To access this screen, go to the Options menu, select Preferences, and then select the Save Table Order option. Use this feature to save the customized column order, column widths, and the number of columns to fence for every table window in every form and subtask of every function. You can customize any or all table windows, but each table window must be done separately. Any changes made here will affect all users who later use the current function, so this is the one Preference feature that is not user-specific; it is system-wide.

While in a table window, configure the window to your requirements, and then select Save Table Order. The table window's new configuration will then become the new default setting for the order and size of the columns whenever anyone re-enters the function.


Save Current Settings

Select this radio button to make the current settings for this screen window the startup settings for the window.

Number of columns to fence

Enter the number of columns to be fenced. Fencing is useful where there are columns in a table window that are not displayed until the horizontal scroll bar is adjusted. Fencing freezes the number of columns specified (starting from the left) by not allowing them to scroll. If you re-order the columns, the fencing will still apply to the leftmost columns, whatever they are.

Restore Original Settings

 Select this radio button to erase the current settings and return to the original settings. This is useful after a new release of Costpoint has been installed where new columns have been added to a table window.

Hint:  The settings on this screen are company-wide; therefore only certain users should be allowed to make this selection. See the documentation for the Maintain Users screen in Costpoint System Administration to find out how to grant certain users the ability to change these settings.