Use this screen to print the Open Billing Detail Report. This report contains much of the unbilled transaction information found in the Maintain Open Billing Detail screen (Projects » Billing » Prepare Billings). It contains only transactions that have not been included on a posted bill.
Detailed information on the report includes:
Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod
Source Journal
Transaction Description
Journal Entry Number or Voucher No.
Timesheet Date
General Labor Category
Project Labor Category
Labor ID Type (Employee or Vendor)
Employee or Vendor Name
You can print this report at any time, but you may find it most helpful to print immediately after posting the bills, so that unbilled transactions can be viewed. Additionally, you may want to print immediately before calculating your bills to get an idea of the transactions awaiting billing.
Use this group box to select the ending period you would like to print. All transactions in Open Billing Detail that are this period or before will be printed on the report.
Use this drop-down list to select the fiscal year for which you want to print. All transactions in the Open Billing Detail table that have fiscal years up to and including the fiscal year selected here will be printed on the report.
Use this drop-down list to select the period for which you want to print. All transactions in the Open Billing Detail table that have periods up to and including the period selected here will be printed on the report.
Use this drop-down list to select the subperiod for which you want to print. All transactions in the Open Billing Detail table that have subperiods up to and including the subperiod here will be printed on the report.
Use this group box to limit the projects that will be included in the report.
Use the drop-down list to select the range of projects you want printed on the report. This range must include, for each project that you want on the report, the Invoice Project (the highest level of the project that you are billing). The transactions that have been posted at and below the invoice project level will be included on the report, regardless of whether or not they have been established in the Project Billing Info screen (Projects » Billing » Billing Master or Projects » Project Setup » Revenue Setup). Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
Enter, or use to select, a valid starting project.
The project entered here is validated against the projects entered in
the Basic Info screen (Projects » Project
Setup » Project Master).
Enter, or use to select, a valid ending project. The
project entered here is validated against the projects entered in the
Basic Info screen (Projects » Project
Setup » Project Master).
Select this check box to create a customized, non-contiguous, list in the Noncontiguous Range list box. The list mode function is different from using a Range because you can include or exclude any projects of your choice.
Using the Range box, select from the following options:
From Beginning
To End
Enter the project in the From field and/or the To field. Click the Apply button to add this project or range of projects to the Noncontiguous Range list box. Once you have selected the list mode, any projects appearing in the From/To range will not be printed unless they have been added to the Noncontiguous Range list box with the Apply button. To remove a selection from the Noncontiguous Range list box, highlight the row and click the Remove button.
Use this list box to select a noncontiguous range of projects that will print on the report.
After you have selected the List Mode check box and entered a To/From project, click the Apply button to include the project (or range of projects) to be printed in the noncontiguous range.
Click this button to remove a project or a range of projects that you previously selected.
Select this check box to suppress the labor cost on the report. If your user ID has been set up in Costpoint System Administration to suppress labor, no labor cost amounts will available.
Select this check box to include the notes or comments that have been entered in the transaction screens.
The information for this report is taken from the Project Billing Info and the Open Billing Detail tables.
This screen uses the following tables: