The following custom files must be installed and accessible in order to run the Item Preprocessor:
PATCH 1039 (for 5.0) |
Costpoint database patch |
Costpoint executable |
Costpoint Process Server executable |
Application executable |
You must apply SQL Server stored procedures before you can execute the Item Preprocessor. |
Report Template |
The following Costpoint tables are maintained by this preprocessor:
Table |
Table Name |
Definition |
Item |
Stores parts, services, and goods. |
Part |
Used to create parts and assign various characteristics that are individual to each part. Many of these characteristics will act as defaults in other modules as this part is used. The Comments, Unit of Measure Type, and Unit of Measure Conversion subtasks are available in the Maintain Parts and Basic Part Data screens, and can be assigned to this part. |
Item Unit of Measure |
A cross-reference between parts, unit of measure, and system unit of measure type that indicates the applicable units of measure for a given part and their use. Three of these cross-references will exist for each part (one each for Inventory, Ordering, and Selling.) |
The Part (PT2) input file layout is documented in the table below to illustrate the data field structure and column updates that occur after this preprocessor is successfully executed. You can process only one input file (with multiple lines) at a time. In the "Part (PT2)" input file layout, each column lists:
Input File Field - This column displays the name of the Costpoint field for which data is processed.
Costpoint Column - This column displays the functional field name within Costpoint for which data is processed.
Column Type and Max Length - This column displays the allowable data type and maximum character length for the Input File Field.
Starting Position - This field displays the input file field's starting position number for the first character in a string of data in a fixed-length input file.
Ending Position - This field displays the Input File Field's ending position number for the last character in a string of data in a fixed-length input file. The Ending Position Number is the Starting Position Number plus the maximum length for a given input file field. This is the last character of data that can exist before the next input file field (i.e., the next starting position number) is populated.
Required - This field indicates whether the Input File Field must be populated on the input file.
Values, Defaults, and Notes - This field displays any miscellaneous processing data for the Input File Field.