Use this subtask to link the cost, hours, units, burden, cost of money, and fee information to each of the billing lines. In order for the billing program to know how to summarize the detail data, you must identify the account(s) and, optionally, the organization(s) that belong to each line.

Billing Format

This field displays the selected billing format code from the main screen. The description displays in the untitled field to the right.

Line Type

This non-editable field displays the selected line type that was entered on the main screen.

Group Heading

This non-editable field displays the selected group heading that was entered on the main screen.

Line Heading

This non-editable field displays the selected line heading that was entered on the main screen

Table Window

In filling in the lines for this subtask, keep in mind that the less data you enter on a row, the more data will be included on the related line on the bill. For example, if you want a line on the bill to include all direct labor, fill in the direct labor account number(s), leave everything else blank, and set the Fee? field to "No." Refer to the Processing Information section for more details.


Enter, or use to select, the general ledger account number(s) that should be linked to this line on the bill. If you leave this column blank but fill in other columns on a row, all accounts will be used for that row.

If you fill out the Account column only, the program will summarize the costs or hours or units that relate to that account. Note that if you do not select an Organization for an Account, you cannot select one for the same Account for the remaining lines.

See the Processing Information section for more information on how this field works in combination with other fields on this screen.


Enter, or use to select, the organization(s) that should be linked to the selected account(s) for this line on the bill. You can also leave this field blank to specify all organizations, if other columns on the row are filled. Note that if you do not select an Organization for an Account, you cannot select one for the same Account for the remaining lines.

See the Processing Information section for more information on how this field works in combination with other fields on this screen.

Fiscal Year

Enter, or use to select, a fiscal year to link to the selected billing line. This field is used in combination with the Pool and COM Pool? fields to specify burden and cost of money amounts. If you enter a fiscal year, you must update the format at the beginning of each year to include the Pool and COM amounts for the new fiscal year.  If you leave the Fiscal Year blank, all fiscal years will be included.

See the Processing Information section for more information on how this field works in combination with other fields on this screen.


Enter the number of the pool whose burden and/or cost of money is to be included for this line. This field is used in combination with the Fiscal Year and COM Pool? fields.

See the Processing Information section for more information on how this field works in combination with other fields on this screen.

COM Pool ?

Enter Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not facilities capital cost of money should be calculated for the specified account, org, etc. This field is used in combination with the Pool and Fiscal Year fields.

See the Processing Information section for more information on how this field works in combination with other fields on this screen.

Fee ?

Enter Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not fee should be calculated for the specified Account, Organization, etc. See the Processing Information section for more information on how this field works in combination with other fields on this screen.

Processing Information

The fields in this table window work with each other to link cost, hours, units, burden, cost of money, and fee information to each of the billing lines from the main screen. As mentioned above, this subtask uses a "less is more" approach; the less information you provide on a given line in this table window, the more billing data that line represents. For example, if you fill in the Account field, but leave Organization and all other fields blank, all organizations' costs (or hours or units) for the specified account will be summed for the selected billing line. If you fill in both the Account and Organization fields, only the selected account/org combination's cost/hours/units will be included. The following field combinations will provide the following outcomes on your bill:


The less information you fill in on the table window, the more data will be summed on the related line of the bill.

Table Information

Changes to this screen update the BILL_FRMT_LN_ACCT table.