Use this subtask to link one or more projects to a configuration ID for reporting, inquiry, and default purposes only. You can link projects to more than one configuration ID, and you can link inactive projects to a configuration ID.


This non-editable field displays the configuration ID of the line selected on the main screen. The configuration ID description from the main screen displays in the adjacent field.

Table Window


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ID of a valid project to link to this configuration. This required field is populated automatically if you enter data in the Proj Abbrev field.

Proj Abbrev

Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid abbreviation of the project to link to this configuration. This required field is populated automatically if you enter data in the Project field.

Project Name

This field displays the description of the project entered or selected.


This field displays "Y" (Yes) if the project is active (and is therefore chargeable), or "N" (No) if the project is inactive and is not chargeable. The value in this field defaults from the Active checkbox in the Maintain Project Master screen in Project Setup.

Starting Date

This field displays the period of performance starting date of the project.

Ending Date

This field displays the period of performance ending date of the project.

Table Information

The BOM_CONFIG_PROJ table stores the configuration/project link settings from this screen.