As the next step, use this screen to create the consolidation entry. This will create the transfer entry in the performing consolidation company.
Beginning in FS_ SUM (a Costpoint General Ledger table), the system summarizes costs by account/organization for the fiscal year selected up to and including the period you select.
If you have selected the Inception-To-Date option as the Consolidation Calculation Method in the Consolidation Settings screen, the process will include the beginning balances from prior years, which are located in the BEG_AMT column in the FS_SUM table. This process will take place regardless of the S_ACCT_TYPE_CD in the ACCT table (the beginning balance for income statement accounts is zero).
Next, the application verifies that the entry is balanced and complete. All accounts must be transferred. This includes both balance sheet and income statement accounts. If you have mapped all accounts to consolidation account/organizations, this entry will always balance or net to zero. You can NEVER transfer unbalanced entries.
If the entry does not balance, the system compares the account/organizations from the FS_ SUM table with the subset of account/organizations from the entry you tried to create. The difference between the two represents account/organizations that are not mapped to consolidation account/organizations. These account/organizations and their respective balances are printed on an exception report.
If the entry is out of balance, you must map the missing account/organizations to the consolidation account/organizations and start the process over.
The consolidation entry is generated in the form of a journal entry and will contain header information such as the location performing the transfer, the entry number, user ID, and date of creation and description. The lines will contain the consolidation account/organizations and amounts for transfer. Depending on whether the transfer is internal or external, the consolidation entry will be created either directly in the receiving company or in a file that can be uploaded and posted.
Use this screen after the Link Consolidation Locations screen and before the Consolidation Transfer History screen.
Use the drop-down box to select a receiving location code. Only active location codes are available for selection. The home location of your login company is not available.
Enter, or use the drop-down box to select, the fiscal year for which you want this consolidation entry to be created.
Enter, or use the drop-down box to select, the period for which you want this consolidation entry to be created. Costpoint uses the last subperiod of this period to create the consolidation entry.
Use the Select pushbutton to choose a name and file path for the output file. After you have made your choice, the file path and filename will be displayed in the untitled field to the right, where it can be edited.
The Output File group box will be enabled only if the receiving location is external.
Select this checkbox to create the individual account/orgs from the wildcards entered in the Consolidation Acct/Org Mappings screen. Select this checkbox any time you add new accounts or orgs in Costpoint that are created using wildcards. Even if you do not use wildcards, you should select this checkbox any time you have added new account/orgs to the Consolidation Acct/Org Mappings screen.
This non-editable field displays the sending company's functional currency.
This non-editable field displays the receiving company's functional currency.
Select this pushbutton to review the currency and rates that will be used to convert the sending company's functional currency to the receiving company's functional currency. This pushbutton will be enabled only if the From and To currencies are different.
Historical or weighted average historical rates from the RT_BY_PD table do not display in this screen. By default, stockholders' equity accounts are translated using historical exchange rates, and equity account overrides can be entered in the Consolidation Equity Accounts Override screen.
Use this button on the toolbar to create the consolidation entry using the selected location, fiscal year, and period.
Data entered in this screen is stored in the following tables: