Use this screen to reverse, or void, standard bills that have already been posted. You can also rebill the same transactions from the original invoice along with any new transactions that have been posted to Open Billing Detail. Note that this utility reverses or voids standard bills only; manually entered bills such as project product bills, customer product bills, milestone percent complete bills, or manual bills are not eligible. In addition, you cannot use this utility to reverse or void progress payment bills.
Use this screen whenever you need to create reversing bills for bills that have already been posted.
Use the check box to reverse a bill. If you do not select this check box, the bill will be voided and the transactions cannot be billed again. If you select this check box, you can make adjustments to the bill and rebill.
Select this check box to rebill the transactions from the original bill. This means that the transactions from the original bill, including units, will be inserted back into Open Billing Detail when the reverse bill is posted. Any new transactions that have been posted to Open Billing Detail, in addition to the original transactions, can be included on the rebill.
Enter, or use to select, a valid invoice ID. Note that
this invoice ID is the company-wide invoice ID and not the project-specific
bill number.
When you click the Calculate icon on the toolbar, the system provides a warning if more than one invoice has been found with the entered ID. This occurs if you have a bill that has been shared by multiple customers. All invoices with this invoice ID will be reversed if you continue.
Concurrent processing is not allowed. In other words, one user cannot calculate a reversing bill while another user is calculating a standard bill for the same project. Costpoint can contain only one type of bill (standard or reversing) in the unposted bill files.
This program automatically generates a bill in the Edit Standard Bills screen (Projects » Billing » Edit Billings) that contains the same transactions from the original bill but with inverse amounts. These inverse transactions supporting the reverse bill are not in Open Billing Detail. You cannot edit reversing bills; you can only delete them. In addition, when you calculate reversing bills, the system automatically assigned them a status of Void if they are not being rebilled or Reverse if the rebill option has been selected. You cannot change this status in the Edit Standard Bills or Select Bills for Posting screen (Projects » Billing » Edit Billings). Therefore, you cannot calculate a standard bill for this project until the reversing bill has been posted or deleted.
If you reverse a bill with the rebill option, the transactions are inserted from the original bill back into Open Billing Detail when the reversed bill is posted. You can combine these transactions with additional transactions to produce a revised bill. If you reverse a bill without the rebill option, an inverse bill is generated with no transactions inserted into Open Billing Detail. The sole purpose is to void the original bill.
Reversing bills carry the same invoice ID and bill number as the bill that they are reversing. When transactions that have been reversed are re-billed, the invoice ID and bill number on which they originally appeared are not re-used and should not be re-set.
Select this check box to assign a new invoice ID to the reversing invoice. If you do not select this check box, the system will assign the invoice number of the original bill to the reversing bill created by this process.
If you choose to use the original invoice number in the reversing bill, the system will zero out the amounts in the BILL_INVC_HDR_HS table and the related transactional detail in the BILLING_DETL_HIST tables. This may cause a problem with the Create IWO Allocations screen (Projects » Inter-Company Work Orders) because it relies on the BILLING_DETL_HIST table to obtain data for the IWO allocations. The IWO process will incorporate the positive amounts in the calculation but will not have access to the negative amounts because the system will zero out the invoice amounts rather than create negative values in the tables. If you are using the billing history tables for either one of these processes, you should select the Assign New Invoice ID check box.
Click this icon on the toolbar to execute the reverse billings process.
Changes to this screen update the following tables: