Use this preprocessor to import vouchers that are not in Costpoint's functional currency from an ASCII file or from tables. The data to be imported must be in one currency. Multiple currencies require a separate upload file or rows in the tables. You can import both open payables and paid vouchers in this screen. In addition, you can view and edit the transactions loaded by this preprocessor in the Enter AP Vouchers screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable. You can use the Print Voucher Edit report function to review them.
This application is separately licensed for the current release of Deltek Costpoint and an Ongoing Support Plan (OSP) is available for routine maintenance and upgrades. Customization is priced separately.
You must complete the A/P Voucher Suspense Setup screen before using this preprocessor.
Only one user at a time can run this application.
The following fields are validated by company: Vendor, Vendor Employee, 1099 Flag, Pay Vendor, Pay Vendor Address Code, Project, Project Abbrev Code, Project Account Abbrev Code, Organization, Organization Abbrev Code, Voucher/Fiscal Year, Account Entry Group, Subperiod Journal Status, AP Account, Cash Account, Sales/Use Tax Code, Reference ID, General Labor Category, and Project Labor Category.
The following fields are controlled by company: Suspense Values, Voucher Settings, Vendor Settings, and Multicurrency Settings.
Use this drop-down box to select your input source. The valid options are "ASCII File" (fixed length) or "Tables."
The "Tables" option uses three database tables for importing vouchers. The tables correspond to the three parts of a voucher: header, expense lines, and labor. The columns in the input file layout are also in the tables. There are two additional columns: Record Number (REC_NO) and Status Code (S_STATUS_CD). Record Number is used as the primary key, and you should ensure that it is unique when populating the tables with data. The application uses the Status Code is used to identify rows that have not been processed, are in error, or have been imported.
The names of the tables are as follows:
AOPUTLAM_INP_HDR: This table contains information to be imported for the header-type record.
AOPUTLAM_INP_DETL: This table contains information to be imported for the detail-type record.
AOPUTLAM_INP_LAB: This table contains information to be imported for the labor-type record.
Use the Select pushbutton to see a list of files from which you can select an input file, or enter the name of the file to be processed in the field to the right.
Select the fiscal year, period, and subperiod to use as defaults. These will not override values in the input file but will be used if the fiscal year, period, and/or subperiod in the input file are blank.
Select one of the three methods listed below for numbering vouchers:
Select this radio button to use the voucher numbers provided in the input file when importing vouchers to Costpoint tables. This selection is the default.
Select this radio button to sequentially assign unique voucher numbers when importing to the Costpoint tables. The system uses the Last System Voucher Number from the A/P Voucher Settings screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable to determine the next voucher number.
Select this radio button to enter a beginning voucher number (up to nine digits) in the data field directly below this radio button. When importing, the system will assign unique voucher numbers sequentially, starting with the beginning voucher number you have entered.
If you select the Use Last System Voucher Number radio button, the Costpoint system-wide setting for Voucher Numbering method in the A/P Voucher Settings screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable must be set to System, and the Last System Voucher Number field must be greater than or equal to zero.
Select this checkbox to fully expand the Account, Org, Project, Reference Number 1, and Reference Number 2 fields in the input file when processing. If you select this checkbox, any segment (of any of the fields mentioned above) that is shorter than the specified length for that segment will be padded. If the value is numeric, the segment will be padded with zeroes on the left. If the value is alphanumeric, the segment will be padded with spaces on the right.
This non-editable field displays the transaction currency of the file that you are importing. All records in the file or rows in the table must have the same transaction currency. You originally specified the transaction currency in the Multicurrency Settings screen in Costpoint Multicurrency. If necessary, you can change the transaction currency by using the Exchange Rates subtask.
Select this pushbutton to open the Exchange Rates subtask.
For this group box to be active, you must select "Tables" in the Select Input drop-down box. The three options in this group box work only when you select the Process Input File button on the toolbar.
Select this radio button to process rows from the input tables having a status (S_STATUS_CD) of "NULL." The rows are selected from the Header, Detail, and Labor tables.
Records that pass validation and records that fail validation are loaded into separate temporary tables; this is the same procedure for processing input files. The status code (S_STATUS_CD) column is then updated to "E" (Error) in all the input tables for the corresponding records that contain errors.
When you select the Import Vouchers button on the toolbar, all the records that passed validation are inserted into the base tables (VCHR_HDR, VCHR_LN, VCHR_LN_ACCT, and VCHR_LAB_VEND). The Status Code column is then updated with an "I" (Imported) to show that these rows have been successfully imported.
Select this radio button to re-process rows from the input tables having a status (S_STATUS_CD) of "E" (Error).
Select this radio button to delete rows from the input tables having a status (S_STATUS_CD) of "I" (Imported). If you select this radio button, the application will delete records from the AOPUTLAM_INP_HDR, AOPUTLAM_INP_DETL, and the AOPUTLAM_INP_LAB input tables.
Select this button on the toolbar (or the option in the Process menu) to read the input file, create temporary tables, validate records, and print the Error Report.
Select this button on the toolbar (or the option in the Process menu) to import the rows from the temporary tables (created by the process) into the Voucher Header, Voucher Line, and Voucher Line Account tables.