Use this screen to calculate progress payment bills for organizations that use government form 1443, Contractor's Request for Progress Payment. This process generates bills that you can review and edit in the Edit Progress Payment Billings screen (Projects » Billing » Edit Billings) before printing and posting them. You must set up projects in the Project Billing Info screen (Projects » Billing » Billing Master or Projects » Project Setup » Revenue Setup) with the Progress Payment formula before they can be calculated in this screen. Note that this process is separate from the calculation of all other types of bills, which is done in the Calculate Billings screen (Projects » Billing » Calculate Billings).

Transactions must meet the following validations before they can be included on a Progress Payment bill:

For more information, please see Billing Special Topic BL-6, "Progress Payment Bills."

Execute the Update Subcontractor Progress Payments screen (Projects » Billing » Prepare Billings) before you calculate progress payment bills. If your organization is considered "large business," you must also run the Update Cash Basis Information screen (Projects » Billing » Prepare Billings).   

Select Subperiod

Use this group box to select the fiscal year, period, and subperiod. All transactions in Open Billing Detail up to and including the fiscal year, period, and subperiod entered here will be included in the calculation of progress payment billings.

Fiscal Year

Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the fiscal year for which you want to calculate billings.


Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the period for which you want to calculate billings.


Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the subperiod for which you want to calculate billings. Once you have made your selections, the field to the right displays the date for the selected subperiod.

Rate Type for Line 12A

Select the appropriate burden rate type, Actual or Target, that will be used in the calculation of line 12a, Total Costs Incurred To Date.

Invoice Date

Enter the invoice date, or use the system date as the default. This date will display in the 8B. Date of This Request field in the Section I - Identification Information subtask of the Edit Progress Payment Billings screen (Projects » Billing » Edit Billings). This date can be edited and will print on the progress payment bill in box 8B of the header.

Select Project

Use this group box to narrow the scope of projects to be calculated.

Range Option

Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the range of projects for which you want to calculate progress payment bills. Valid options are:

The default for this field is All.


The value entered in this field varies depending on the Range Option that you have selected. If you have selected All projects, this field is inactive. If you have selected One project, enter the project in this field. If you have elected to calculate a Range of projects, enter the starting project in this field. If you have selected the From Beginning option, this field is inactive. If you have selected the To End option, enter the beginning project for the range in this field.

Use to select values from the appropriate table.


The value entered in this field varies depending on the range that you have selected. If you have selected All projects or only One project, this field is inactive. If you have elected to calculate for a Range of projects, enter the ending project in this field. If you have selected the From Beginning option, enter the ending project for the range in this field. If you have selected the To End option, this field is inactive.

Use to select values from the appropriate table.

Current Activity Only

Select this check box to calculate only those bills that have current activity. If this check box is selected, only those bills that have transactions in the Maintain Open Billing Detail (Projects » Billing » Prepare Billings) or the Maintain Subcontractor Progress Payments (Projects » Billing » Billing History) screens will be calculated. This will save processing time because the system will not calculate bills for which there is no current activity.

Select Bill Group

Use this group box to select the billing user groups to be included in the billing calculations. Billings will be calculated only for projects that have been assigned one of the selected billing user groups in the Project Billing Info screen (Projects » Billing » Billing Master or Projects » Project Setup » Revenue Setup). This selection is disabled if the Assign Bills to User Groups check box in the Billing Settings screen (Projects » Billing » Controls) is not selected.

Range Option

Select the appropriate range of billing user groups to be included in the billing calculations. Valid selections are:

The default for this field is All.


Enter, or use to select, the starting billing user group code for the billing user groups to be included in the billing calculations. If you select All or From Beginning in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.


Enter, or use to select, the ending billing user group code for the billing user groups to be included in the billing calculations. If you select All, One, or To End in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.

Select Billing Cycle

Use this group box to select the billing cycle to be included in the billing calculations. Billings will be calculated only for projects that have been assigned one of the selected billing cycles in the Project Billing Info screen (Projects » Billing » Billing Master or Projects » Project Setup » Revenue Setup). This selection is disabled if the Use Billing Cycles check box in the Billing Settings screen (Projects » Billing » Controls) is not selected.

Range Option

Select the appropriate range of billing cycles to be included in the billing calculations. Valid selections are:

The default for this field is All.


Enter, or use to select, the starting billing cycle code for the billing cycles to be included in the billing calculations. If you select All or From Beginning in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.


Enter, or use to select, the ending billing cycle code for the billing cycles to be included in the billing calculations. If you select All, One, or To End in the Range Option field, this field will be inactive.


After you have selected your parameters for the billings to be calculated, click this icon on the toolbar to start the calculation of your progress payment billings.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the following tables: