If you use Costpoint Multicurrency, you must perform currency calculations before creating vouchers. If you do not use Multicurrency, the currencies in the input file must match the functional currency in Costpoint. If a difference exists, the upload cannot take place until you correct the file.
If you have Costpoint Multicurrency, you must update currency exchange rates for selections in the Upload file before creating new Time & Expense vouchers during the upload process.
The system calculates functional amounts for multicurrency records using the transaction amount, the exchange rate group, and the date selected in the TE Expense Report Preprocessor screen. You can freeze the rates by selecting the Freeze Rates checkbox in the TE Expense Report Preprocessor screen. Costpoint will calculate the functional amounts using its standard methodology.
If the Pay Currency Code and Trans Currency Code are the same, the Pay Amount and Pay Exchange Rate Date are ignored.
The Pay Amount and Pay Exchange Rate Date can be used when the Pay Currency is not the same as the Transaction Currency.
If the Pay currency is different from the Trans Currency, you must provide a Pay Amount and it must equal the full amount of the voucher - NO PARTIAL PAYMENTS are permitted.
If no Pay Amount is provided, you must provide an Exchange Rate Date (to obtain the exchange rate).
The Pay Amount takes precedence when both a Pay Amt and an Exchange Rate are present.
The error report is automatically printed when the validation process and currency calculation process are completed and when vouchers are successfully created. An error report is printed even in the absence of errors; it will read, "No errors found".
Additionally, an edit report containing the Line Number, Expense Report Number, Account Number, Org Number, Project Number, Description, and Total for each voucher is generated. The system will display a message box noting that reports have been generated and that vouchers have been created.