Use this screen to print the Cash Receipts Register, which provides a listing of cash receipts. You can run this report for open cash receipts or receipts posted to the General Ledger.
Print this report at any time after entering and saving cash receipts. It should be printed and retained for all cash receipts. It is a significant audit trail document and should be printed as part of the month-end closing reports.
Choose whether you want to sort by Account, Organization, Receipt, or Receipt Date by selecting the appropriate option.
Select this check box to insert a page break after each primary sort item.
Use the Select Grouping group box to create a report by selected A/R items.
Use this drop-down list to select the report group to use for your report. You can select Account, Organization, Receipt, or Receipt Date. The default setting is Account.
Use this drop-down list to select the range for the grouping you want to print. Options are All, One, Range, Beginning From, and To End. The default for this field is All.
Enter, or use to select, the starting value for the
range you want to include. If you select All or From Beginning in the
Range Option
field, this field will be unavailable.
Enter, or use to select, the ending value for the range
you want to include. If you select All, One, or To End in the Range Option field,
this field will be unavailable.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the range of subperiods you want to include on the report. Options are All, One, Range, Beginning From, and To End. The default for this field is All.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the fiscal year for the cash receipts to be included on the posting report.
One or both of these fields may not be available, depending on the Range Option selected. If One period is selected, enter that period in the Starting field. If a Range of periods is selected, enter the starting and ending period values in the appropriate fields. If you select periods beginning from a specific period (To End), enter that period in the Starting field. If you select periods up to a specific ending period (From Beginning), enter that period in the Ending field. You can either enter the desired periods, or select them from the drop-down list.
These fields may or may not be available, depending on your Range Option selection. Enter the starting and/or ending subperiod numbers for the subperiods to be included on the report. The fields to the right show the ending dates for the periods selected. They are display-only.
Select whether you want to print this report for Posted or Unposted cash receipts by choosing the appropriate option. If you print this report for posted receipts, the report pulls data from the AR_HDR_HS and AR_DETL_HS tables. If you print this report for open cash receipts, the report pulls the data from the CASH_RECPT_HDR and CASH_RECPT_TRN tables.
Select this check box to show detail by transaction. If this check box is not checked, the report will summarize data by receipt.
Select this check box to print amounts summarized by thousands.
Use this group box to specify a range of pay currency codes to further limit the cash receipts that will be included in the selection routine. The default is set to All. If you do not want to further restrict the selection process, leave the Range Option set to All.
Use this drop-down list to select the range of pay currency to be included. Valid options are All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End.
Enter, or use to select, the starting pay currency
code for the range you want to include. If you select All or From Beginning
in the Range Option
field, this field will be unavailable. Only those currencies saved
in the Maintain Currencies screen in Costpoint Multicurrency will be available
Enter, or use to select, the ending pay currency code
for the range you want to include. If you select All, One, or To End in
the Range Option
field, this field will be unavailable. Only those currencies saved
in the Maintain Currencies screen in Costpoint Multicurrency will be available