Use this screen to print the Units Usage History Report. This report gathers all posted units usage entries from the Units Usage History tables. You can print this report by document number, project, fiscal year, period, and subperiod.
Print this report after posting the units usage entry journal.
Use this group box to select the documents to include on the Units Usage History Report.
Use this drop-down list to select the range of documents to include on this report. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
The default for this field is All.
Enter, or use to select, the starting document for
the range you want to include in the report. If you selected All
or From Beginning in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use to select, the ending document for the
range you want to include in the report. If you selected All,
One, or To
End in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Use this group box to select the projects to include on the Units Usage History Report.
Use this drop-down list to select the range of projects to include on this report. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
The default for this field is All.
Enter, or use to select, the starting project for the
range you want to include in the report. If you selected All
or From Beginning in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use to select, the ending project for the
range you want to include in the report. If you selected All,
One, or To
End in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Use this group box to select the subperiods to include on the Units Usage History Report.
Use this drop-down list to select the range of subperiods to include on this report. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
The default for this field is All.
Enter the starting fiscal year for the units usage history you want to print.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the starting period of the range you want to include in the report. If you selected All or From Beginning in the Range Option field, these fields will be inactive.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select the starting subperiod of the range you want to include in the report. If you selected All or From Beginning in the Range Option field, these fields will be inactive.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the ending period of the range you want to include in the report. If you select All, One, or To End in the Range Option field, these fields will be inactive. The period end date will display to the field to the right.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the ending subperiod of the range you want to include in the report. If you select All, One, or To End in the Range Option field, these fields will be inactive. The period end date will display to the field to the right.
Use this group box to select the sorting order you would like on your report.
Select this option to sort the report by document. This option is selected by default.
Select this option to sort the report by project.
This report pulls information from the following tables: