Use this subtask to initialize additional project A/R detail. It is used extensively during system initialization and to make corrections to project billing, cash receipt, and sales order history. This file stores additional detail for every transaction posted by the billing and cash receipt journal and is updated by the posting of these journals.
The programs used to calculate and age outstanding accounts receivable reference the Invoice Detail subtask for the transaction date, fiscal year, and period. Therefore, you should initialize invoice detail for receivables that were outstanding before your system conversion.
Use this screen extensively during initialization, and to correct project billing, cash receipt, and sales order history.
This field displays the invoice number from the main screen.
This field displays the customer account entered in the main screen, if applicable. The customer name will display in the field to the right.
This field displays the project number. The project name will display in the field to the right.
This non-editable field displays the invoice date entered for this transaction in the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the invoice due date entered for this transaction in the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the invoice amount entered for this transaction in the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the discount amount entered for this transaction in the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the discount taken entered for this transaction in the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the amount received entered for this transaction in the main screen.
This field displays the total calculated amount of progress payments liquidated against the delivery invoice. If the invoice is not blank or "S" (Standard), you can change this amount.
This field displays the liquidation taken when the cash is received. It should differ from the Liquidation Amt only when the payment of an invoice has been adjusted to reflect a different liquidation amount than invoiced. If the invoice is not blank or "S" (Standard), you can change this amount.
This non-editable field displays the balance due for this transaction stored in the Maintain A/R History screen. The system calculates this field by subtracting the Amount Received plus the Disc Taken from the Invoice Amount.
This field stores the date that the invoice was posted to the ledger. Initialization is optional.
This field displays the abbreviation of the transaction currency. The currency names are maintained in the Maintain Currencies screen in Costpoint Multicurrency.
Enter the fiscal year in which the invoice was posted. The system uses this field in the calculation and aging of receivables. Therefore, it is required if you want the system to include the invoice in this calculation.
Enter the period in which the invoice was posted. The system uses this field in the calculation and aging of receivables. Therefore, it is required if you want the system to include the invoice in this calculation.
Enter the subperiod in which the invoice was posted. The system uses this field in the calculation and aging of receivables. Therefore, it is required if you want the system to include the invoice in this calculation.
This field displays the two-character ID of the journal from which this record was posted. The system updates this field when you post billings and cash receipts. You should not initialize this field as part of the A/R History initialization.
This field displays the posting sequence of the journal from which this record was posted. The system updates this field when you post billings and cash receipts. You should not initialize this field as part of the A/R History initialization.
For posted records, this field displays the original date for which the invoice was calculated. Please note that the system uses the Due Date, rather than the Invoice Date, when calculating days outstanding. This date should match the date entered into the main screen. If you enter an Invoice Amount, this field is required.
Enter the total amount of the receivable. This column's total amount must match the amount entered into the main screen for this transaction. If you enter an invoice amount, you will not be able to enter the Amount Received or Receipt Date on the same line. You must enter invoice information and receipt information on separate lines.
Enter the original discount offered to the project for the invoice shown. This column's total amount must match the amount entered into the main screen for this transaction.
Enter the date you received payment for this invoice. If you enter an amount received, this field is required. If you have already entered an invoice amount on this line, add a new line for receipt information.
Enter the amount of the payment received for this invoice. This column's total amount must match the amount entered into the main screen for this transaction. If you have already entered an invoice amount on this line, you will need to add a new line for receipt information.
Enter the discount taken by the client in payment of this invoice. This column's total amount must match the amount entered into the main screen for this transaction.
Enter the check number of the cash receipt.
This field displays the adjustment amount to be written off. The adjustment amount cannot be greater than the Balance Due amount.
This field displays the rate group code that is used for this customer's transactions. Rate groups identify the source of exchange rate data.
This field is used by delivery invoices for projects that bill using progress payments. It is updated when you post delivery invoices from the Edit Project Product Bills screen in Costpoint Billing or post DD250 invoices from Costpoint Sales Order Entry. This field represents the total calculated amount of progress payments liquidated against the delivery invoice. Liquidation amounts are progress payments that have been paid by the customer. They reduce the delivery amount to arrive at the net invoice amount.
This field is used by delivery invoices for projects that bill using progress payments. The value initialized in this field should always represent the liquidation taken when the cash is received. It should differ from the Liquidation Amount only when the payment of an invoice has been adjusted to reflect a different liquidation amount than invoiced.
The system calculates the due date when the billing is posted, based on the terms of the project. For records initialized, enter the anticipated due date. The system uses this date to age receivables.
This field displays the transaction description from the billing or cash receipts journal. It can be initialized with the system.
This field displays the receipt number for the monies received.
This field displays, in your company's functional currency, the total amount of the receivable.
This field displays, in your company's functional currency, the original discount offered to the project/customer for the invoice shown.
This field displays, in your company's functional currency, the amount of cash received for this invoice.
This field displays, in your company's functional currency, the discount taken by the client in payment of this invoice.
This field displays, in your company's functional currency, the adjustment amount to be written off. The adjustment amount cannot be greater than the Func Balance Due amount.
Select this pushbutton to open the Cash Receipt Detail subtask.
Select this pushbutton to open the Computed Finance Change Detail subtask.