Use this screen to print Customer Statements, which are activity reports that can be distributed to your individual customers. This will allow you to inform your customers of the detailed activity on their accounts for a given period of time. Summary information on YTD invoices, YTD payments, and balances for both before and after the selected time period are also printed. If a customer account has been placed on Hold status, this information can be displayed on the statement. The statements are designed so that they can be folded in thirds and inserted into a standard window envelope.
Report print options include:
A range of customer statements can be printed.
You can print statements for a date range for any period of time.
Statements will print one customer to a page and sort by either customer account or name.
You can print the On Hold status on the statements.
You can suppress a statement if it contains no current activity.
You can print statements with invoices only for customers whose invoices are over a specified number of days old.
You can display any Remit To: address.
Print these statements whenever you want to send account activity statements to your customers, or whenever you want a printed copy of a customer's account activity.
These statements are not part of the system audit trail and need not be retained. However, you may want to retain reference copies of statements that were mailed to customers.
Use this drop-down list to select the range that determines which customers will be included in the report. The range will be sorted by customer account or customer name, depending on your selection in the Sort By group box. Valid options are All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End. The default for this field is All.
Enter, or use to select, the start of the range you
want to include in the report. If you select All or From Beginning in
the Range Option
field, this field will be unavailable. If you are sorting by account,
your entry here will be validated against data in the Maintain Customer
Enter, or use to select, the end of the range you want
to include in the report. If you select All, One, or To End in the Range Option field,
this field will be unavailable. The account here will be validated against
data in the Maintain Customer screen.
Select this check box to print records for those customers who are On Hold. The phrase Status: ON HOLD will be printed on the header of the report. Please note that the Hold option in the Maintain Customer screen must also be selected for this option to work.
If this check box is selected, any customer statements that have no current period activity (either invoices or payments) will not print. If this check box is not selected and there is no current period activity, the statement will print but will show only the before and after YTD invoices, YTD payments, and balances.
Select this check box to include finance charges on your outstanding invoices.
Select this check box to print statements only for customers with invoices over a specified number of days old. You will need to enter the number of days before you can print a statement.
Use this group box to choose the sort criterion for your report.
This choice is the default setting for this screen. If you select this option, the statements will print one-to-a-page, sorted by the customer account entered in the Maintain Customer screen.
If you select this option, the statements will print one-to-a-page, sorted by the customer name entered in the Maintain Customer screen. Please note that the address code that has been designated as the default (D) in the Bill Code column in the Maintain Customer screen will be the address shown on the statement. If no address code has been designated as the default, no address will be printed.
Enter the starting date of the report. This date will be displayed at the top of the report and will serve as the beginning date for the activity report.
Enter the ending date of the report. This date will be displayed at the top of the report and will serve as the ending date for the activity report.
Use this drop-down list to select a valid remittance address as found in the Remittance Addresses screen in Costpoint Billing. This selection will print on the header of the report.
Customer information on this report comes from the Customer and Customer Address tables. Invoice and payment information is taken from the A/R Invoice History and A/R Detail History tables (AR_HDR_HS and AR_DETL_HS). The Balance, YTD Invoices, and YTD Payments totals are calculated.