Use this screen to define other, or miscellaneous, charges that you want to appear on your bills. These charges are identified by a code, which can then be linked to the standard bills and to the project product bills, customer product bills, milestone bills, and manual bills. Use this screen to set up the codes and their posting parameters. You can enter the amount billed and posted for each code in the screens in the Edit Billings menu.
This feature gives you flexibility because it allows you to specify the account and organization that will record the amount when the bill is posted. You can also, optionally, post the cost to a project that can be either designated in this screen or defaulted to the project of the bill posted.
You can use up to three different codes on each bill; each code will appear on a separate line. These charges will appear on the bottom of the bill and be included in the total of the invoice. Please note that these charges print for the Current column only; they are not included in the Cumulative column. Also, other charges are not included in the calculation of the standard bills and, since they are current charges only, they are not considered in any of the ceiling calculations.
Use this screen whenever you need to set up other charges codes, or whenever any of the parameters for the existing codes changes. If you want to use the "other charges" feature, initialize this screen before you print any bills.
In this table window, enter the other charges codes and descriptions. Specify the projects, accounts, and organizations where the charges should be posted when they are included on bills.
Enter a code to identify the miscellaneous charge. This code can be up to six alphanumeric characters in length. This is a required field.
Enter a transaction description for this code. This description will print on the bill and can be overridden in the screens in the Edit Billings menu. This is a required field.
Use this field to designate the project that will be used in the posting. Valid options are:
S (Substitute) means that the project being billed will be used in the posting. You may find this designation helpful when you have a general code, such as shipping and handling, that you want posted to each project that bills it.
R (Required) means that the project entered in the Project column will be used in the posting. Use this designation if you have a specific project or task that you want to use in the posting.
N (Not Used) means that a project is not required for this code. This designation means that a non-project-required account, such as a balance sheet or indirect account, will record the amount. Because the customer product bills do not use a project, this field must be N (Not Used) for any codes you want to use for those bills.
This is a required field.
Enter, or use to select, a valid project that you want
to use in the posting. This project is required only if you have entered
R (Required) in the Project
Req'd column. If you are using project abbreviations, this field will
automatically populate if you have entered a Project
Enter, or use to select, a valid project abbreviation
that you want to use in the posting. If you are using project abbreviations,
this field will automatically populate if you have entered a Project.
Enter, or use to select, a valid account that you want
to use in the posting. If you entered R
(Required) in the Project
Req'd field, the account entered here must be valid for the Project
and Organization
entered on this line. If you entered S
(Substitute) in the Project
Req'd field, the account entered here must be valid for the Organization
entered on this line and for each project that uses this code on a bill.
This is a required field.
Enter, or use to select, a valid organization that
you want to use in the posting. If you entered R
(Required) in the Project
Req'd field, the organization entered here must be valid for the project
and account entered on this line. If entered S
(Substitute) in the Project
Req'd field, the organization entered here must be valid for the Account entered on
this line and for each project that uses this code on a bill. If you are
using organization abbreviations, this field will automatically populate
if you have entered an Org
Abbrev. This is a required field.
Enter, or use to select, a valid organization abbreviation
that you want to use in the posting. If you are using organization abbreviations,
this field will automatically populate if you have entered an Organization.
Enter, or use to select, a valid reference 1 number
that you want to use in the posting.
Enter, or use to select, a valid reference 2 number
that you want to use in the posting.
This non-editable field displays the name of the project entered in the Project column.
This non-editable field displays the name of the account entered in the Account column.
This non-editable field displays the name of the organization entered in the Organization column.
Changes to this screen update the BILL_OTH_CHGS table.