Use this screen to set up individual approval titles, or steps, that will be used to approve engineering change notices. You can assign one or more users to these titles if you want to use online approval ECNs in the Approve ECNs screen. Use the Assign User Approval subtask to designate who can electronically approve this step. After you enter approval title information, you can assign Approval Title Codes to an approval process in the EC Approval Processes screen.
This application is similar to the Requisition Approval Titles screen in Costpoint Procurement Planning where approval titles and users are set up for requisition approval.
Enter a descriptive name for the group assigned to approve engineering changes. You can enter up to 15 alphanumeric characters in this required field. The first character cannot be a space.
Select this checkbox to require that approval title users be linked to the ECN project in order to approve the ECN.
You can override the fields in this group box during the approval process function.
Enter the minimum ECN cost amount this group needs to approve. This amount cannot be negative. If the Minimum Amount is zero, there is no minimum.
Enter the maximum ECN cost amount this group needs to approve. This amount cannot be negative. You can enter up to 999,999,999,999.99 as the maximum amount. If the Maximum Amount is zero, there is no maximum.
Use the drop-down box to indicate whether the approval is "Electronic" (done online using the Approve ECNs screen), by "Signature" (printed on the ECN traveler hardcopy), or "Both."
Select this checkbox to force the group's users to be tied to the ECN's organization in Organizational Security. Before selecting this checkbox, select the Org Security checkbox in the System Settings screen in Costpoint System Administration.
Select this checkbox to specify you want only approvers with an employee ID included in the project work force of the ECN's approval project to be eligible to approve that ECN.
Select this checkbox if this approval step represents a customer approval. If you select this checkbox, any applicable ECNs will require customer approval when this approval title is assigned to an approval process in the EC Approval Processes screen.
Select this checkbox to allow approvers to change non-configuration ECN data during approval.
Select this checkbox to allow approvers to change ECN configuration data during approval.
Select this checkbox if you want users to be notified of pending ECNs needing their approval via Costpoint Workflow.
Select this checkbox if this approval title applies to Class I ECNs.
Select this checkbox if this approval title applies to Class 1.5 ECNs.
Select this checkbox if this approval title applies to Class II ECNs.
Select this pushbutton to open the Assign User Approval subtask to specify which users can perform electronic approval for this title.