Use the Address subtask at any time during voucher entry to store information relating to the voucher header, such as the payment address code. The voucher number and vendor information from the voucher header display at the top of the screen.

Subtask Location?

Voucher, Vendor

These non-editable fields display the voucher number and vendor ID from the Enter A/P Vouchers screen.


Pay Vendor

Enter, or use to select, the vendor ID for the vendor to be paid. By default, the vendor from the Maintain Vendors screen displays in this field. The vendor to whom you pay the voucher may be different from the vendor for whom you entered the voucher. For example, the pay vendor could be a credit card company. After you specify a vendor, the vendor name and extension display in the related fields.

This field may not be editable if the Allow Edits to Pay Vendor on Voucher option is selected in the Defaults subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen.

Joint Payee

If applicable, enter the name of the joint payee in this optional field. The joint payee need not be a Costpoint vendor. You must enter the word "and" before the joint payee name.

If the Address Code you select in the Select Payment Address group box is EFT-active, the Joint Payee field is disabled. As a result, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) cannot be used if there is a Joint Payee on the voucher.

Select Payment Address

Address Code

Select a payment address type for the vendor. The current payment address type for this vendor displays as the default with the full address information displayed underneath. You cannot change the address information in this screen. If the payment address is different on the invoice and needs to be added or changed for this vendor, you must go to the Maintain Vendors screen to add or update this information.