Use this screen to print a summary of the bills posted for a given fiscal year, period, and subperiod. You can establish one grouping criterion for the report, and the report will sort based on that selection. The source for all information to be printed on this report is the A/R Header History (AR_HDR_HS) table from the Maintain A/R History screen (Accounting » Accounts Receivable » Beginning Balances).
Use this screen any time you want to print a report of the bills posted for a given fiscal year, period, and subperiod. No special preprocessing is necessary for this report.
Use this group box to sort the information on the report.
Use this drop-down list to designate how the grouping will be selected. Valid options are:
Customer Name
Project Manager
The default for this field is Project.
Use this drop-down list to select the range to include on this report. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
The default for this field is All.
Enter, or use to select, the starting value for the
range you want to include in the report. The value depends upon your selection
in the Sort By
drop-down list. If you selected
All or From
Beginning in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use to select, the ending value for the range
you want to include in the report. The value depends upon your selection
in the Sort By
drop-down list. If you selected
All, One,
or To End in the Range
Option field, this field will be inactive.
Select this check box to print the bill number on the report. The invoice number will always be printed on the report.
Select this check box to subtotal the invoice amount by the value selected in the Sort By drop-down list. Leave this check box empty to print only a grand total on the report. This check box is selected by default and is not available if you choose Invoice in the Sort By drop-down list.
Select this check box to insert a page break after each subtotal. This check box is available only if the Subtotal check box is selected. Leave this check box empty to omit a page break after the subtotal. This check box is unavailable if you selected Invoice in the Sort By drop-down list.
Enter the highest organization level that you want printed on the report. This field is not visible unless you selected Organization in the Sort By drop-down list.
Use this group box to select the fiscal year, period, and subperiod to be included on the report.
Use this drop-down list to select the range option to include on this report. This range will indicate the periods that will be included. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
The default for this field is All.
Enter or use the drop-down list to select, the starting fiscal year for the range you want to include on the report. If you selected All or From Beginning in the Range Option field, these fields will be inactive.
The starting end date for the range you want to include on the report will automatically display in the field to the right. If you selected All or From Beginning in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the period for the range you want to include on the report. If you selected All or From Beginning in the Range Option field, these fields will be inactive.
The starting end date for the range you want to include on the report will automatically display in the field to the right. If you selected All or From Beginning in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the subperiod for the range you want to include on the report. If you selected All or From Beginning in the Range Option field, these fields will be inactive.
The starting end date for the range you want to include on the report will automatically display in the field to the right. If you selected All or From Beginning in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the ending fiscal year for the range you want to include on the report. If you selected All, One, or To End in the Range Option field, these fields will be inactive.
The ending end date for the range you want to include on the report will automatically display in the field to the right. If you selected All, One, or To End in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the period for the range you want to include on the report. If you selected All, One, or To End in the Range Option field, these fields will be inactive.
The ending end date for the range you want to include on the report will automatically display in the field to the right. If you selected All, One, or To End in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the ending subperiod for the range you want to include on the report. If you selected All, One, or To End in the Range Option field, these fields will be inactive.
The ending end date for the range you want to include on the report will automatically display in the field to the right. If you selected All, One, or To End in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.