In this step, use this screen to link locations that will be receiving information with a consolidation mapping code, so that account/ organization data from the sending company can be mapped to the specific account/organization structure of the receiving company.

Use this screen after the Maintain Transfer Locations screen and before the Create Consolidation Entry screen.

Receiving Location

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the receiving location. You must have already established the location code in the Maintain Transfer Locations screen.

Location Name

After you have entered a location code in the Receiving Location column, press the Tab button on your keyboard and the location name, from the Maintain Transfer Locations screen, will display in this field.

Consolidation Mapping Code

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the consolidation mapping code. You must have already established the code in the Consolidation Acct/Org Mappings screen.  Note that this mapping code must have the Validate Consolidation Accounts checkbox selected in the Consolidation Acct/Org Mappings screen if the Receiving Location on this line is an internal location.

Consolidation Mapping Description

After you have entered a mapping code in the Consolidation Mapping Code column, press the Tab button on your keyboard and the consolidation mapping description, from the Consolidation Acct/Org Mappings screen, will display in this column.

Consolidate Percentage

Select the Consolidate Percentage pushbutton to open the Consolidation Percentage subtask, where you can enter a consolidation percentage that will be used in the consolidation process.