Use this non-editable subtask to view the totals for a pay vendor.

Pay Vendor

These three non-editable fields display the pay vendor number, name, and location from the main screen.

Table Window


This field displays the vendor number.

Vendor Name

This field displays the vendor name.


This field displays the voucher number.

Address Code

This field displays the address code. The address code is assigned to the voucher when it is entered.

Payment Method

This field displays the payment method.

Sep Ck

This field displays "Y"(Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether each voucher for this vendor will be paid on a separate check.

Invoice Amount

This field displays the invoice amount for this A/P voucher.

Discount Amount

This field displays the discount amount for this voucher line.

Due Amount

This field displays the due amount. It is the Invoice Amount minus the Discount Amount.

Amount Retained

This field displays the amount that has been selected for retainage for this A/P voucher.

Amount Paid

This field displays the amount paid for this voucher line.

Amount Remaining

This field displays the amount remaining on this voucher line.

Amount to Pay

This field displays the amount to pay on this voucher line.

Discount to Take

This column displays the discount to take on this voucher line.

Functional Currency Totals

Invoice Amount

This field displays the invoice amount in your functional currency.

Discount Amount

This field displays the discount amount in your functional currency.

Due Amount

This field displays the Invoice Amount minus the Discount Amount in your functional currency.

Amount Retained

This field displays the amount that has been selected for retainage for this A/P voucher in your functional currency.

Amount Paid

This field displays the amount paid for this A/P voucher in your functional currency.

Amount Remaining

This field displays the remaining amount due in your functional currency, if the voucher has had a partial payment; otherwise, the value will be zero

Amount to Pay

This field displays the amount to pay on this voucher in your functional currency.

Discount to Take

This field displays the discount amount in your functional currency not yet taken for this A/P voucher.