Use this subtask to view information about the components of the selected assembly.
The fields in this group box provide basic information about the assembly.
This field displays the assembly or parent part of the MBOM. A description of the part displays in the untitled field below this field.
This field displays the revision of the assembly or parent part of the MBOM.
This field displays the release status of the MBOM for the assembly part.
This field displays the release status of the assembly part.
This table window displays component part information for the MBOM assembly in the main screen. All component parts must be released (i.e., the Release Comp field must be "Y") before the assembly's BOM Status can be "R" (Released). If the component part is an MBOM subassembly (i.e., the Subassembly field is "Y"), the BOM Status field and the Release Comp field must be "R" and "Y" (Released), respectively, before the MBOM can be released. If the component part is not a subassembly, the Release Comp field must be "Y" (Released), and the Component Part Status must be "Released," "Obsolete," or " Phase-out" before the assembly's MBOM Status can be "R" (Released) in the main screen. If the Component Part Status is "Pre-release" or "Estimating," use the Basic Part Data screen, Maintain MBOM screen, or Release MBOM screen to change the part status.
If you attempt to change the assembly's MBOM Status field to "R" (Released) in the main screen and try to save the record while the component's BOM Status field is "U" (Unreleased), the system will display a warning message indicating that the MBOM cannot be released (along with a list of the components' part/revision numbers) because the component part is an unreleased subassembly. You must change the component's BOM Status to "Released" in the Maintain MBOM or Release MBOM screen. You must release lower-level assemblies before the higher-level assemblies on a given multi-level MBOM.
This field displays the line number for this MBOM component line.
This field displays the drawing find number for this MBOM component line.
This field displays the component part number for this MBOM line.
This field displays the component part revision for this MBOM line.
This field displays the description of the component part/rev.
This field indicates whether or not this MBOM component line has been released. All component parts must be released (i.e., the Release Comp field must be "Y") before the assembly's BOM Status can be "R" (Released).
If the component is an MBOM subassembly (i.e., the Subassembly field is "Y"), this field displays "R" (Released), "P" (Pre-release) or "U" (Unreleased) as the release status from the Maintain MBOM or Release MBOM screens. If the Subassembly field is "N," the component part is not an MBOM subassembly, so this field will display "N" (Not applicable).
This field displays the status of the component part. The value in this field is linked to the Part Status Type field in the Basic Part Data screen (in Costpoint Product Definition) and to the Part Status fields in the Maintain MBOM and Release MBOM screens. The component and assembly part's status must be "R" (Released), "O" (Obsolete), or "S" (Phase-out) before the MBOM Status can be "R" (Released). You cannot release MBOMs if the Part Status field or Component Part Status field is "P" (Pre-release) or "E" (Estimating).
This field displays the component type code: "B" (Buy with Components), "S" (Standard), "P" (Phantom), "R" (Reference), and "T" (Tool).
This field displays the component quantity type code from the main screen: "A" (Per Assembly), "O" (Per Order), and "R" (As Required).
This field displays the component part quantity for the MBOM.
This field displays the inventory unit of measure for the component.
This field displays the "M" (Make)/"B" (Buy) status of the component.
This field displays the configuration ID in which this component will be used when planning this BOM.
This field displays the description of the selected configuration.
This field displays the date this component will become effective in this MBOM.
This field displays the date this component will cease to be effective in this MBOM.
This field displays the component's reference designator text for this assembly.
This field displays any comments that apply to this MBOM component.
This field displays whether this component is a subassembly ("Y") or not ("N"). If the component is an MBOM subassembly, the BOM Status field will display the subassembly's release status from the Maintain MBOM and Release MBOM screens.
This field displays the user ID of the person who first entered this component line.
This field displays the date and time when the component line was first entered.
This field displays the user ID of the person who made the most recent change to the component line.
This field displays the ID of the last Engineering Change Notice (ECN) for this component part.
The information in this screen is stored in the following tables: MFG_BOM, ITEM, PART, ITEM_UM, S_STATUS_TYPE, BOM_CONFIG, and MFG_BOM_REF.