Use this toolkit to delete from the Maintain Open Billing Detail table (OPEN_BILLING_DETL) any transactions that do not have function codes of Labor, Non-Labor, or Units. Since account function numbers are not stored in OPEN_BILLING_DETL, the program reviews the Project Account Groups (ACCT_GRP_SETUP) to obtain the function codes.

Beginning with Costpoint version 2.0A, only transactions that have function codes of Labor, Non-Labor, or Units will populate OPEN_BILLING_DETL. However, on versions earlier than 2.0A, transactions of several other function codes (Cost of Goods Sold, WIP Trans Out, and so forth) also populate OPEN_BILLING_DETL, but they cannot be calculated on a standard bill. This toolkit deletes these transactions from OPEN_BILLING_DETL. Therefore, this toolkit is not needed for version 2.0A or later unless you convert unnecessary transactions into OPEN_BILLING_DETL or you change a function code in 2.0A (or above) and transactions are no longer needed. Storing unnecessary transactions in the OPEN_BILLING_DETL table will not affect your bill but this data needlessly causes confusion.


Click this button to start the toolkit.


Click this button to exit this screen without running this toolkit.