Use the Print Cash Forecast screen to print cash forecasts.
You will first need to set up organization security screens in Costpoint System Administration. You can activate organization security in the Maintain Users and System Settings screens.
For more information about organization security and how to apply it, please refer to System Administration Special Topic SA-5 -- Organizational Security -- and the documentation for the Organizational Security menu in Costpoint System Administration.
You can print cash forecasts at any time.
Enter, or select from the drop-down list, a template code in this required field. The template codes you previously established in the Maintain Cash Forecast Templates screen will display as the selection options.
Enter, or select from the drop-down list, a frequency code in this required field.
Use the dropdown list to select a frequency code from the values: None, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly.
Select a Balance Sheet Organization range option for the cash forecast. The system defined options are: All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End.
Enter, or use to select, the starting Balance
Sheet Organization for the cash forecast. If the range option selection
criteria indicates All or From Beginning, then this field will
become inactive.
Enter, or use to select, the ending Balance
Sheet Organization for the cash forecast. If the range option selection
criteria indicates All, One, or To
End, then this field will be inactive.