Use this tab to define the Range of projects that are staged in Costpoint before being moved into P3. You can define these projects by Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod. You can also limit Costpoint data that is staged using the checkboxes in the Include group box.

You can run this tab at any time; however, for the staged Costpoint data to be accurate, you should post expenses and compute pool rates, burden costs, and revenue before gathering and preparing Costpoint data. You must also run this process before moving Costpoint data into P3.

Note: Make sure expenses are posted and pool rates, burden costs, and revenue are computed before gathering and preparing Costpoint data.


Use the fields in this group box to define a range of projects that are gathered, prepared, and staged in Costpoint before being moved to P3.


Use the drop-down box to select the Costpoint Project IDs to be gathered, prepared, and staged in Costpoint before being moved to P3.  Valid options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End." The default for this field is "All." 


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the starting Costpoint Project ID to be gathered and prepared. If you select "All" or "From Beginning" in the Range field, this field will be inactive.  Manually entered Project IDs must be valid Project IDs in the Costpoint Project (PROJ) table.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ending Costpoint Project ID to be gathered and prepared. If you select "All," "One," or "To End" in the Range field, this field will be inactive.  Manually entered Project IDs must be valid Project IDs in the Costpoint Project (PROJ) table.

Inactive Projects

Select this checkbox if you want active and inactive projects to be gathered and prepared.  If you do not select this checkbox, only active projects will be gathered and prepared.

Ending Period

Use this group box to define the Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod of Costpoint data that is gathered and prepared.

Fiscal Year

Select the current fiscal year of the data to be gathered and prepared.


Select the period of the data to be gathered and prepared.


Select the subperiod of the data to be gathered and prepared.

As of Date

This non-editable field stores a system-generated date. The value in this field is either the current system date or the end date of the fiscal year, period, and subperiod selected, whichever is earliest. The As of Date is used as a timestamp for data in the interface tables.  


Use the options in this group box to determine the data elements to be included in the gather and prepare process

Labor Cost and Hours

Select this checkbox to gather and prepare Labor Hours and Labor Cost.

Non-Labor Cost and Burden

Select this checkbox to gather and prepare Non-labor Cost and Burden cost data. 

Gather / Prepare

Select the pushbutton to run the gather/prepare process. The application creates a temporary Costpoint table to stage the Costpoint data specified by your entries in the tab. This is the data that will be moved into P3.

Screen Error Messages

Processing Error Messages

Costpoint Data that is gathered and prepared for an indicated Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod is overwritten each time the gather and prepare process in used.  The temporary table created in Costpoint is not stored historically. 

You can save the temporary table created in Costpoint (Z_CPP3_GATHER) by accessing the database through SQL, Impromptu®, or other means.