Use this tab to set up mappings between Costpoint Labor and Non-labor items and P3 Resources. The selection of mapped resources is refined using the fields in the Resource Group By group box.
Use this tab after completing the Set Up Projects tab. You must complete this tab before you can use the Move tab to move data into P3. You can update this tab at any time; however, you will normally populate it when you initialize the interface, when you need to map new Costpoint Project resources, or when you map new Costpoint Project IDs in the Set Up Projects tab.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a Costpoint Project ID for which you want to create resource mappings. You can select only Costpoint Project IDs that have been mapped in the Set Up Projects tab. The system validates the value in this field against the Costpoint Project IDs in the Set Up Projects mapping table.
This non-editable field displays the corresponding P3 Activity ID from the Set Up Projects tab that is mapped to the selected Costpoint Project ID and P3 Project ID.
This non-editable field displays the corresponding P3 Project ID from the Set Up Projects tab that is mapped to the selected Costpoint Project ID.
Use this group box to select the resource groupings for labor and non-labor that will populate the mapping grid. The fields in this group box will assist you in mapping resources between the two systems.
The Costpoint Project ID to be mapped has 100 individual employees that have charged time to it. However, all of these employees are assigned to a Project Labor Category (PLC) of "Engineer." Using the Resource Group By group box, you can map each individual Costpoint Employee ID to a unique P3 Resource (one-to-one mapping) by selecting "Employee/Vendor/Vendor Employee" in the Labor drop-down box. You can also map all of these employees to one P3 resource in one step by selecting "Project Labor Category" in the Labor drop-down box. If you select "Project Labor Category," the PLC, "Engineer," will populate the Project Labor Category column of the Mapping table. This will be mapped to a P3 resource that you identified (e.g., engineer). The interface will then determine a total for hours and costs for the PLC ("Engineer") for the given Costpoint Project ID before moving the values to the P3 resource.
Use this drop-down box to select labor groupings that will populate the Mapping grid. The valid choices are as follows:
Employee/Vendor/Vendor Employee
Employee/Vendor/Vendor Employee and Account
Employee/Vendor/Vendor Employee and GLC
Employee/Vendor/Vendor Employee and Organization
Employee/ Vendor/Vendor Employee and PLC
General Labor Category and Account
General Labor Category
General Labor Category and Organization
Project Labor Category and Account
Project Labor Category
Project Labor Category and Organization
Use this drop-down box to select non-labor groupings that will populate the mapping grid. The valid choices for non-labor groupings are as follows:
Many Accounts to one P3 Resource
One Account and Organization combination to one P3 Resource
One Account to one P3 Resource
Select this pushbutton to load Costpoint labor and non-labor resources that have been charged to the selected Costpoint Project ID in the past into the Mapping grid. Typically, the Project Workforce table is used to identify these resources. The process automatically groups the labor and non-labor resources in accordance with the selections in the Resource Group By group box. All applicable columns of the Mapping grid will be populated with the exception of the P3 Resource field. Labor resources will populate the mapping grid from the Labor History and non-labor resources will populate the mapping grid from the Project Summary and Prior Year Project Summary tables.
Select this pushbutton to save the resource mapping entries.
Populate this grid by using the Fill Table Pushbutton, manually entering data, or both. Columns in the Mapping grid are enabled or disabled depending on the criteria selected in the Resource Group By group box. For manual entry, the enabled columns always depend on the criteria selected in the Resource Group By group box. The P3 Resource column is always enabled. For example, if you select "Project Labor Category and Account" in the Labor drop-down box, enabled columns in the Mapping grid will be Project Labor Category, Account, and P3 Resource.
This field is enabled or disabled depending on your selections in the Resource Group By group box. Manually entered Employee IDs must be valid entries in the Costpoint Employee (EMPL) table.
This field is enabled or disabled depending on your selections in the Resource Group By group box. Manually entered Vendor IDs must be valid entries in the Costpoint Vendor ID (VEND) table.
This field is enabled or disabled depending on your selections in the Resource Group By group box. Manually entered Vendor Employee IDs must be valid entries in the Costpoint Vendor Employee (VEND_EMPL) table.
This field is enabled or disabled depending on your selections in the Resource Group By group box. Manually entered PLCs must be valid entries in the Costpoint Project Labor Category (BILL_LAB_CAT) table for the mapped Costpoint Project ID.
This field is enabled or disabled depending on your selections in the Resource Group By group box. Manually entered GLCs must be valid entries in the Costpoint General Labor Category (GENL_LAB_CAT) table.
This field is enabled or disabled depending on your selections in the Resource Group By group box. Manually entered Account IDs must be valid entries in the Costpoint Account ID (ACCT) table and must be valid in the Costpoint Account Group (ACCT_GRP_SETUP) table for the project selected.
If you selected "One Account and Organization combination to one P3 Resource" in the Non-Labor drop-down box, the Account ID and Organization ID must be a valid entry in the Costpoint Organization/Account (ORG_ACCT) table.
This field is enabled or disabled depending on your selections in the Resource Group By group box. Manually entered Organization IDs must be valid entries in the Costpoint Organization ID (ORG) table. If you select "One Account and Organization combination to one P3 Resource" in the Non-Labor drop-down box, the Account ID and Organization ID must be a valid entry in the Costpoint Organization/Account (ORG_ACCT) table.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a P3 Resource ID that is mapped to the Costpoint Labor and/or Non-labor groupings populating the Mapping grid for the given Costpoint Project, P3 Activity ID, and P3 Project. Manually entered P3 Resource IDs must be valid resources created in P3 for a given project.
This non-editable field displays the vendor employee name.
This non-editable field displays the Costpoint project being mapped.
This non-editable field displays the P3 project mapped to the Costpoint project in the Set Up Projects tab.
This non-editable field displays the P3 activity mapped in the Set Up Projects tab.
This non-editable field displays the Costpoint account name.
This non-editable field displays the Costpoint project labor category description.
This non-editable field displays the Costpoint general labor category description.
This non-editable field displays the Costpoint organization name.
This non-editable field displays the Costpoint vendor name.
This non-editable field displays the Costpoint employee name.
This non-editable field displays the P3 Resource description for the resource that has been mapped to this line.
Employee ID does not exist. / Employee ID does not exist for the active company.
You have entered an invalid employee ID. The employee ID entered either does not exist, or (in Costpoint 5.0) is not valid for the active company. Use Lookup to see a list of valid employee IDs.
Vendor ID does not exist. / Vendor ID does not exist for the active company.
You have entered an invalid vendor ID. The vendor ID entered either does not exist, or is not valid for the active company. Use Lookup to see a list of valid vendor IDs.
Vendor Employee ID entered does not exist. / Vendor Employee ID entered does not exist for the active company.
You have entered an invalid vendor employee ID. The vendor employee ID entered either does not exist, or is not valid for the active company. Use Lookup to see a list of valid vendor employee IDs.
PLC does not exist. / PLC does not exist for the active company.
You have entered an invalid Project Labor Category (PLC). The PLC entered either does not exist, or (for Costpoint 5.0) is not valid for the active company. Use Lookup to see a list of PLCs.
GLC does not exist. / GLC does not exist for the active company.
You have entered an invalid General Labor Category (GLC). The GLC entered either does not exist, or (for Costpoint 5.0) is not valid for the active company. Use Lookup to see a list of valid GLCs.
Account ID is not valid.
The Account ID entered does not exist in the Account table.
Organization ID does not exist. / Organization ID does not exist for the active company.
You have entered an invalid organization ID. The organization ID entered either does not exist, or is not valid for the active company. Use Lookup to see a list of valid organization IDs.
P3 Resource is not a valid assignment for the selected P3 Activity.
The P3 Resource entered does not exist in P3's Resource Assignment table. Use Lookup to see a list of valid Resource Names.
The Employee "XXXXX" has not been assigned to the 'Project Work Force' for Project "NNNNNN".
Do you wish to ignore this warning and continue?
You can treat this message as a warning if the employee assignment has not been set up in the Costpoint database, but you expect that it will be done before you move any data. If the setup has been completed, enter a valid employee.
The Vendor "XXXXX" has no Employees assigned to the 'Project Work Force' for Project "NNNNNN".
Do you wish to ignore this warning and continue?
You can treat this message as a warning if the vendor's employees have not been set up in the Costpoint database, but you expect that it will be done before you move any data. If the setup has been completed, enter a valid vendor.
The Vendor/Employee "XXXXX" has not been assigned to the 'Project Work Force' for Project "NNNNNN".
Do you wish to ignore this warning and continue?
You can treat this message as a warning if the vendor employee has not been set up in the Costpoint database, but you expect that it will be done before you move any data. If the setup has been completed, enter a valid vendor employee.
The Project Labor Category "XXXXX" has not been assigned to Project "NNNNNN".
Do you wish to ignore this warning and continue?
You can treat this message as a warning if the PLC assignment has not been set up in the Costpoint database, but you expect that it will be done before you move any data. If the setup has been completed, enter a valid PLC.
The General Labor Category "XXXXX" has not been assigned to Project ""NNNNNN".
Do you wish to ignore this warning and continue?
You can treat this message as a warning if the GLC assignment has not been set up in the Costpoint database, but you expect that it will be done before you move any data. If the setup has been completed, enter a valid GLC.
The Account "XXXXXX" is not defined within Account Group "XXXX" that is assigned to Project "NNNNNN".
Do you wish to ignore this warning and continue?
You can treat this message as a warning if the account assignment has not been set up in the Costpoint database, but you expect that it will be done before you move any data. If the setup has been completed, enter a valid account.
The Account "XXXXXX" and Organization "NNNNNN" are not a valid combination".
Do you wish to ignore this warning and continue?
You can treat this message as a warning if the account/organization combination has not been set up in the Costpoint database, but you expect that it will be done before you move any data. If the setup has been completed, enter a valid account/organization combination.
No records found to fill table for the specified Costpoint Project ID.
No records were found in the Labor History, Project Summary, or Prior Year Project Summary tables for the selected Costpoint Project ID.
One or more Costpoint resources have not been mapped. Are you sure you want to continue?
If any rows of data do not include a P3 Resource entry, this message is displayed if you tab out of this screen or enter a new Costpoint Project ID. Review the P3 Resource column for any blank fields that should contain values. If any P3 Resource fields are left blank, the associated data will not be saved.
If you choose to re-populate this grid, all P3 Resource mappings will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?
This message is a warning if you auto-fill the Mapping grid and the grid already has valid mappings. If you answer Yes, all mapping records will be overwritten for the selected Costpoint Project ID. Any P3 Resource mappings must be re-mapped.
One or more labor resources were assigned to a P3 resource that is not unique.
Review the P3 Resource column for any labor resources that appear more than once. The P3 Resource must be unique for all labor resources.
One or more non-labor resources were assigned to a P3 resource that is not unique.
If the Non-labor drop-down selection is not set to "Many Accounts to one P3 Resource," review the P3 Resource column for any non-labor resources that appear more than once. Either change the Resource Group By selection or assign a unique P3 Resource.
Costpoint resource record is not unique.
The combination of Employee, Vendor, Vendor Employee, Project Labor Category, General Labor Category, Account, and/or Organization fields entered already exists in the mapping grid.
"Resource Group By" mappings already exist for this CP-Project/P3-Activity combo with "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
Each labor and non-labor can only have one "grouping."
Keep the existing one? Choose "Yes" to show the existing mappings. Choose "No" to delete the existing mappings and start new mappings.
You can one have one grouping for labor and another one for non-labor. If you select Yes, the existing one will display. If you select No, you will be warned again that you are deleting the existing one and starting a new mapping.
"BURDEN" cannot be used for mappings. It is reserved for the automatic transfer of burden and must be setup in P3 Activity to receive the costs.
If a project has burden type "T" or "A" in the Project Set Up tab, the Move processing summarizes all non-labor rows and puts them in Burden resource. Therefore, it cannot be mapped to a specific grouping combo.