Use this screen to assign values to the user-defined fields for each vendor in the General Ledger. The labels for these user-defined fields must already have been established in the Vendor User-Defined Labels screen.

Entering information in this screen is optional. However, if you enter labels in the various tables, the corresponding data (date, value, or text) is required. Similarly, in order to enter data, a valid label is required. You can use Lookup, Find, or Query to help you select valid user-defined labels.

If you are using user-defined information, you should set up this screen up for each new vendor, and maintain it whenever you need to change vendor user-defined data.

Vendor ID

Use Find or Query to select a valid vendor. Once you have selected a vendor, the vendor name is displayed.

Table Window

Data Type

The data type created in the Vendor User-Defined Labels screen displays in this column.


The labels created in the Vendor User-Defined Labels screen are displayed in this column.


Enter a numeric value that corresponds to the user-defined numeric label selected. If you have entered a numeric label, this is a required field.

Costpoint Validation Field

This column displays the Costpoint field that is the source for acceptable entries in this row.

Validated Text

This column displays a "Y" (Yes) if special text items were created for this row in the Validated Text subtask of the Vendor User-Defined Labels screen. These items will be available in Lookup. "N" (No) in this column indicates no special items were created for this row.


A "Y" (Yes) displays in this column to indicate that this item is required for each vendor. "N" (No) means this item is not required for each vendor.