Item Line Layout

The Item table stores basic information for Parts, Services, and Goods.  This line record is required for populating the ITEM table with new items in Costpoint. The values that are specified for each column in an Item line record will serve as the default when processing information that you populate in the other applicable input line records/layouts (specified in this documentation), and populating applicable tables in Costpoint.

You can view or update the information stored in the ITEM table in the Maintain Parts, Services, or Goods screens (depending on whether a part, service, or good is being processed) in Costpoint Product Definition.

An Item line record is the first record required when you are inserting a new item (that is, a part, good, and/or service). If a line's Item Type is "P" (Part) for a new ITEM, you must have matching PRT line and IUM line records in order to populate the ITEM and PART tables in Costpoint. If you do not enter a PRT line record in the input file, the program will create one using the values in the ITM line record in order to populate the PART table in Costpoint. You can also use the PRT line record to modify existing parts in Costpoint.  If you use the PT2 record format for part setup and maintenance, it contains all information required to populate the required tables for a part.

The application uses default values for INSERTS ONLY if the input file field value  is not provided.  The exception is the MODIFIED_BY column, which is updated using the current user ID as a default value if no value is provided.

Input File Field

Costpoint Column

Column Type  and Max Length

Starting/Ending Position


Values, Defaults, and Notes

Line Type


Character 3

1 - 3


"ITM" is used to indicate ITEM information.

Item ID


Character 30

4 - 33


If Item ID / Item Revision ID exists, ITEM table will be updated.  If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item checkbox in Product Definition Settings, only the Item ID will be checked to see if it exists.

Item Revision ID


Character 3

34 - 36


If Item ID/Item Revision ID exists, ITEM table will be updated. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item checkbox in Product Definition Settings, only the Item ID will be checked to see if it exists. Item Revision ID defaults with a space, and will always load a space if the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item checkbox is not selected. Load the item's revision in the Last Revision field.

Item Type


Character 1


Yes (NOT required for an update)

"P" (Part), "S" (Service), or "G" (Good). Also refer to the text in the "Item Line Layout" section. 

Item Description


Character 60

38 - 97

Yes (NOT required for an update)


Default Unit of Measure Code


Character 3

98 - 100


Default is "EA" (Each). If ITEM_UM Inventory line is provided, DFLT_UM_CD will be set to same value if it is not provided.  If a value is provided and ITEM_UM Inventory is also provided, values must match. If a value is provided, the U/M must exist in U/M table (under Product Definition Controls).

Active Flag


Character 1



Value must be "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).  Default is "Y."

Buyer ID


Character 12

102 - 113


Default is null.  If a Commodity Code is provided, the buyer ID will default if selected in the Commodity Codes table (in the Product Definition Controls menu). If provided, buyer ID must exist in the Buyers table (in Purchasing Controls). If the Separate Items by Company checkbox is selected in the Product Definition Corporate Settings subtask of the Product Definition Settings screen, this field's value must exist for your company ID.

Commodity Code


Character 8

114 - 121


If a value is provided, must exist in Commodity Codes table (under Product Definition Controls). If the Separate Items by Company checkbox is selected in the Product Definition Corporate Settings subtask of the Product Definition Settings screen, this field's value must exist for your company ID.

Hazardous Material Flag


Character 1



Value must be "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).  Default is "N."

Inspection Type


Character 1



Default is space.

Item Added Date


Date (maximum input file length - 10)

124 - 133


Value must be valid date format (YYYY-MM-DD).  Default is system date.

Item Note


Character 254

134 - 387


Default is space.

Last Order Date


Date (maximum input file length - 10)

388 - 397


Value must be valid date format (YYYY-MM-DD).  System Date defaults if Item Type is "S" (Service) or "G" (Good); it defaults as null if Item Type is "P" (Part).

Last Order ID


Character 10

398 - 407


Default is space.



Last Revision ID


Character 3

408 - 410


Use this field to load an item's revision only if the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item checkbox in Product Definition Settings is cleared.

Allow Overshipment Flag


Character 1



Value must be "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).  Default is "N."

Product Classification Code


Character 6

412 - 417


Default is null. If a value is provided, it must exist in the Product Classifications table (in Product Definition Controls).

Receipt Tolerance Percentage Rate


Decimal 10.8 (Maximum input file length - 4)

418 - 421


Default is "0." Input file format is "9.99" (maximum four characters including the decimal point).  Maximum value is "1.00," which indicates 100%.

User ID last modified by


Character 18

422 - 439


If a value is not provided, the system will update the MODIFIED_BY column using the current user ID as the default.

Industry Class Code


Character 8

440 - 447


Default from Commodity Codes (COMM table).  Must exist in Industry Class table if not null.

UPC Code


Character 4

448 - 451


Default is Null.


* Indicates columns that may be updated when changing an existing record with this preprocessor.