Use this subtask to view all approval rows for the selected ECN ID.  The fields in this screen display information from the ECN Approval Detail subtask of the Maintain ECNs and Approve ECNs screens.


This field displays the selected ECN ID.

The ECN description displays to the right of the Rev field.


This field displays the selected revision number of the selected ECN.


This field displays the selected ECN's status.

Table Window


This field displays the ECN's approval revision number.


This field displays the ECN's approval sequence number.

Approval Title

This field displays the ECN's approval title.

Action Code

This field displays the ECN's action code.

User ID

This field displays the approval user ID for the ECN.


This field displays the employee ID of the person who rejected or approved this approval title.

Employee Name

This field displays the name of the employee identified in the Employee field.

Action Date/Time

This field displays the approval action date/time for the ECN.


This field displays the phone number of the user who approved the ECN.

Phone Ext

This field displays the phone extension of the user who approved the ECN.

Rejection Reason

This field displays the reason for rejection of the ECN.

Rejection Reason Desc

This field displays the description of the ECN's rejection reason.

Approval Notes

This field displays the approval notes for the ECN.

Approval Type

This field displays the approval type for the ECN.

Customer Approval

This field displays either "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether or not the ECN has customer approval. This field will be disabled if you selected a Customer Approval Method of "M - Manual" in the EC Settings screen.


Use this pushbutton to open the ECN Approval users subtask, which shows the users/employees who can approve this title. This pushbutton will be disabled if the ECN's Action Code is "A" (Approved) or "R" (Rejected), or if the Approval Type is "S" (Signature).