Screen Error Messages

Cannot open file

The Input File entered has an incorrect format or file extension. Check file and try again.

Error copying input file

A fatal error occurred while the system was trying to copy an Input File with an .OLD extension. Check user rights and disk space.

Error creating output file

A fatal error occurred when the system tried to create the output file. Check user rights and disk space.

Error deleting input file.

A fatal error occurred when the system tried to delete the Input File. Check user rights and disk space.

File does not exist. Check your path and try again.

The Input file entered could not be found. The Input file must be in your working directory. Check your working directory in Windows Explorer or your network settings.

Report Error Messages

The following errors may appear on the Error Report.


The account has not been set up.  Review account entry rules.

The Account Entry Group for this account has not been designated "PO" or "ALL" in the Maintain Accounts screen (in Costpoint General Ledger).  You must set up the account before processing any transactions.


The account is not a detail account.

The Detail checkbox is not selected for this account in the Maintain Accounts screen (in Costpoint General Ledger). You cannot charge accounts unless they are marked as detail accounts.


Warning:  This transaction is not within the account ID/organization ID combination's period of performance.

The Order Date is not within the account and organization period of performance as defined in the Maintain Account/Org Links screen (in Costpoint General Ledger).


PO has multiple account lines. The Preprocessor cannot update this PO.

The PO already exists in the Costpoint database with multiple account lines. The preprocessor does not know which line should be updated. Either delete the multiple lines or update the PO in Costpoint manually.


The account distribution for inventory parts, when charged to an inventory abbreviation, is limited to one row.

The PO already exists in the Costpoint database with multiple account lines. Inventory parts are limited to one account row per PO Line. (This occurs only if the PO has been changed manually in Costpoint.)


The account distribution must be entered.

The account distribution is required in the Input file.

The PO does not exist, data not inserted.

A line exists in the Input file for an Account Line record, but a PO Header does not exist either in the Costpoint database or in the Input file.



This flag must be Y or N.

The Vendor Acknowledgment flag must be "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).  No default could be provided.

Allocation Percentage

The cost amount percent rate must be 0 through 100 percent.

The Cost Amount Percent Rate is either not numeric or it is negative.

Bill To Address Code

This address code is not a valid bill to address code.

The Bill to Addr column in the Branch Locations screen (in Costpoint Purchasing) must be set to "Y" (Yes) or "D" (Default) for this address.


This bill to address code does not exist.

The Bill to Address code does not exist in the Branch Locations screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).


This data is required.

The Bill to Address code is required in the Input file.

Bill To Address Code and Bill To Location ID

This address and location combination is not valid.

The Bill to Address code and the Bill to Location do not exist in the Branch Locations screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).


Bill To Location ID

This bill to branch location does not exist.

The Bill to Location ID does not exist in the Branch Locations screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).


This data is required.

The Bill to Branch Location is required in the Input file.

Blanket Amount

These errors occur only if the PO has been changed manually in Costpoint.

The blanket PO amount exceeds the purchase order maximum authorization for this buyer.

The Blanket PO Amount exceeds the PO maximum authorization for this buyer.

Warning:  The blanket PO amount exceeds the purchase order maximum authorization for this buyer.

The Blanket PO Amount exceeds the PO maximum authorization for this buyer.

Warning:  The blanket PO amount exceeds the purchase order maximum authorization for this buyer.  The status of this PO will be set to pending for additional approval.

The blanket PO amount exceeds the PO maximum authorization for this buyer.

For Blanket Amount, Costpoint uses functional currency amounts, since authorization amounts for the Buyer are in terms of functional currency.

Blanket/Release Validations

The Release Purchase Order must have the same Vendor ID and Vendor Address as its blanket.

The release POs vendor and vendor address must be the same as its blanket.

POs with an "R" (Release) PO type must have a release number greater than zero.

Release POs must have a release number greater than zero.

POs with a type of "P" (Purchase Order) or "B" (Blanket) must have a release number of zero.

Blanket and Regular POs must have a release number of zero.

Release POs with a PO ID that does not already exist as a Blanket PO

You must set up a blanket PO before generating a release.

A new release PO must reference a blanket PO with a status of "O" (Open).

You can generate a release only against a blanket with an "O" (Open) status.

The Release PO line/item combination must exist in the Blanket PO if release items are restricted to items on the Blanket PO.

Blanket PO Header has Restrict Release Items to Items on Blanket checked (PO_HDR. RLSE_FROM_BLKT_FL=Y), and Release PO line/item combination does not exist in the blanket.

Branch Address

A valid code is required.

The Branch Address Code is required in the Input file.

This address code does not exist.

The Branch Address Code does not exist in the Branch Locations screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).


This address code is not a valid return address code.

The Branch Address Code must have Return Addr set to "Y" (Yes) or "D" (Default) in the Branch Locations screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).


This data is required.

The Branch Address Code is required in the Input file.

Branch Address Code And Branch Location ID

This address and location combination is not valid.

The Branch Address Code and Location ID do not exist in the Branch Locations screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).


Branch Location

A valid ID is required.

The Branch Location ID is required in the Input file.

This return address branch location does not exist.

The Return Address Branch Location does not exist in the Branch Locations screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).


Buyer ID

Buyer ID is a required field.

The Buyer ID is required in the Input file.

The buyer is not authorized for this project.

If the Buyer Proj/Acct/Org Validation Code in the PO Settings screen is not "Implicit," the Buyer and Project must exist in the Link Project subtask of the Buyers screen (in Costpoint Purchasing.)

If the Buyer Proj/Acct/Org Validation Code in the PO Settings screen is "Implicit" and the Buyer and the top level of the Project exist in the Link Project subtask of the Buyers screen (in Costpoint Purchasing), Flow_Down must be "Y" (Yes).


The buyer is not authorized for this organization/account.

If the Buyer Proj/Acct/Org Validation Code in the PO Settings screen is not "Implicit," the Buyer, Organization and Account must exist in the Link Acct/Org subtask of the Buyers screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).

If the Buyer Proj/Acct/Org Validation Code in the PO Settings screen is "Implicit" and the Organization and Account exist in the Link Acct/Org subtask of the Buyers screen, the Buyer for the PO must exist with the Account and Organization in the Link Acct/Org subtask.


The buyer is not authorized to enter this type of PO.

The Purchase Order checkbox in the PO Entry Authorization group box must be selected (in the Buyers screen in Costpoint Purchasing).


If the PO Type is "S," the system will validate the Buyer for Subcontract PO entry authorization (BUYER.SUBPO_AUTH_FL). The Subcontract Order checkbox  must be selected for the buyer record.

This buyer does not exist.

The Buyer ID does not exist in the Buyers screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).


This data is required.

The Buyer ID is required in the Input file.

CIS Code

This CIS Code does not exist.

The CIS code in the PO Header does not exist in the CIS Codes screen (CIS_CODES).

If CIS Code is entered, the transaction currency code must be "GBP."

CIS Code is entered in the PO Header and Trans Currency is not British Pounds.


CIS Withholding Flag

CIS Withholding Flag must be Y or N.

The CIS Withholding flag is neither "Y" nor "N."

The CIS Withholding Flag cannot be "Y" if there is no CIS Code in the PO Header, or if the CIS code has a withholding rate of zero.

If the CIS Withholding Flag is "Y," the PO's CIS code cannot be null, and the associated withholding rate (in the Maintain CIS Codes screen in Costpoint System Administration) must be greater than zero.

Certificate of Conformance Required

This flag must be Y or N.

The Certificate of Conformance flag must be "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).

Warning:  Default value for cert of conformance entered in either basic part data or part project data is yes.

The Certificate of Conformance in the Input file is "N" (No), but the default in the Basic Part Data or Part Project Data screens (in Costpoint Product Definition) is "Y" (Yes).  (This occurs only when the PO has been changed manually in Costpoint.)

Change Date

Change Date is not a valid date.

The Change Date in the Input file is not valid. All dates must be in the "MM-DD-YYYY" format.

Change Order Number

PO Change Order Number is not a valid number.

The PO Change Order Number in the Input file must be numeric.


PO Change Order Number is a required field.

The PO Change Order Number is required in the Input file.

Charge Amount

Charge cost 1 is not a valid number.

The PO Line Charge Cost 1 in the Input file must be numeric.

Charge cost 2 is not a valid number.

The PO Line Charge Cost 2 in the Input file must be numeric.

Charge Line

The PO does not exist, data not inserted.

A line exists in the Input file for a Charge Line record, but a PO Header does not exist either in the Costpoint database or in the Input file.

Charge Type

A valid PO line charge type code must be entered if the line type is miscellaneous.

The Charge Type code is required if the Line Type is miscellaneous.

This charge type does not exist.

The Charge Type does not exist in the PO Line Charge Types screen in Costpoint Purchasing.


Commit Amount/Quantity

The only valid values are D, Q and E.

PO Commit Type can be only "D" (Dollar), "Q" (Quantity), or "E" (Excluded).

Completed Work Retention Pct

Completed Work Retention Pct must equal zero if the Subcontract PO Line Extended Amount is less than zero.

Completed Work Retention Pct (COMPLT_RET_PCT) must be Zero if the PO Type is "S" and PO Line Extended Amt is less than zero.

Cost Amount

Neither the cost amount nor cost amount percent rate exists.

The Cost Amount Percent Rate is not numeric or is blank in the Input file.

Create Change Order

Warning:  PO does not exist so Change Order cannot be created.

Create Change Order field is "Y," but PO does not exist

Warning: Change Order number must be greater than current PO's change Order number.

Create Change Order field is "Y," but the Change Order Number in the Header input file is not greater than the current change order number for the PO.

Desired Date

Desired Date is not a valid date.

The Desired Date in the Input file is not valid. All dates must be in the "MM-DD-YYYY" format.

The desired date must be entered.

The Desired Date is required in the Input file.

The desired date must be less than or equal to due date.

The Desired Date must be earlier or later than the Due Date.

Due Date

Due Date is not a valid date.

The Due Date in the Input file is not valid. All dates must be in the "MM-DD-YYYY" format.

The due date must be entered.

The Due Date is required in the Input file.

Warning:  The header information indicates that the PO line due date is not within the period of performance dates for this PO.

The Due Date must be between the Period of Performance Starting and Ending dates for the PO.

Exceed Blanket Total

This flag must be Y or N.

The Restrict Release Line Totals to Blanket Line Totals flag must be "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).

Gross Unit Cost

Gross unit cost is not a valid number.

The Gross Unit Cost in the Input file must be a positive, numeric value.

The gross unit cost field must be greater than or equal to zero.

The Gross Unit Cost amount must be greater than or equal to zero.

Gross Unit Cost Flag

This flag must be Y or N.

The Gross Unit Cost flag must be either "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).


This must be Y or N.

The Print GSA flag must be "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).

Header Notes

No data, record not inserted.

A line exists in the Input file for a Header Notes record, but there is no data on the line.

The PO does not exist, data not inserted.

A line exists in the Input file for a Header Notes record, but a PO Header does not exist either in the Costpoint database or in the Input file.

Inventory Abbreviation

Invalid inventory abbreviation.

The inventory abbreviation does not exist.

This inventory abbreviation is inactive.

The inventory abbreviation's active status (S_ACTIVE_CD) is "N" or "O."

GFM inventory abbreviations cannot be used on Pos.

The inventory account type (S_INVT_ACCT_TYPE) is "G."

Inventory Abbreviations can only be used for Inventory Part PO lines.

The Inventory Abbreviation is not null, but the PO line item is null or not an inventory part.

Warning: the Inventory Abbreviation Project, Account, Org will be used on this PO line.

The input line's project, account, and/or org does not match inventory abbreviation's project, material account, or material org.


These errors occur only if the PO has been changed manually in Costpoint.

A miscellaneous line type cannot be entered if the item/revision columns are not blank.

The Miscellaneous Line Type should be blank, if it is an Inventory item.


The item/revision columns must be entered for a part, good, or service.

The item/revision columns are required if the item type is a "Part," "Good," or "Service."

Warning:  The default value for the source insp reqd entered in either basic part data or part project data is yes.

The Source Inspection Required is "Y" (Yes) in either the Basic Part Data or Part Project Data screen (in Costpoint Product Definition) for this item, but the value in the input file is "N" (No).

The item/revision cannot be changed if receipts or vouchers already exist for the PO line.

The item/revision columns are changed and the PO line already has non-zero values in either the PO Line Received Amount (PO_LN. RECVD_AMT), Received Quantity (RECVD_QTY), Accepted Amount (ACCPTD_AMT), Accepted Quantity (ACCPTD_QTY), Vouchered Amount (VCHRD_AMT), or Posted Amount (PSTD_AMT).

The PO vendor is not approved for the PO line part.

ITEM_SETTINGS.VEND_BY_PART_FL = N, Part entered on the PO line, item settings prevents purchase of part when vendor is not approved for this part (ITEM_SETTINGS. VEND_NOT_PREF_FL = Y), and PO Vendor is not Approved for the part (row does not exist in ITEM_VEND for matching Part/Vendor combination, or it exists but is not approved ITEM_VEND.PREF_VENDOR_CD = N or Space).

The PO vendor has not been assigned to the PO line part.

ITEM_SETTINGS.VEND_BY_PART_FL = N, Part entered on the PO line, item settings prevents purchase of part when vendor is not assigned for this part (ITEM_SETTINGS. VEND_NOT_APPRVD_FL = Y), and PO Vendor is not Assigned to the part (row does not exist in ITEM_VEND for matching Part/Vendor combination, or row exists but with ITEM_VEND. PREF_VEND_CD = N).

The PO vendor is not approved for the PO line part.

ITEM_SETTINGS.VEND_BY_PART_FL = Y, Part entered on PO line has Vendor Restriction = Approved (PART. S_VEND_RESTRICT_CD = A), and row does not exist in ITEM_VEND for matching Part/Vendor combination, or it exists but is not approved (ITEM_VEND. PREF_VENDOR_CD = N or Space)

The PO vendor has not been assigned to the PO line part, or is assigned but unapproved.

ITEM_SETTINGS.VEND_BY_PART_FL = Y, Part entered on PO line has Vendor Restriction = Assigned (PART. S_VEND_RESTRICT_CD = S), and row does not exist in ITEM_VEND for matching Part/Vendor combination, or row exists but with ITEM_VEND. PREF_VEND_CD = N.

These errors occur only if the PO has been changed manually in Costpoint.

Leadtime ARO

The leadtime ARO cannot be changed.

The Leadtime ARO on the PO Line cannot be changed.

The leadtime ARO cannot be negative.

The Leadtime ARO must be greater than or equal to zero.


At least one purchase order line must be entered.

A PO Header must have at least one PO Line.

Note: This applies only in insert mode.  During update mode, it is permissible to have only the PO Header Status.

The PO header not in input file, data not inserted.

The PO in the Input file does not exist in the PO header table; the PO Line will not be inserted.

Line Description

The item description cannot be changed.

The PO Line Type is "G" (Goods) or "S" (Services) and the Goods and Services checkbox is not selected in the Allow Description Change in Purchasing group box in the Product Definition Settings screen.


The part description cannot be changed.

The PO Line Type is "P" (Part) and the Parts checkbox is selected in the Allow Description Change in Purchasing group box in the Product Definition Settings screen.


This data is required.

The Line Description is required in the Input file.

Line Notes

No data, record not inserted.

A line exists in the Input file for a Line Notes record, but there is no note data in the Input file.

The PO does not exist, data not inserted.

A line exists in the Input file for a Line Notes record, but a PO Header does not exist either in the Costpoint database or in the Input file.

Line Number

PO Line Number is not a valid number.

The PO Line Number in the Input file must be numeric.

PO Line Number is a required field.

The PO Line Number is required in the Input file.

PO Line Number must be unique for the PO.

The PO Line Number in the Input file already exists for the PO, or has been used in a previous line in the input file.


Input File cannot contain both a Misc Line Type and an Item

        PO Line Input file has both a Miscellaneous Line Charge Type ("M") and an Item.

Cannot change the status of a void PO/PO line.

PO Header or PO Line Status is "Void;" you cannot change the status.

Cannot change the status to open, pending or void when PO line item has been fully received.

Quantity has been fully received for this PO Line; you cannot change the status to "O" (Open), "P" (Pending), or "V" (Void).

Cannot change the status to pending or void when receipts exist for this PO line item.

Quantities have been received for this PO Line; you cannot change the status to "P" (Pending) or "V" (Void).

The status must be changed to closed, PO line item has been fully received.

Quantity has been fully received for this PO Line; you must change the status to "C" (Closed).

This status code does not exist.

Line Status code should be "P" (Pending), "O" (Open), "C" (Closed), or "V" (Void).

Users cannot set the status of a PO/PO line to system closed.  Use the status code C to manually close a PO.

The PO Line Status Code in the Input file is "S" (System Closed). Use "C" (Closed) to close a PO.

Warning:  This PO line has had inventory issued to it.  Closing the line may cause an inventory cost discrepancy.

The Issue Flag has been set to "Y" (Yes) on this PO Line.  (This occurs only if a PO has been changed manually in Costpoint.)

Warning:  This PO line has had inventory issued to it.  Voiding the line may cause an inventory cost discrepancy.

The Issue Flag has been set to "Y" (Yes) on this PO Line.  (This occurs only if a PO has been changed manually in Costpoint.)

Line Text

The PO does not exist, data not inserted.

A line exists in the Input file for a Line Text record, but a PO Header does not exist either in the Costpoint database or in the Input file.

Line Type

The line type must be M, P, G or S.

The Line Type must be "M" (Miscellaneous), "P" (Parts), "G" (Goods), or "S" (Services).

The PO line type is required.

The PO Line Type is required in the Input file.

This data is required.

The PO Line Type is required in the Input file.

Manufacturer Part

Warning:  This manufacturers part number is not on the alternate part list or is not approved for this internal part number.

The Warn Buyer if Not on Alternate List checkbox is selected in the Product Definition Settings screen; therefore, the Item does not exist in the Alternate Parts screen. 


Warning:  This manufacturers part number is not preferred for this system part number.

The Warn Buyer if Not Preferred checkbox is selected in the Product Definition Settings screen; therefore, the Item does not exist in the Alternate Parts screen.


Match Option

The match option is required.

The Match Option is required and a default could not be provided.

The match option must be TOTAL when 2-way matching.

The PO Line Matching Option should be "TOTAL" when matching is 2-way.

The only valid values are INDIV and TOTAL.

The PO Line Matching Option must be "INDIV" or "TOTAL."

Match Type

Cannot change the matching option code after vouchers have been entered for this PO line.

You cannot change the PO Line Matching Type after vouchers have been entered for this line.

The only valid values are 2 and 3.

The PO Line Match Type should be 2 or 3.

Warning:  Automatic vouchers are not allowed for 2-way match lines.

The Auto-Vouchering flag is "Y" (Yes), but the None radio button is selected in the Auto-Voucher Creation group box in the PO Vouchers Settings screen (in Costpoint Accounts Payable).


Minimum Quantity

The minimum quantity cannot be changed.

You cannot change the Minimum Quantity in the PO Line.

The minimum quantity cannot be negative.

The Minimum Quantity must be greater than or equal to zero.

Miscellaneous Type

A misc type cannot be entered for a part, good or service line type.

The Miscellaneous Line Charge Type should be blank for a part, good, or service line type. (This occurs only if a PO has been changed manually in Costpoint.)


The line type is not miscellaneous.  Miscellaneous type must be blank.

The Miscellaneous Charge Type should be blank if Line Type is not miscellaneous. (This occurs only if PO has been changed manually in Costpoint.)

This charge type does not exist.

The Miscellaneous Charge Type does not exist in the PO Line Charge Types screen.


Order Date

Order Date is not a valid date.

The Order Date in the Input file is not valid. All dates must be in the "MM-DD-YYYY" format.

The order date must be less than or equal to due date.

The Order Date must be earlier or later than the Due Date.

Warning:  The header information indicates that the order date is not within the period of performance dates for this PO.

The Order Date must be between the Period of Performance Starting and Ending dates for the PO.


Organization Abbreviation

The organization abbreviation does not exist.

The Organization Abbreviation does not exist in the Maintain Org Elements screen (in Costpoint General Ledger).


The organization abbreviation is not active.

The Active checkbox is not selected for the organization in the Maintain Org Elements screen (in Costpoint General Ledger).


Original Due Date

The original due date must be entered.

The Original Due Date is required in the Input file.

Period Of Performance Starting

The starting Period of Performance Date may not be greater than the ending Period of Performance Date.

The Period of Performance Starting Date is later than the Period of Performance Ending Date.


The PO ID has already been used by another company

You can change a PO only if it has the same company ID as you.

PO Type

PO Type cannot be changed on an existing PO.

The input file modifies an existing PO, and the PO_HDR.S_PO_TYPE is different from the original.

PO Line Extended Cost Amt

The sum of the extended amounts for all the valid Subcontract PO lines cannot be negative.

The PO Type is "S," and the Sum of Extended Amounts (PO_LN.TRN_PO_LN_ EXT_AMT) of all lines in the PO (excluding voided lines) cannot be negative.


Negative extended cost amount is not allowed for Service line types.

If the user enters a negative Extended Cost Amount for a Subcontract PO line with a Line Type of ‘S’ervice (PO_LN.S_PO_LN_TYPE = S), give this error message.


PO line extended cost amount cannot be entered if quantity or gross unit cost exists.

Input file Extended Cost Amount field cannot have a value if PO line Quantity > 0 and/or Gross Unit Cost > 0 in input file or existing PO line.  If data exists for those fields, the system will calculate the Net Unit Cost and Extended Cost Amount.

PO Printed

This flag must be Y or N.

The PO Printed flag must be "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).

PO Status

The PO line status can be pending or void, if the PO header status is pending.

The PO Header Status is "P" (Pending), and the PO Line Status is not "P" (Pending) or "V" (Void).

The PO line status cannot be pending, if the PO header status is open.

The PO Line Status cannot be "P" (Pending) when the PO Header Status is "O" (Open).

This purchase order is not active.

The PO has either a "C" (Closed) status or a "V" (Void) status in the Enter POs screen. 



PO Total

The new PO or PO line amount exceeds the buyer's authorization limit.  Since receipts and/or vendor invoices have been received against this PO, the buyer limits must be raised before making this change.  After saving, the buyer limits can be set back to their original amount without impacting this PO.

Set the status to "P" (Pending), if the Set to Pending if Over Buyer's Limit checkbox in the PO Settings screen (in Costpoint Purchasing) is selected and the PO type is not "B" (Blanket) and the PO Total is greater than the Maximum Authorizations for PO Line in the Buyers screen (in Costpoint Purchasing). Since receipts and/or vendor invoices have been received against this PO, you must raise the buyer limits before making this change. After you save, you can set the buyer limits to their original amount without affecting this PO.


Costpoint uses PO_LN.PO_LN_TOT_AMT, PO_HDR.PO_TOT_AMT when comparing amount to Buyer authorization limit (which is in terms of functional currency).

The PO total dollar amount exceeds the purchase order maximum authorization for this buyer.

Set the status to "P" (Pending), if the Set to Pending if Over Buyer's Limit checkbox in the PO Settings screen (in Costpoint Purchasing) is selected and the PO type is not "B" (Blanket) and the PO Total is greater than the Maximum Authorizations for PO Line in the Buyers screen (in Costpoint Purchasing). Since receipts and/or vendor invoices have been received against this PO, you must raise the buyer limits before making this change. After saving, you can set the buyer limits back to their original amount without affecting this PO.


Costpoint uses PO_LN.PO_LN_TOT_AMT, PO_HDR.PO_TOT_AMT (as per existing logic), when comparing amount to Buyer authorization limit (which is in terms of functional currency).

Procurement Type

This data is required.

The Procurement Type is required in the Input file.

This procurement type does not exist.

The Procurement Type does not exist in the Procurement Types screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).



Warning:  This transaction is not within the project's period of performance.

The Order Date is not within the Project period of performance as defined in the Modifications subtask of the Maintain Project Master screen (in Costpoint Project Setup).


Project Abbreviation

The project abbreviation does not exist.

The Project Abbreviation does not exist in the Maintain Project Master screen (in Costpoint Project Setup).


The project abbreviation is not active.

The Active checkbox is not selected for the Project Abbreviation in the Maintain Project Master screen (in Costpoint Project Setup).


Project/Account Abbreviation

Warning:  The project account abbreviation does not exist.

The Project Account Abbreviation does not exist in the Account Entry Groups table.


Purchase Order

PO ID is a required field.

The PO ID is required in the Input file.

This has already been created and archived.

A PO with this ID already exists in the PO History table.


QC Inspection Required

Warning:  Default value for the QC required entered in either basic part data or part project data is yes.

The QC Required flag is "N" (No) in the Input file but the QC Inspection Reqd checkbox is selected in the PO Line Charge Types screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).



Either the order quantity or amount must be entered.

The Order Quantity or Amount is required in the Input file.

Quantity ordered is not a valid number.

The Order Quantity in the Input file must be numeric.

The order quantity field must be greater than or equal to zero.

The Order Quantity must be greater than or equal to zero.

Warning:  This line has had inventory issued to it.  Changing the quantity may cause an inventory cost discrepancy.

The Issue Flag has been set to "Y" (Yes) on this PO Line.  (This occurs only if the PO has been changed manually in Costpoint.)

Receipts exist for this PO Line.  The Ordered Quantity cannot be less than the Received Quantity or Accepted Quantity.

You cannot change the PO line order quantity to a value that is less than what has been already received (PO_LN.RECVD_QTY) or accepted (PO_LN.ACCPTD_QTY) for that line.

Receipt Tolerance Percentage

Receipt tolerance percentage is not a valid number.

The Receipt Tolerance in the Input file must be a valid number.

The receipt tolerance must be between 0 and 100 percent.

The Receipt Tolerance must be between 0 and 100 percent.

The receipt tolerance percentage must be zero when overshipments are not allowed.

The Overship Flag is "N" (No) on the PO Line, but the Receipt Tolerance Percentage has a value.

The receipt tolerances are not used for purchased items; percentage must be zero.

The Overshipment Allowed flag is "Y" (Yes), but the Use Receipt Tolerance checkbox in the Project Definition Settings screen is not selected.


Record Type

Record Type is a required field.

The Record Type is required in the Input file.

Reference Number (1 or 2)

The reference is not a first reference ID.

The Reference Number exists in the Define Ref Structures screen (in Costpoint General Ledger), but the Reference Heading associated with it is not applied to the first reference number.


The reference is not a second reference ID.

The Reference Number exists in the Define Ref Structures screen (in Costpoint General Ledger), but the Reference Heading associated with it is not the second reference number.


The reference number does not exist.

The Reference Number does not exist in the Define Ref Structures screen (in Costpoint General Ledger).


Release Number

PO Release Number is not a valid number.

The PO Release Number in the Input file must be a valid number.

PO Release Number is a required field.

The PO Release Number in the Input file is required.

The new release number must be entered to create a blanket release.

If the PO Type is "R" (Release), the Release Number must be greater than zero.

The release number must be zero for purchase orders or blanket orders.

The Release Number must be zero if the PO Type is "P" (Purchase Order) or "B" (Blanket).

Requisition Number

A requisition ID is required on the PO line.

The Require Req No to be Non-Blank on PO Line and Require Valid Req No on PO Line radio buttons have been selected in the PO Settings screen (in Costpoint Purchasing). A value is required on the PO Line.


A valid requisition ID is required on the PO line.

The Requisition ID does not exist in the Enter Requisitions screen (in Costpoint Procurement Planning).


Requisition Line Key

Requisition Line combination does not exist

The Req ID/Req Line Key combination does not exist in the Requisition Line (RQ_LN) table.

Requisition Line Status is not Approved

The Associated Requisition Line Status (RQ_LN. S_RQ_STATUS_CD) must be "A."

Requisition references an MO that will not allow additional Subcontract PO Charges

The Requisition Line's Order Reference Code (S_ORD_REF_TYPE_CD) is "M" and the Allow Additional Subcontractor Charges checkbox is not selected in the Header subtask of the Enter Manufacturing Orders screen in Costpoint Production Control.

Restrict Release Items On Blanket

This flag must be Y or N.

The Restrict Release Items flag must be "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).

Restrict Release Line Totals To Blanket Line Totals

This flag must be Y or N.

The Restrict Release Line Totals flag must be "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).

Retain PO

This flag must be Y or N.

The Retain PO flag must be "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).

Sales Tax Amount

Sales tax amount is not a valid number.

The Sales Tax Amount in the Input file must be numeric.

Sales tax amount must be zero if PO line is non-taxable.

The Sales Tax Amount in the Input file is greater than zero, and the PO line is not taxable (PO_LN.TAXABLE_FL is "N").

Sales tax amount must be zero if PO Settings Auto Calculate Sales/VAT Tax option is not selected.

The Sales Tax Amount in the Input file is greater than zero, and the Auto Calculate Sales/VAT Tax checkbox is not selected in the PO Settings screen (PO_SETTINGS.CALC_TAX_FL=N).

Sequence Number

Sequence Number is not a valid number.

The Sequence Number in the Input file for header text must be numeric.

Sequence Number is a required field.

The Sequence Number is required in the Input file.

Ship ID

This ship ID does not exist.

The Ship ID does not exist in the Ship ID table.


Warning:  The sales tax code for this ship ID is considered exempt from sales tax, but the tax flag is set to yes.

The Sales Tax Code (SALES_TAX_CD) from the SHIP_ID table has the EXMPT_FL set to "Y" (Yes) in the SALES_TAX table and the Taxable flag for the PO is "Y" (Yes).

Status Type

Status is a required field.

The PO Line Status is required in the Input file.

This must be C, O, P or V.

The Status Type must be "C" (Closed), "O" (Open), "P" (Pending), or "V" (Void).

Stored Materials Retention Pct

Stored Materials Retention Pct must equal zero if the Subcontract PO Line Extended Amount is less than zero.

The Stored Materials Retention Pct (COMPLT_RET_PCT) must be zero if the PO Type is "S" and the PO Line Extended Amt is less than zero.

Subcontract Purchase Order

Only service or miscellaneous line types are allowed with subcontract POs.

The PO Type is "S" and PO line type is not "S" or "M."

Cannot change the PO line status to Pending or Void.  Update Status transactions and/or vouchers have been created for this subcontract PO line item.

The PO Type is "S," you have changed the PO Line Status from "S" to "P" or "V," and the row exists either in Receipt Line, Voucher Line, or Voucher Line History with a matching PO_ID.

Cannot change the PO line status to Closed if Retention Amounts still exist.

The PO Type is "S," you have changed the PO Line Status from "O" to "C," and (PO_LN.COMPLT_RET_AMT+ STORED_RET_AMT) is less than zero.

PO Type cannot be modified to 'Subcontract PO' if line charges exist for this PO.

You changed the PO Type from "P," "B," or "R" to "S," and a row exists in PO_LN_CHG with a matching PO_ID.

Subcontract POs cannot have any line charges.

The PO Type is "S," and one or more PO lines have Line Charge information entered.

Buyer is not authorized to enter subcontract purchase orders.

The Buyer is not authorized to enter subcontract purchase orders (the Subcontract Order checkbox is not selected for this buyer in the Buyers screen in Costpoint Purchasing).


Completed Work Retention Pct must be between 0.0000 and 1.0000.

Stored Materials Retention Pct must be between 0.0000 and 1.0000.

Cannot change the PO line status from "S" to "O" if conditions exist to keep it at "S" (System Closed).

The PO Type is "S," you changed the PO Line Status from "S" to "O," the stored amount for the PO line and [(PO_LN.TRN_STORED_AMT = 0) and (PO_LN. TRN_COMPLT_AMT - PO_LN.COMPLT_RET_AMT = PO_LN. TRN_PO_LN_EXT_AMT)].

Completed Work Retention Pct cannot be greater than zero if it is not a Subcontract PO.

The PO Type is not "S," and the Completed Work Retention Pct is greater than 0.

Stored Materials Retention Pct cannot be greater than zero if it is not a Subcontract PO.

The PO Type is not "S," and the Stored Materials Retention Pct is greater than 0.

Quantity must be Zero for Subcontract POs.

The PO Type is "S," and the ORD_QTY is not zero.

PO Line Extended Cost Amount cannot be zero for Subcontract POs.

The PO Type is "S," and the PO Line Extended Amount is zero.

Taxable Flag

The taxable flag must be Y or N.

The Taxable flag must be "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).


This value is required.

The Vendor Terms code is required in the Input file.

This vendor terms does not exist.

The Vendor Terms does not exist in the Vendor Terms screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).


Text Code

No data, record not inserted.

PO Line Text Code in the Input file is blank.

Text Code is a required field.

The Text Code is required in the Input file if there is a record type "HT."

This text code does not exist.

The Text Code does not exist in the PO Standard Text screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).


This text source does not exist.

The Text Source Code does not exist in the PO Standard Text screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).


Total Line Amount

The total line amount exceeds the PO line maximum authorization for this buyer.

Set the status to "P" (Pending) if the Set to Pending if Over Buyer's Limit checkbox in the PO Settings screen (in Costpoint Purchasing) is not selected or the PO type is "B" (Blanket) and the PO Total is greater than the Maximum Authorization for PO Line in the Buyers screen. 


Costpoint uses PO_LN.PO_LN_TOT_AMT when comparing amount to Buyer authorization limit (which is in terms of functional currency).

Warning:  This PO or PO line exceeds the buyers' authorization limit.  The status of this PO will be set to Pending for additional approval.

Set the status to "P" (Pending) if the Set to Pending if Over Buyer's Limit checkbox in the PO Settings screen (in Costpoint Purchasing) is selected and the PO type is not "B" (Blanket) and the PO Total is greater than the Maximum Authorization for PO Line in the Buyers screen.  Since receipts and/or vendor invoices have been received against this PO, you must raise the buyer limits before making this change.  After you save, you can set the buyer limits back to their original amount without affecting this PO.


Costpoint uses PO_LN.PO_LN_TOT_AMT when comparing amount to Buyer authorization limit (which is in terms of functional currency).

Vouchers exist for this PO Line.  The calculated PO Line Total Amount cannot be less than the Vouchered Amount or Posted Amount.

You cannot change the PO line total amount (PO_LN.TRN_PO_TOT_AMT) to a value that is less than what has been already vouchered (PO_LN.TRN_VCHRD_AMT) or posted (PO_LN.PSTD_AMT) for that line.

Costpoint uses transaction currency amounts.

Total Released Amount 

These errors occur only if the PO has been changed manually in Costpoint.

The sum of all release order totals exceeds the PO total blanket amount.

The Total Released Amount (PO_HDR.TRN_TOT_RLSED_AMT) is greater than the Blanket amount and the flag to exceed the limits is set to "N" (No).

Costpoint uses transaction currency amounts.

Warning:  The sum of all release order totals exceeds the PO total blanket amount.

The Total Released Amount (PO_HDR.TRN_TOT_RLSED_AMT) is greater than the Blanket amount and the flag to exceed the limits is set to "Y" (Yes).


Auto-vouchering is not allowed or not allowed for this vendor.

The auto-vouchering flag is "Y" (Yes) on the PO Line, but the Allow Auto-Vouchering for POs checkbox is not selected in the Defaults subtask of the Maintain Vendors screen (in Costpoint Purchasing and Accounts Payable) or the None radio button is selected in the Auto-Voucher Creation group box in the PO Voucher Settings screen (in Costpoint Accounts Payable).


The vendor is on hold status.  (Followed by the text in the vendor notes.)

The On Hold radio button is selected in the Vendor Status for PO group box in the Maintain Vendors screen (in Costpoint Purchasing).


This vendor does not exist.

The Vendor ID does not exist in the Maintain Vendors screen (in Costpoint Accounts Payable and Purchasing).


Vendor is a required field.

The Vendor ID is required in the Input file.

The PO vendor must be approved.

PO Vendor has an approval status of Not Approved or Pending (VEND. VEND_APPRVL_CD = N or P)

Warning:  The vendor is on warning status.  (Followed by the text in the vendor notes.)

The Give Warning radio button is selected in the Vendor Status group box in the Maintain Vendors screen (in Costpoint Accounts Payable and Purchasing). (VEND.S_VEND_PO_CNTL_CD)

Warning:  This vendor's part number is not on the alternate part list or is not approved for this internal part number.

The Item does not exist in the Alternate Parts screen and the Warn Buyer if Not on Alternate List checkbox is selected in the Product Definition Settings screen. (ALT_PART and ITEM_SETTINGS.WARN_NOT_LIST_FL)

Warning:  This vendor's part number is not preferred for this system part number.

The Item does not exist in the Alternate Parts screen and the Warn Buyer if Not Preferred checkbox is selected in the Product Definition Settings screen. (ALT_PART and ITEM_SETTINGS.WARN_NOT_APPRVD_FL)

Vendor Address Code

This address code is not a valid order address code.

The Vendor Address Code must have Bill to Addr set to "Y" (Yes) or "D" (Default) in the Maintain Vendors screen (in Costpoint Accounts Payable and Purchasing). (VEND_ADDR.S_ODR_ADDR_CD)

Vendor And Vendor Address Code

This vendor/address code combination does not exist.

The Vendor Address Code and the Vendor do not exist in the Maintain Vendors screen (in Costpoint Accounts Payable and Purchasing). (VEND_ADDR)

Volume Discount

The discount percentage must be between 0 and 100 percent.

The Discount Percentage must be a positive numeral.

The Volume discount in the Input file must be between 0 and 100 percent.

The Discount Percentage must be a positive numeral.

Volume discount is not a valid number.

The Volume Discount must be a valid number.


Process Validations – PO Header




Row does not exist in CURRENCY table with S_CRNCY_CD = Trans Currency (input file).


The transaction currency does not exist.

Row exists in MU_CRNCY_STATUS table with S_CRNCY_CD = Trans Currency, and EXPIR_DT < Rate Date (input file).  Note – does not apply to transaction currencies that don’t have a row in the above table.


The currency is not active for the rate date entered.

Row does not exist in RT_GRP table with RT_GRP_ID = Rate Group (input file).


The rate group does not exist.

Row does not exist in RT_GRP_CRNCY with the combination of RT_GRP_ID = Rate Group (input file), FR_S_CRNCY_CD = Trans Currency (input file) & TO_S_CRNCY_CD = GL_CONFIG. FUNC_S_CRNCY_CD).


Transaction to Functional Currency combination is not a member of the Rate Group

Row does not exist in RT_BY_DT table with the combination of RT_GRP_ID = Rate Group (input file), FR_S_CRNCY_CD = Trans Currency (input file) & TO_S_CRNCY_CD = GL_CONFIG. FUNC_S_CRNCY_CD), OR row exists but END_DT < Rate Date (input file).


There is no exchange rate available for the selected currency code combination, date and rate group.

Trans Currency (input file) is different from existing PO_HDR.TRN_CRNCY_CD, and receipts and/or vouchers exist against the PO (rows exist in RECPT_HDR and/or VCHR_HDR with matching PO_ID/PO_RLSE_NO)


Transaction Currency cannot be changed for a PO that has receipts and/or vouchers against it.

Rate Group (input file) is different from existing PO_HDR.RATE_GRP_ID, and receipts and/or vouchers exist against the PO (rows exist in RECPT_HDR and/or VCHR_HDR with matching PO_ID/PO_RLSE_NO)


Rate Group cannot be changed for a PO that has receipts and/or vouchers against it.

VEND.LIMIT_TRN_CRNCY_FL=Y, Trans Currency (input file) does not exist in VEND_LIMIT_CRNCY table for PO vendor.


The transaction currency code is not valid for the PO vendor.

Rate Date (input file) is different from existing PO_HDR.TRN_CRNCY_DT, and receipts and/or vouchers exist against the PO (rows exist in RECPT_HDR and/or VCHR_HDR with matching PO_ID/PO_RLSE_NO)


Rate Date cannot be changed for a PO that has receipts and/or vouchers against it.