Use this screen to print the Cash Receipts Edit Report, which is an integral part of the system audit trail and should be printed before posting data from the Enter Cash Receipts screen to the General Ledger.
Although you are not required to print this report before posting cash receipts, we advise that you print this report to review and correct unposted cash receipts. You also can print the Cash Receipts Edit Report without posting cash receipts to the General Ledger.
You should print the Cash Receipts Edit Report before posting cash receipts to the General Ledger.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the range of cash receipts that you want printed on the report. Options are All, One, Range, Beginning From, and To End. The default for this field is All.
Enter, or use to select, the starting cash receipt
number for the range you want to include. If you select All or From Beginning
in the Range Option
field, this field will be unavailable.
Enter, or use to select, the ending cash receipt number
for the range you want to include. If you select All, One, or To End in
the Range Option
field, this field will be unavailable.
Select this check box if you want a page break after each cash receipt.
Use this drop-down list to select the range of entry users whose cash receipts you need printed on the report. Options are All, One, Range, Beginning From, and To End. The default for this field is All.
Enter, or use to select, the starting entry user ID
for the range you want to include. If you select All or From Beginning
in the Range Option
field, this field will be unavailable.
Enter, or use to select, the ending entry user ID for
the range you want to include. If you select All, One, or To End in the
Range Option
field, this field will be unavailable.
Use this drop-down list to select the range of currencies you need printed on the report. Options are All, One, Range, Beginning From, and To End. The default for this field is All.
Enter, or use to select, the starting currency for
the range you want to include. If you select All or From Beginning in
the Range Option
field, this field will be unavailable.
Enter, or use to select, the ending currency for the
range you want to include. If you select All, One, or To End in the Range Option field,
this field will be unavailable.
Select this check box to print reference numbers on the report.
Select this check box to print account names on the report.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the fiscal year of the report.
Select this check box to insert a page break after each period.
Select this check box to insert a page break after each subperiod.
Use this drop-down list to select the range of periods that you want printed on the report. Options are All, "One," Range, Beginning From, and To End. The default for this field is All.
Enter the starting period to be included in the report or select a period from the drop-down list. If you select All or From Beginning in the Range Option field, this field will be unavailable.
Enter the ending period to be included in the report or select a period from the drop-down list. If you select All, One, or To End in the Range Option field, this field will be unavailable.
Enter the starting subperiod to be included in the report or select a subperiod from the drop-down list. If you select All or From Beginning in the Range Option field, this field will be unavailable.
Enter the ending subperiod to be included in the report or select a subperiod from the drop-down list. If you select All, One, or To End in the Range Option field, this field will be unavailable.
Once you have entered subperiod numbers, the ending dates (including month day and year) of the selected subperiods are displayed to the right of the subperiod fields. These fields cannot be edited.