Use this screen to perform an earned value inquiry or an Estimate to Complete (ETC) inquiry.

An earned value inquiry computes the value earned (your billing amount or profit depending on how Costpoint Project Setup was initialized) to date for this project. This amount may be higher or lower than the ETC. An ETC inquiry computes a project's ETC in dollars. For example, if the budget is $1,000 and the incurred-to-date (actual figures from the Projects folder) is $500, the ETC should be $500 (the percentage complete would be 50%, and the Latest Revised Estimate at Completion (LREAC) should be $1000). However, if the project is over budget, the ETC may be higher.

Run the Update Incurred Costs for Project Budgets screen (Projects » Advanced Project Budgeting » Project Budget and ETC Master) for the selected project, and all project levels below the selected project, before running an inquiry.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, a project with which to begin the ETC inquiry. The unnamed field to the right is non-editable and displays the project name.

To retrieve all budget rows for all projects, select the Project Level option in the Calculate Percentage group box, enter a percentage in the Enter Optional Completion Pct field, and select the Execute button on the toolbar; or select the Org/Acct Level option in the Calculate Percentage group box and click the Execute button.

Budget Type

Use the options in this group box to select the type of budget you would like to see.


Select this option to retrieve baseline budget inquiries. This option is the default.


Select this option to use only the active, or current, workplan budget.

Inquiry Type

Use the options in this group box to determine the columns displayed for your inquiry. Not all columns will be available for both inquiries. Select Earned Value to measure performance and scheduled performance for projects. Select ETC to calculate the amount remaining to be spent on the project.

Earned Value

Select this option to retrieve an earned value inquiry for a project or group of projects. Earned value can be displayed for either baseline or workplan budgets and at any project level or rolled up to include the entire project. This option is the default.

Earned Value computes the amount earned to date, based on the percentage complete entered for the project.


Select this option to retrieve an ETC for a project or group of projects. ETC can be displayed for either baseline or workplan budgets and at any project level or rolled up to include the entire project. ETC displays remaining amounts (to be expended) for the project.

Calculate Percentage

Use the options in this group box to select the basis for the calculation of percent complete.

Project Level

Select this option to use the percentage to complete for the project selected. This percentage complete will default from the Maintain Project Budgets and ETC screen, or you can enter an optional percentage in the Enter Optional Completion Pct field. This option is the default.

Org / Acct Level

Select this option to use the percentage complete for the project selected to calculate at the org/account level. The percentage complete will default from the Maintain Project Budgets and ETC screen, or you can enter a percentage in the Enter Optional Completion Pct field.

Enter Optional Completion Pct

Enter the percentage of completion for this project. Leave this field empty to use the percentage entered in the ETC subtask of the Maintain Project Budgets and ETC screen (Projects » Advanced Project Budgeting » Project Budget and ETC Master) for calculation of the data displayed in the table window. You must enter data in this field to populate the table window if you selected the Project Level option in the Calculate Percentage group box. If you selected the Org/Acct Level option in the Calculate Percentage group box, this field is optional.

Table Window

The columns in this table are determined by the selection made in the Calculate Percentage group box, either Project Level or Org/Acct Level. To populate the table, click the Execute icon on the toolbar.  The columns in this table are non-editable.


This column displays the project ID for this row of budgeting data.

Project Name

This column displays the project name for this row of budgeting data.

Budget Type

This column displays the budget type for this row of budgeting data.

Owning Org

This column displays the owning organization for this row of budgeting data and is available only if you selected the Project Level option.


This column displays the performing organization for this row of budgeting data and is available only if you selected the Org/Acct Level option.


This column displays the account for this row of budgeting data and is available only if you selected the Org/Acct Level option.

Fiscal Year

This column displays the fiscal year for this row of budgeting data.


This column displays the fiscal period for this row of budgeting data.

Total Budget Amt

This column displays the total budget amount for this row of budgeting data.

ITD Budget Amt

This column displays the Inception-to-Date (ITD) budget amount for this row of budgeting data and is available only if you selected the Earned Value option.

ITD Incurred

This column displays the ITD incurred for this row of budgeting data.

% Complete

This column displays the percent complete for this row of budgeting data.


This column displays the ETC for this row of budgeting data and is available only if you selected the ETC option.


This column displays the Latest Revised Estimate at Completion (LREAC) for this row of budgeting data and is available only if you selected the ETC option (LREAC = ITD Incurred + ETC (Estimate To Complete)).

ITD Earned Value

This column displays the ITD earned value for this row of budgeting data and is available only if you selected the Earned Value option. ITD earned value is the project budget amount times the percentage earned (complete).

% Expended

This column displays the percent expended for this row of budgeting data and is available only if you selected the Earned Value option. Percent expended is the incurred amount divided by the budget amount.

ITD Variance

This column displays the ITD variance for this row of budgeting data and is available only if you selected the Earned Value option. ITD variance is the total amount spent on this project to date less than the ITD budget amount.

ITD Sch Variance

This column displays the ITD scheduled variance for this row of budgeting data and is available only if you selected the Earned Value option. ITD scheduled variance is the variance between the ITD earned value amount and the ITD budget amount.

Remaining Effort

This column displays the remaining effort for this row of budgeting data and is available only if you selected the Earned Value option. Remaining effort is the remaining value to earn via completing the project.


This column displays the backlog for this row of budgeting data and is available only if you selected the Earned Value option. Backlog is an estimate of the remaining amount to spend in order to complete the project.

Contract Cost

This column displays the contract cost for this row of budgeting data.

Contract Fees

This column displays the contract fees for this row of budgeting data.

Contract Total

This column displays the contract total for this row of budgeting data.

Project Manager

This column displays the project manager for this row of budgeting data. The Project Manager for this row's project is determined in the Maintain Project Master screen (Projects » Project Setup » Project Master).

Project Start Date

This column displays the project start date for this row of budgeting data. The Project Start Date for this row's project is determined in the Modifications screen (Projects » Project Setup » Controls).

Project End Date

This column displays the project end date for this row of budgeting data. The Project End Date for this row's project is determined in the Modifications screen (Projects » Project Setup » Controls).


This column displays the revision for this row of budgeting data. Revisions are applicable only to workplan budgets.

Form View

Highlight a row of data and click this button to display the entire row contents on one screen.

Tables Accessed