Use this screen to assign user IDs to a billing group. You can then assign the billing group to one or more projects. You can calculate, print, and post bills by user group, which expedites processing. Billing groups can also provide added security. A user cannot process bills that belong to a billing group to which he is not linked. The system will calculate or post project billings only for the projects that were assigned the specified billing user group.

For example, suppose that user ID "DOEJ" is assigned in this screen only to billing user group "COMM." When "DOEJ" calculates bills, only those projects that have been assigned a billing user group of "COMM" will have bills calculated for them, no matter what range of projects "DOEJ" selects when he runs the Calculate Billings screen (Projects » Billing » Calculate Billings). You may want to establish billing groups to identify a unique set of billable projects within the system that do not have contiguous project numbers but belong to the same general category.  For example, you could set up an "ARMY" billing group and assign that billing group code to all ARMY projects. You could then calculate, print, and post bills by billing user group.

Note that this screen is available only if you selected the Assign Bills To User Groups check box in the Billing Settings screen (Projects » Billing » Controls).

Set up this screen before setting up the project information screen or before calculating billings. You can update the information in this screen at any time. At least one person should belong to all billing groups, so that if there is a posting problem, someone will have access to all bills.

Billing User Group

Enter a unique alphanumeric code for the user group to be established.


Enter a description for the user group code.

Table Window


Enter a valid user ID or use to select one. For each billing user group code, enter the user IDs for all users who should belong to the group.


This non-editable field displays the user name associated with the selected user ID, as established in the Maintain Users screen (Others » System Administration » System Security).

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the BILL_GRP_USERS table.