From this process screen, you can select the template created in the Maintain Cash Forecast Templates screen as a parameter from which to create the cash forecast report. The system will generate the cash forecast based on the lines linked to the accounts (in which data was entered by means of various Costpoint screens).
There are two steps to the Create Preliminary Cash Forecasts process. The first step determines the actual beginning balance:
The system begins by selecting the last accounting period end balance prior to the cash forecast start date.
Rows are selected for all accounts that match the accounts linked to the cash forecast lines and the organization(s) that match the screen selection(s).
The amounts are summarized by balance sheet organization.
The system adds in any amounts that were not posted in or prior to the last fiscal year/period in which the appropriate date falls between the last accounting period end date and the cash forecast starting date.
The second step in this process is to calculate the forecasted amounts that are going to be included in the Cash Forecast based on the selected cash forecast range parameters.
This is the most complex application of the cash forecasting functionality, in which the system will retrieve the posted data from the tables.
For example, in Accounts Payable, the system will look for vouchers that were entered and posted. When vouchers are entered, the system will retrieve data from the VCHR HDR and LN tables. When vouchers are posted, the data will come from the VCHR HDR_HS and LN_HS tables.
During this process, the system will run the necessary queries to pull the forecasted amounts into the report in accordance with the accounts that were linked to the forecast lines in the template, and how the date-specific columns were set up in the Create Preliminary Cash Forecasts screen.
Use this screen after you have created the cash forecast template.
Use the fields in this group box to select a template code and frequency code for the process.
Enter, or select from the drop-down list, a template code in this required field. The template codes you established in the Maintain Cash Forecast Templates screen display as the selection options. The template code can be used in conjunction with different frequency codes.
This non-editable field displays the template code description that you established for the template code in the Maintain Cash Forecast Templates screen.
Enter, or select from the drop-down list, a frequency code in this required field.
The pre-set system options are: None,
Daily, Weekly,
Monthly or Quarterly.
The frequency code can be used in conjunction with different template
codes which allows for the user to select from the drop down list rather
than use .
Use the fields in this group box to choose the balance sheet organization selection parameters for the process.
Click on the down arrow to display the Balance Sheet Organization Range Options. The default setting is All, which will populate cash forecasts for all existing organizations with accounting activity for the screen selections.
Enter the starting Balance Sheet Organization. If the Range Option selection criteria indicates All or From Beginning, then this field will become inactive.
Enter the ending Balance Sheet Organization. If the Range Option selection criteria indicates All, One or To End, then this field will be inactive.
Use the fields in this group box to specify default column headings and ending dates to be used by the system during the process.
From this required field, enter up to 16 alphanumeric characters to specify the default column heading for printing the Cash Forecast.
There is a maximum of 6 headings available as the cash forecast can only display a maximum of 6 columns.
This non-editable field will be displayed automatically in combination with the frequency code and the first ending date.
Enter the first end date associated with the frequency code. This will allow the system to calculate the data to be included in the difference columns as per the parameters identified in the Cash Forecast Ranges group box.
Use the check box selections in this group box to indicate whether to include PO commitments and/or clear adjustments associated with this forecast.
Select this check box to include commitments created by purchase order entry. As a result, purchases do not have a material cash impact before vouchers are created. The user decides to include the PO commitment in the Maintain Cash Forecasts Templates screen by selecting the check box. This option confirms the PO commitment selection.
Select this check box to clear all adjustments associated with this forecast. To reuse this cash forecast, adjustments entered in the Edit Preliminary Cash Forecasts screen must be cleared by selecting this check box.