Use this subtask to view the detail of the voucher of the row that was highlighted when the Voucher Detail pushbutton was selected. For a field-by-field description of the table, refer to the documentation for the Enter A/P Vouchers screen.


This field displays the voucher from the main screen.

Fiscal Year

This field displays the fiscal year for this voucher from the main screen.


This field displays the period for this voucher from the main screen.


This field displays the subperiod for this voucher from the main screen.


This field displays the sequence number for this voucher line from the main screen.

Pay Vendor

These fields display the pay vendor, vendor name, and location from the main screen.


This field displays the voucher status from the main screen.


These fields display the vendor, vendor name, and location from the main screen.

Voucher Type

This field displays the voucher type from the main screen.


This group box displays the invoice number, date, and amount from the main screen.


This group box displays the voucher discount date and amount from the main screen.


This group box displays the voucher due date and amount from the main screen.

Table Window

For a field-by-field description of the table, refer to the documentation for the Enter A/P Vouchers and the Enter PO Vouchers screens.

Amount Paid

This field displays the amount paid (cash disbursements posted) for this A/P voucher. This amount is displayed in the voucher's transaction currency. For more currency information, select the Currency Line pushbutton.

Discount Taken

This field displays the discount taken on the paid amounts (cash disbursements posted) for this A/P voucher. This amount is displayed in the voucher's transaction currency. For more currency information, select the Currency Line pushbutton.

Amount Retained

This field displays the amount that has been selected for retainage for this A/P voucher. This amount is displayed in the voucher's transaction currency. For more currency information, select the Currency Line pushbutton.

Amount Remaining

This field displays the amount remaining for this A/P voucher. This amount is displayed in the voucher's transaction currency. For more currency information, select the Currency Line pushbutton.

Amount To Pay

This field displays the amount to pay on this voucher, but will not include any retainage or hold amounts. This amount is displayed in the voucher's transaction currency. For more currency information, select the Currency Line pushbutton.

Discount To Take

This field displays the discount amount not yet taken for this A/P voucher. The amount is displayed in the voucher's transaction currency. For more currency information, select the Currency Line pushbutton.

Voucher Totals

Use this pushbutton to review the total cost, discount, and payment details for this voucher.

Currency Line

Use this pushbutton to review the total cost, discount, and payment details (in transaction, pay, and functional currencies) for this voucher line.