Use this subtask to view all inventory rows for the displayed parts. If the Action Code is "A - Add," "R - Replace," or "V - New Rev" in the header, the original part/ revision information will be displayed. Otherwise, the change-to part information will be shown.
This field displays the selected ECN ID. The adjacent, unlabeled field displays the description of the selected ECN.
This field displays the part ID for the ECN. The unlabeled field below this field displays the description of the part.
This field displays the revision number for the part.
This field displays the unit of measure for the part.
This field displays the project ID for the ECN.
This field displays the net available quantity of the part.
This field displays the current available quantity of the part.
This field displays the on-hand quantity of the part.
This field displays the in-inspection quantity of the part.
This field displays the in-MRB quantity of the part.
This field displays the in-shipping quantity of the part.
This field displays the on-order quantity of the part.
This field displays the on-requisition quantity of the part.
This field displays the reserved quantity of the part.
This field displays the owed quantity of the part.
This field displays the planned-reserved quantity of the part.
This field displays the planned-owed quantity of the part.
This field displays the on-hold quantity of the part.
This field displays the abbreviation for the associated project.
This filed displays the name of the associated project.
This field displays the netting group for the associated project.
Select this pushbutton to open the Part Inventory Detail subtask, where you can view inventory abbreviation and location detail for the selected project.