If you are unsure of the ID or code you need to enter into a particular field, you can use this feature to look up and select available values. You must be in a field where Lookup is appropriate and has been activated. When available, the Lookup toolbar button is not grayed-out.

If the Autoload Lookup checkbox in the System Settings function of Costpoint System Administration is selected, the table window on this screen will be populated when the screen is loaded. Otherwise, the table window will initially be empty.

The number of rows put in the table window when a search is executed is determined by the Lookup setting in the Maximum Rows group box in the System Settings screen in Costpoint System Administration.


You can use this to narrow down the part of the database table you wish to review. For example, to look at the accounts beginning with 02, enter "02" and select Execute. Only accounts beginning with 02 will be brought in.

You can also use the wild card, "%." For example, to bring in all accounts beginning with 02 in the first segment, and beginning with 01 in the second segment, you would enter 02%-01%.

Case Sensitive

Select this checkbox to look for exact upper- and lower-case matches for string fields. If you leave the box unchecked, then all occurrences of the Locate value will be selected, regardless of case.


Use this pushbutton to execute a new search, based on the data entered in the Locate field.


Use this pushbutton to bring the highlighted row into the field from which you executed Lookup.


Select this pushbutton to close the Lookup and return to the previous screen. The field from which you executed Lookup remains unchanged.


If the number of database rows matching the Locate criterion exceeded the maximum setting in the System Settings function of Costpoint System Administration, you can select this pushbutton to have additional rows placed in the table window.

Hint for WAN Users:  If the Connects via WAN checkbox in the Maintain Users screen in Costpoint System Administration is selected, the normal Costpoint "segmented ID behavior" will be turned off for all segmented ID fields when using Lookup. This means that when you enter a segmented ID value, the segment separators (periods or dashes) will not automatically appear, the individual segment IDs will not be validated, and each segment will not be padded to the correct length for that segment ID. Instead, the entire field ID is treated as a single string.