Use this subtask to view all the checks that have been issued to this vendor. You can then use this information to verify the YTD payment information on the main screen. If you want to see the payment history for a particular voucher, open the Vouchers subtask and use the Checks Disbursed pushbutton.
Highlight the vendor in the Vendor History Inquiry table window for whom you want to view payment information and select the Checks Disbursed pushbutton.
All fields in this subtask are non-editable.
This field displays the pay vendor's ID, 25-character name, and location.
For a description of certain fields in the table window, refer to the documentation for the Check subtask, which is accessed from the Vouchers subtask.
The following fields from the Checks Disbursed subtask are included in the table window:
Check Number, Check Date, Joint Payee, FY Posted, Pd Posted, Subpd Posted, Void Date, Void FY Posted, Void Pd Posted, Void Subpd Posted, Cash Account, Cash Organization, Ref No 1, Ref No 2.
This field displays the currency used to pay this voucher.
This field displays the total amount of the check, in the check's pay currency.
This field displays the total amount of the check, in your company's functional currency.
This field displays the code for the payment address. Address codes and addresses are maintained in the Maintain Vendors screen.
These fields display brief descriptions of the cash account, cash organization, and reference 1 and 2 numbers.
Select this pushbutton to view summary information for the vouchers paid by the highlighted check. If no checks have been issued to the vendor, this pushbutton will be disabled.
The total of all checks disbursed to this vendor displays in this field.