The following error messages may display when you run this application:

Yes: Continues previous process

No:  Starts new process

Cancel:  Return to screen

This warning message indicates that one or more of the three dynamic temporary tables has not been cleared.

This message indicates that the file could not be located. 

This error message means that either every record read was in error or that the file was empty.

This message displays when the Process button is selected and no records are in the input table.

Error Messages in Error Report

This message appears when the Packing Slip Required checkbox is selected on the Receipt Settings screen.

This is a warning only. On a credit receipt, the voucher was already issued.

You cannot upload receipts for Purchase Orders with a header status of "S" (System Closed), "V" (Void), or "P" (Pending)

You cannot upload receipts for PO lines with a status of "V" (Void).

Receipts cannot be uploaded for Purchase Orders with a header status of “S”ystem Closed, “V”oid or “P”ending.

Receipts cannot be uploaded for PO lines with a status of “V”oid.

A purchase order with this release number cannot be found.

The received quantity is less than the sum of accepted and rejected.

The receipt date was more days earlier than is allowed in the Receipt Settings screen.

You need to enter the material handler into Employee Information table (EMPL) in Costpoint Employee.

The receipt ID field must have a value.

The reason code is not in the Costpoint Reason Code (RSN_CD) table. Vendor Rejection Reason Codes must be established in Receiving Settings.

The value in the input file must exist in the Warehouse table.

The Receipt ID/PO line combination can exist only once in the input file.

The Receipt ID must be unique for each PO/Release combination (for same company).

The Receipt ID cannot already exist when adding new records (type of “RA”).

Receiving Settings has Overshipments = Prevent Entry of Receipts (RECV_SETTINGS. S_OVRSHP_CD = P), PO line does not allow overshipments (PO_LN.OVRSHP_ALLOW_FL = N), current receipt for the PO/PO Rlse/PO Line creates an overshipment condition  (PO_LN.RECV_QTY – PO_LN.REJ_REP_QTY > PO_LN.ORD_QTY).

If Receiving Settings has Overshipments = Prevent Entry of Receipts, and PO line does not allow overshipments, PO line Received Qty – Reject/Replace qty cannot exceed the PO line Order Qty.  

Receiving Settings has Overshipments = Prevent Entry of Receipts (RECV_SETTINGS. S_OVRSHP_CD = P), PO line allows overshipments (PO_LN.OVRSHP_ALLOW_FL = Y), current receipt for the PO/PO Rlse/PO Line creates an overshipment condition  (PO_LN.RECV_QTY – PO_LN.REJ_REP_QTY > PO_LN.ORD_QTY), overshipment quantity exceeds tolerance limit [(PO_LN.RECV_QTY – PO_LN.REJ_REP_QTY) - PO_LN.ORD_QTY] > [PO_LN.ORD_QTY * (1 + PO_LN.RECPT_TOL_PCT_RT)].

If Receiving Settings has Overshipments = Prevent Entry of Receipts, and PO line allows overshipments within certain tolerance limits, PO line Received Qty – Reject/Replace qty can exceed the PO line Order Qty, but only up to the tolerance limit allowed.

Uploading the transaction would result in PO_LN.ACCPTD_QTY < 0.

Input file Rejected Credit Quantity must be equal to Rejected Quantity when Rejected Order/Payment Disposition is C (Credit Due) or blank (which defaults to C if Rejected Qty is not zero).

Input file Rejected Pay Quantity must be equal to Rejected Quantity when Rejected Order/Payment Disposition is P (Pay Anyway).

Input file Rejected Replace Quantity must be equal to Rejected Quantity when Rejected Order/Payment Disposition is R (Repair/Replacement Required).

Uploading the transaction would result in PO_LN.ACCPTD_QTY < 0.