To use Find, move your cursor to any column in the table window below the column header and:
Right click on the mouse to bring up the Find and Replace options.
Select the Find option to bring up the Find dialog box.
Use the Search In: drop-down box, which displays the columns for this table window, to choose the desired column from which to find data.
Use the To Find: drop-down box, which displays the existing data values for the selected column, to choose the value you want to find.
Select the Case Sensitive checkbox if desired (the default is not selected).
Leave the Exact Match checkbox empty if desired (the default is selected).
Use the Add pushbutton to add your selection(s) to the Clauses list box (or, if needed, the Delete or Replace pushbuttons).
If you have more than one clause, you need to left double click on the clause you want to modify, change the criteria, and then click on Replace.
Move the Find dialog box to the desired location on your screen so that you can see the table data as you perform the Find function.
Click on Find Next or Stop pushbutton, as appropriate.
The Wildcard Options brings up an info dialog box showing the wildcard options available.
Use the Cancel pushbutton to exit the dialog box.
To use Replace, move your cursor to any column in the table window below the column header, and:
Right click on the mouse to bring up the Find and Replace options.
Select the Replace option to bring up the Replace dialog box.
Select the Search In drop-down box, which displays the columns for this table window, to choose the desired column from which to find and replace data.
Use the To Replace drop-down box, which displays the existing data for the selected column above, to choose the desired data value to find and replace.
Enter the desired replacement data (consistent with system rules for this screen) in the With field.
Select the Case Sensitive checkbox if desired (the default is not selected).
Leave the Exact Match checkbox empty if desired (the default is selected).
Use the Add pushbutton to add your selection(s) to the Clauses list box (or, if needed, use the Delete or Replace pushbuttons).
If you have more than one clause, you need to left double click on the clause you want to modify, change the criteria, and then click on Replace.
Move the Replace dialog box to the desired location on your screen so that you can see the table data as you perform the Replace function.
Use Find Next, Stop, Replace & Find, Replace, or Replace All pushbuttons, as appropriate.
The Wildcard Options brings up an info dialog box showing the wildcard options available.
¨ Use Cancel pushbutton to exit the dialog box.