing asset record, this field will display the latest selection you made when you originally added or edited the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template specified in the Template No/Rev No fields, if a template is used. It may not always be easy to identify the source of the Asset Master data because template functionality in this screen and in the Edit Autocreation Transactions screen allows you to overwrite ALL existing data with template data or to populate only BLANK fields with template data.
Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record, as needed, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism).
For a new asset record, enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters to record the manufacturer name in this optional field.
You may find that this field is already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No/Rev No fields in the main screen. Data may have been copied from a default template designated in the Default Template for Asset Master group box in the Fixed Assets Settings screen.
If your entry in the Mfg ID field matches an established manufacturer already set up in the Manufacturer table in Costpoint Product Definition, the appropriate manufacturer name from that table will automatically display in this field. You can overwrite the table-provided manufacturer name with a different name, if desired. Note that edits to the table-provided manufacturer name in this field will only be in effect for the asset record, and will not be written back to the Alternate Part table.
For an existing asset record, this field will display the latest selection you made when you originally added or edited the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template specified in the Template No/Rev No fields, if a template is used. It may not always be easy to identify the source of the Asset Master data because template functionality in this screen and in the Edit Autocreation Transactions screen allows you to overwrite ALL existing data with template data or to populate only BLANK fields with template data.
Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record, as needed, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism).
For a new asset record, enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters in this optional field.
You may find that this field is already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No/Rev No fields in the main screen. Data may have been copied from a default template designated in the Default Template for Asset Master group box in the Fixed Assets Settings screen.
For an existing asset record, this field will display the latest selection you made when you originally added or edited the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template specified in the Template No/Rev No fields, if a template is used. It may not always be easy to identify the source of the Asset Master data because template functionality in this screen and in the Edit Autocreation Transactions screen allows you to overwrite ALL existing data with template data or to populate only BLANK fields with template data.
Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record, as needed, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism).
For a new asset record, this field will be blank. There is no corresponding Asset Template field. Enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters in this optional field to record the serial number.
For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this field, or you can add data to a blank field as desired.
Use this group box to specify whether this record is New or Used in this system-required field. The system default for this group box is New.
You may find that this field is already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No/Rev No fields in the main screen. Data may have been copied from a default template designated in the Default Template for Asset Master group box in the Fixed Assets Settings screen.
For an existing asset record, this field will display the latest selection you made when you originally added or edited the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template specified in the Template No/Rev No fields, if a template is used. It may not always be easy to identify the source of the Asset Master data because template functionality in this screen and in the Edit Autocreation Transactions screen allows you to overwrite ALL existing data with template data or to populate only BLANK fields with template data.
Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record, as needed, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism).
The Asset Master data displayed in the Purchase Info subtask of the Maintain Asset Master Info screen is stored in the ASSET table.
The Lookups in this screen access data from the VEND and MANUF tables, as applicable.