Use this screen to assign/link vendors to a project. You must assign/link vendors to a project before you post any vouchers that may need to be included on a lien waiver.

A project waiver is a legal document signed by the payee. It acknowledges payment for services rendered and releases the pay vendor from any outstanding liens. Typically, the vendor sends the project waiver along with payment for a particular service that was rendered by the payee. The payee then signs and returns the project waiver to the pay vendor.

Use this screen whenever you enter new project waiver information. You should have already entered the legal lien waiver document in Crystal Reports.


Enter, or use to select, a project for which you wish to establish waiver information. If you wish to retrieve a record that has been previously established, select a project by using or on the toolbar. Once you have selected a project, you can either view or modify the existing information.

The actual project used in the voucher or cash receipt can be at the billing level or below.

Waiver Document Code

These fields are display-only. These fields display the waiver document code and description associated with the billing level of the project.

To view the waiver document code that will be used for levels of the project other than the billing level, go to the Project Location subtask of the Maintain Project Master screen in Costpoint Project Setup.

Table Window


Enter, or use to select, a customer.

Customer Name

This field displays the full customer name. This field is display-only.

Print Final Waiver

Select this check box to print the final waiver. When the waiver is printed, the waiver document code associated with the project entered on the voucher or cash receipt is used.

The final waiver is a summary of all vouchers that have been paid along with their corresponding check information.