Use the Bills of Material (BOM) Preprocessor to add, modify, or delete Manufacturing Bills of Material (MBOM), Engineering Bills of Material (EBOM), and/or Proposal Bills of Material (PBOM) rows from a BOM record using a user-created input file, formatted as a delimited or fixed-length ASCII text file. You can specify the network location and name of the input file, and the application performs all necessary database and business rule validation. If the input file record is valid, the preprocessor modifies the proper database table(s). If the input file record is invalid, the preprocessor creates an error record and saves it to an error file with the extension .ERR, which you can modify and resubmit.
After uploading the transactions, you can review and edit Manufacturing Bills of Material in the Maintain MBOM screen in Costpoint Bills of Material, review and edit Engineering Bills in the Maintain EBOM screen, and review and edit Proposal Bills in the Maintain Proposal BOM screen.
This preprocessor has Add functionality for EBOM and PBOM uploads. It can process Manufacturing, Engineering, and Proposal BOMs.
The user interface also has a Provisional Parts group box.
The preprocessor checks the following settings in the BOM Corporate Settings subtask (BOM_SETTING_CORP) of the BOM Settings screen: Use Extended Length Reference Designators (USE_LVC_REFDES_FL), Use Configuration IDs (USE_CID_FL), and Use Engineering Bills of Material (USE_EBOM_FL). It also checks control flags in the MRP Corporate Settings subtask (MRP_SETTINGS_CORP) of the MRP Settings screen (in Costpoint Material Requirements Planning) and the ECN Corporate Settings subtask (EC_SETTINGS_CORP) of the EC Settings screen (in Costpoint Engineering Change Notices).
Validation of company tables is triggered by the company ID of the user executing the process. When looking up valid values, the preprocessor validates all company-related tables using the user's company ID. When a new BOM is saved, the preprocessor assigns it the user's company ID. The Find/Query feature filters on parameters by company. All new parameter rows are saved with the user's company ID. To separate items by company in Costpoint, select the Separate Items By Company (ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL) checkbox in the Product Definition Corporate Settings subtask of the Product Definition Settings screen in Costpoint Product Definition.
The following custom files and stored procedures files must be accessible to run the Bills of Material Preprocessor:
Bills of Material Preprocessor application executable |
Bills of Material Preprocessor report file |
Perform the following steps before running the preprocessor application:
Establish default values in the BOM Settings screen in Costpoint Bills of Material.
Establish component and assembly parts in Costpoint Product Definition.
Make sure the Bills of Material Preprocessor application executable (AOPBOM.EXE) and the Bills of Material Preprocessor report file (AOPBOM.QRP) are applied to the database.
Make sure that all patches and service packs (if applicable) have been applied to the database.
Enter the path and name of the input file in the field at the top of the screen, or use the Select pushbutton to open a Windows Open File dialog box, where you can select a file. When you have entered the input file, use the Input File Format group box to choose the format in which the input file will be saved.
Select the Delimited radio button, which enables the Comma and Other radio buttons, to process files with fields separated by a pre-defined delimiter (either by commas or another specified character). If you select the Other radio button, you must enter the delimiter in the field to the right.
Select the Fixed Length radio button to process the file with no field delimiters. If you select this option, the values in the file will be determined by their location. You must fill in every position in a fixed-length input file format with either an appropriate character or a space. It is not necessary to zero fill numbers; you can use spaces to maintain the proper format. Right-justify numeric fields; left-justify character fields. You do not need to fill the entire line with spaces. End every row with a carriage return and a line feed.
Please refer to the "MBOM Processing" section for additional details regarding the processing of input files.
If you select this checkbox, the program will not update the input file record if warning messages have been generated.
Select this checkbox if you want the program to allow MBOMs to be set to a "Released" status. If you select this checkbox, the system uses the Component Release Flag (entered in Comp Rel Flag column of the Maintain MBOM/EBOM or Release MBOM/EBOM screens) in the input file to determine the status of the BOM line. Proposal BOMs (PBOMs) have separate validation criteria, as outlined in the "Detailed Processing Specifications" section.
If you select this checkbox and do not enter a Component Release Flag, the Component Release Flag (the Comp Rel Flag column in the Maintain MBOM/EBOM screen) will be set to "Y" (Released) in the MBOM/EBOM table. However, if you do not select this checkbox, the Comp Release Flag will be set to "N" (Unreleased) for all new lines. The system will display a warning message if you try to change the status to "Y" (Released) with this checkbox not selected. Similarly, the system will display a warning message if you try to change the status of an existing, unreleased MBOM/EBOM line to "Y" (Released).
Select this checkbox to allow updates to BOM lines that have been released. You can modify or delete an existing, released MBOM/EBOM line (the Comp Rel Flag column is "Y" in the Maintain MBOM/EBOM or Release MBOM/EBOM screens) only if you select this checkbox. If you do not select this checkbox, any input record that modifies or deletes a released MBOM/EBOM line will be in error and will not be processed.
Select this checkbox to load any of the component part's BOM text to the BOM line.
If you select this checkbox, the system will check each new MBOM/EBOM line that is added (not changed or deleted) for item text. Any BOM standard text that is linked to a component part will be assigned to that component’s BOM line. Standard text codes are established in the Standard Text screen in Costpoint Product Definition, and can be assigned to parts in the Assign Standard Text subtask of the Maintain Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.
Select either of the radio buttons in this group box to delete active or inactive BOM lines. The deletion process is discussed in detail in the "Changing and Deleting BOM Rows" section.
Select this option to physically delete any MBOM/EBOM lines flagged for deletion.
Select this option to mark any MBOM/EBOM lines for deletion out of effectivity. The line is not physically deleted from the table, but the component effectivity end date is set to the current date (unless the end date is already less than the current date).
Select this checkbox to enable the system to create new provisional parts during processing. The system will display a warning message if a component or assembly part/revision in the input file does not exist in the PART or PROV_PART tables. If the user chooses to process records that have warnings, the application creates a new provisional part.
Enter an existing provisional part type to be used by the system as a default when creating new provisional parts. This field is enabled only if you select the Create New Provisional Parts checkbox. The entitled field below displays the provisional part type description.
The primary sort of input files is by BOM type (i.e., "M" for MBOM, "E" for EBOM, and "P" for PBOM), followed by the assembly part/assembly part revision ID (ASY_PART_ID, ASY_PART_RVSN_ID). Within this sort sequence, the process sorts rows by record type (REC_TYPE); record types with a status of "C" (Changes), "D" (Deletions), and "A" (Additions) are processed first, second, and third, respectively. The last sort sequence is in descending order by assembly part low-level code (LOW_LVL_CD_NO), which is a hidden, system-generated number, and by component line number (COMP_LN_NO).
There is one input file record for each BOM row processed, and the input file record is deleted after processing. Any given input file record should not affect more than one BOM row at a time.
The module, functions, and parameters for this process are defined in the Preprocessor screen. Only one user at a time can run this application. After selecting the input file and settings in the Input File Format and Processing Settings group boxes, you can select one of four buttons on the toolbar to Preview, Print, Process, and Process/Print the input file records, BOM rows and, if applicable, any error lines that were removed from the input file. Selecting the Process or Process/Print buttons on the toolbar will update all applicable Costpoint tables for this preprocessor, if the input file has no "E" (Error) type errors associated with it. The input file cannot have any "W" (Warning) type errors associated with it if you selected the Prevent Insert/Update if Warning Conditions Exist checkbox. For more information on these two errors, see the "Error Processing and Input Files" section.
Column Name |
Costpoint Column |
Field Type |
Field Length |
Starting Position |
Ending Position |
Required |
Notes (when adding a new row) |
Record Type |
Alpha |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Y |
Must be "A" (Add), "C" (Change), or "D" (Delete). |
BOM Type |
Alpha |
2 |
2 |
3 |
Y |
Must be "M" (MBOM), "E" (EBOM), or "P" (PBOM). |
Assembly Part ID |
Alphanumeric |
30 |
4 |
33 |
Y |
Assembly Part Revision |
Alphanumeric |
3 |
34 |
36 |
N |
If this column is null, add as a space. If ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_REVSN_FL is set to N, ignore value and always enter a space. |
Assembly BOM Status |
Alpha |
1 |
37 |
37 |
N |
Must be "R" (Released), "U" (Unreleased, Unfirmed), "P" (Partially Released), or "F" (Firmed). |
Line Number |
Numeric |
4 |
38 |
41 |
Y |
Component Part ID |
Alphanumeric |
30 |
42 |
71 |
Y |
Component Part Revision |
Alphanumeric |
3 |
72 |
74 |
N |
If this column is null, add as a space. If ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_REVSN_FL is set to N, ignore value and always enter a space. |
Component Quantity Per |
Numeric |
14 |
75 |
88 |
Y |
Component Find Number |
Alphanumeric |
4 |
89 |
92 |
N |
If this column is null, set to line number, filling with zeros (e.g., Line "7" becomes "0007"). |
Component Released (Y/N) |
Alpha |
1 |
93 |
93 |
N |
Component Effective Starting Date |
Date |
10 |
94 |
103 |
N |
If this column is null, set to current date. Date format is "MM-DD-YYYY." |
Component Effective Ending Date |
Date |
10 |
104 |
113 |
N |
If this column is null, leave as null. Date format is "MM-DD-YYYY." |
BOM Configuration |
Alphanumeric |
10 |
114 |
123 |
N |
Make/Buy Code (M/B) |
Alpha |
1 |
124 |
124 |
N |
If this column is null, set to the make/buy status originally entered in Costpoint Product Definition. |
Component Type |
Alpha |
1 |
125 |
125 |
N |
If this column is null, set to the part type originally entered in Costpoint Product Definition: "B" (Buy with Components), "P" (Phantom),"R" (Reference), "S" (Standard), "T" (Tool). |
Quantity Type |
Alpha |
1 |
126 |
126 |
N |
If this column is null and the As Required checkbox is selected in the Maintain Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition, set Quantity Type to "R" (As required). If this column is null and the As Required checkbox is not selected, set to "A" (Per Assembly). |
Scrap Percentage |
Numeric |
10 |
127 |
136 |
N |
Stop Explosion (Y/N) |
Alpha |
1 |
137 |
137 |
N |
If this column is null, and the Make/Buy Code is "M" and/or the Component Type is "B" (Buy with Components), the program will set the Stop Explosion field to "N" for component lines in the Maintain MBOM/ EBOM or the Release MBOM/EBOM screens. Otherwise, set the checkbox to selected. |
Omit Requirements (Y/N) |
Alpha |
1 |
138 |
138 |
N |
If this column is null, and the Component Type is "R" (Reference) or "T" (Tool), the program will set the Omit Requirement field to "Y" for component lines in the Maintain MBOM/ EBOM or the Release MBOM/EBOM screens. |
Workcenter |
Alphanumeric |
12 |
139 |
150 |
N |
Backflush Warehouse |
Alphanumeric |
8 |
151 |
158 |
N |
If this column is null and the Backflush checkbox is selected in the Planning Part Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition, the program will set to the Default Warehouse. |
Backflush Location |
Alphanumeric |
15 |
159 |
173 |
N |
If this column is null and the Backflush checkbox is selected in the Planning Part Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition, the program will set to default Warehouse Location. |
Product Option |
Alphanumeric |
15 |
174 |
188 |
N |
Proposal ID |
Alphanumeric |
20 |
189 |
208 |
N |
Required if the BOM Type is "P" (PBOM). Otherwise, include 20 spaces for fixed-length formats. Include one comma (or other character) for delimited formats. |
Proposal Revision |
Alphanumeric |
3 |
209 |
211 |
N |
Required if the BOM Type is "P" (PBOM). Otherwise, include three spaces for fixed-length formats. Include one comma (or other character) for delimited formats. |
Reference Designator |
Alphanumeric |
254 |
212 |
465 |
N |
Component Line Notes |
Alphanumeric |
254 |
466 |
719 |
N |
Error Line Number |
Numeric |
9 |
720 |
728 |
N |
Error Line Numbers are used only for error file output; they are not used in the input file. |
Depending upon the BOM Type and other settings, one or more of the following tables are updated by this application:
If applicable, you can use the input file to update the status of the assembly part's BOM. Generally, the BOM's Release Status (S_ASY_REL_CD) for the assembly part is set to the value that is in the input file record(s): "R" (Released), "P" (Partially Released), or "U" (Unreleased). Because an input file can have many records that update the same assembly part, the process must validate the input file records and ensure that they all have the same value for a given assembly part key and BOM type. Rows that contain a null BOM status are ignored only when the assembly BOM status is being determined. If the input file records contain any errors, no rows for that assembly part are processed, including those with a null BOM status.
In most instances, the assembly part's release status is set to the value of the input file record. If all release status values are null for that assembly part's input file records and one or more BOM rows already exist for that assembly part, the release status does not change. If no BOM rows exist for the assembly part and all input file component records for that assembly part have a Comp Release Flag (COMP_REL_FL) of "Y" (Yes), the assembly part's release status is set to "R."
Generally, the PBOM_HDR.S_PBOM_STATUS_CD of the assembly part is set to the Assembly BOM Status (ASY_REL_CD) value in the input file record(s).
For Record Type = ‘C’hange, if all the PBOM_HDR. S_PBOM_STATUS_CD values are null for that assembly part’s input file records, and one or more PBOM_LN rows already existed for that assembly part, do not change the PBOM_HDR. S_PBOM_STATUS_CD.
For Record Type = ‘A’dd, if no PBOM_HDR rows existed for the assembly part, and all the input file records for that assembly part have a COMP_FIRM_FL = Y, set the assembly’s PBOM_HDR. S_PBOM_STATUS_CD = ‘F’irmed.
For Record Type = ‘A’dd , if no PBOM_HDR rows existed for the assembly part, and one or more input file records for that assembly part have a COMP_FIRM_FL = N or Null, set the assembly’s PBOM_HDR S_PBOM_STATUS_CD = ‘U’nfirmed.
The input file may also be used to indirectly update the status of the proposal/assembly part’s PBOM (PROP_HDR. S_PBOM_ASY_REL_CD). Because an input file can have many records that update the same proposal/assembly part, the process must validate the input file records to make sure they all have the same value for a given proposal/assembly part key and BOM type.
When the input file is processed, if a BOM line is added and it shares the same line number, assembly part key, and configuration ID with an existing BOM line, the application compares the starting and ending effective dates (COMP_EFF_START_DT and COMP_EFF_END_DT, respectively) for the two records to determine whether there is an overlap.
Two lines with the same line number and configuration cannot share the same effective date. For example, if row 1 has an effective starting date of 01/01/2007, and row 2 has an effective starting date of 03/01/2007, row 1's ending effective date must be earlier than or the same as row 2's effective starting date; otherwise, an error is processed. Similarly, an error is also processed if two rows' effective starting dates are the same, or if the row with an earlier effective starting date contains a null effective ending date.
The input file can be used to add a new PBOM_LN to an existing PBOM_HDR, or it can also be used to add a new proposal assembly part/rev (PBOM_HDR) along with associated components (PBOM_LN).
If an Assembly or Component Part (when ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL = N) or Assembly or Component Part/Rev (when ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_PART_RVSN_FL =Y) does not exist in PART or PROV_PART, and the main screen “Create New Provisional Parts” option is selected, the system will provide a warning, and if the user chooses to process records that have warnings, the application creates a new provisional part. The same sequence generator row as ITEM is used in order to ensure that duplicate keys are not assigned. The default provisional part type entered on the main screen is used when creating the provisional part. If the “Create New Provisional Parts” option is not selected, the application generates an error under these conditions, and the record is not processed.
To successfully process an input file record type of "C" (Change) or "D" (Delete), the system finds the BOM row, which is referenced by the input file. The system looks for the BOM line using the assembly part (where the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item checkbox is not selected in the Product Definition Corporate Settings subtask of the Product Definition Settings screen in Costpoint Product Definition) or assembly part/revision (where the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item checkbox is selected), the component line number, and the configuration ID (if the Use Configuration IDs checkbox is selected in the BOM Corporate Settings subtask of the BOM Settings screen). The application changes or deletes the row with the latest effective ending date.
In the Deleting Process group box of the Bills of Material Preprocessor, there are two options for deleting a BOM line: the Physically Delete MBOM/EBOM Lines radio button and the Make MBOM/EBOM Lines Out of Effectivity radio button.
If you select the Physically Delete MBOM/EBOM Lines radio button, an input file record with a record type (REC_TYPE) of "D" (Delete) will delete the BOM row along with any linked BOM text (MFG_BOM_TEXT or ENG_BOM_TEXT) rows. After deleting an MBOM line, the application checks for any other MBOM line rows for that assembly part key, and sets the BOM Exists field (PART. BOM_EXIST_FL) in the Maintain MBOM or Release MBOM screens to "Y" (Yes) if one or more rows remain, or "N" (No) if no additional MBOM line rows remain. Similarly, after deleting an EBOM line, the application checks for any other EBOM line rows for that assembly part key, and sets the EBOM Exists field (PART. EBOM_EXIST_FL) in the Maintain EBOM or Release EBOM screens to "Y" (Yes) if one or more rows remain, or "N" (No) if no additional MBOM line rows remain.
If you select the Make MBOM/EBOM Lines Out of Effectivity radio button, an input file record with a record type (REC_TYPE) of "D" (Delete) sets the MBOM and/or EBOM row's effective ending date for the component part (COMP_EFF_END_DT) to the current system date.
To successfully process a Change or Deletion input file, the process must find the PBOM row the input file is referencing.
Look up PROP_HDR.PROP_KEY from the PBOM_HDR table, using Input File PROP_ID and PROP_RVSN_ID.
Using the assembly part (and rev if multi revs is used), the assembly part key must be determined from the PART table. If not in the PART table, check the PROV_PART table (for provisional parts).
Using the proposal key, assembly part key, and component line number, look up the PBOM_LN table. If no match is found, return an error. If a PBOM_LN row is found, that is the PBOM_LN row modified or deleted.
If all PBOM_LN rows are deleted for that proposal/assembly combination, also delete the corresponding row in the PBOM_HDR table.
Set PROP_HDR. RECALC_FL to Y if a PBOM_LN row is deleted or changed.
If you preview or print a test copy before selecting the Process or Process/Print buttons on the toolbar, the error(s) that prevent an input file record from processing will be reported in an error report. The application will make no changes to the input and error files, and the error line number will not be printed. Error line numbers will print only if you select the Process or Process/Print button on the toolbar first.
An error occurs because a condition is not met for a field that is being processed in an input file record. Any input file records with one or more "E" (Error) type errors will be removed from the input file and moved to an error file. The error file has the same format as the input file with an error file number added to it for reference. If the input file record contains one or more "W" (Warning) type errors (which serve as a notification that the input file record may contain an error) and the Prevent Insert/Update if Warning Conditions Exist checkbox is selected, the input file record will move to the top of the error file and a number will be assigned to it. Conversely, if the input file record has one or more "W" (Warning) type errors and the Prevent Insert/Update if Warning Conditions Exist checkbox is not selected, the input file record will not be moved to the error file.
The error file's file path is the same as the input file file path, and named BMMMDDYY.ERR, where MMDDYY is the date on which the process is being run. If the error file already exists, new errors are appended to the file.
If you select Preview, Process, or Process/Print, and the Input File Format selected is Delimited, and the delimiter does not exist in Line 1 of the input file, the following error message displays: "Line 1 does not contain the correct field delimiter."
The application checks for error conditions in the applicable tables, as outlined in the Error Condition column in the following table. The following Error Values apply to each error condition and message indicated in the following tables:
Record Type (REC_TYPE)
Assembly Part ID (ASY_PART_ID), Assembly Part Revision (ASY_PART_RVSN_ID)
Component Line Number (COMP_LN_NO)
BOM Configuration ID (BOM_CONFIG_ID)
Part and Provisional Part (PART and PROV_PART) error if you selected the Create New Provisional Parts checkbox.
Proposal ID (PROP_ID) and Proposal Revision (PROP_RVSN_ID) (applies to Proposal BOMs only).
Field |
Error Message |
Error Condition |
Error Type |
All Required Fields |
This field must be entered. |
Not supplied in input file. |
E |
Record Type |
This is not a valid record type. |
Not "A" (Add), "C" (Change), or "D" (Delete). |
E |
BOM Type |
This is not a valid BOM Type. |
Not "M" (MBOM), "E" (EBOM), "P" (PBOM). |
Assembly Part |
This is not a valid part number. |
Part is not in Item master, and BOM Type is "M." ." If ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL is set to Y, part must also be for user’s company. |
E |
Assembly Part |
Only parts can be used in Bills of Material. |
Item type is not "P" (Part). |
E |
Assembly Part |
This part is inactive. |
Inactive. |
E |
Assembly Part |
This part's status is "Phase-Out." |
Part status is "Phase-Out." |
W |
Assembly Part |
This part's status is "Obsolete." |
Part status is "Obsolete." |
W |
Assembly Part |
One or more open ECNs exists for this assembly part. |
ECN Original Part matches the BOM Assembly Part, and corresponding ECN Status Code is "P - Pending," "A - Approved," "D - Documents Updated," or "I - In Approval." |
W |
Assembly Part |
Warning: This part/rev's status is MPS Planning-Only. |
Mult Revs = N and Part Type = MPS Planning-Only (PART. S_PART_TYPE = L for user’s company if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = Y) |
W |
Line No |
Line No must be greater than zero. |
Line No is less than zero. |
E |
Component Part |
This is not a valid part number. |
Part is not in Item master, and BOM Type is "M". |
E |
Component Part |
Only parts can be used in Bills of Material. |
Item type is not "P" (Part). |
E |
Component Part |
This part is inactive. |
Inactive. |
E |
Component Part |
This part's status is phase-out. |
Part Status is "Phase-Out." |
W |
Component Part |
This part's status is obsolete. |
Part Status is "Obsolete." |
W |
Component Part |
One or more open ECNs exists for this component part. |
ECN Original Part is equal to the BOM Component Part, and corresponding ECN Status Code is "P - Pending," "A - Approved," "D - Documents Updated," or "I - In Approval." |
W |
Component Type |
Component Type must equal S, B, P, R, T, or D. |
Component Type is not "B" (Buy w/Comp), "S" (Standard), "P" (Phantom), "R" (Reference), "T" (Tool), or “D” (Deleted). |
E |
Quantity Type |
Quantity Type must equal A, O or R. |
Quantity Type is not "A" (Per Assembly), "O" (Per Order), or "R" (As required). |
E |
Quantity |
Quantity cannot be less than zero. |
Quantity is less than zero. |
E |
Quantity |
Fractional amounts will be rounded up when exploding BOM Requirements. |
Component Default U/M is "EA," and quantity is not a whole number. |
W |
Quantity |
Warning: Fractional amounts will be rounded up when exploding BOM Requirements. |
Component Default UM = 'EA' and quantity is not a whole number, and Assembly Part/Rev is NOT a MPS Planning-Only type of part (PART. S_PART_TYPE = L for user’s company if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = Y). |
W |
Invalid Make/Buy |
Make/Buy Code must be M or B. |
Make/Buy code is not "M" (Make) or "B" (Buy). |
E |
Effectivity End Date |
This part is currently out of effectivity. |
Effectivity end date is earlier than or the same as the current date, and BOM Type is "M" or "E." |
W |
Scrap |
This number cannot be less than zero. |
Scrap is less than zero. |
E |
Stop Explosion Flag |
Stop Explosion Flag must equal Y or N. |
Stop Explosion Flag is not "Y" or "N." |
E |
Omit Requirement Flag |
Omit Requirement Flag must equal Y or N. |
Omit Requirement Flag is not "Y" or "N." |
E |
Comp Release Flag |
Valid Comp Release Flag codes are 'Y' for released or 'N' for unreleased. |
Invalid Comp Release Flag. |
E |
Assembly Part |
This part number does not exist. A provisional part will be created. |
Invalid - Not in ITEM or PROV_PART, and BOM Type is "E" or "P." Create New Provisional Parts checkbox is selected on preprocessor screen. |
W |
Assembly Part |
This part number does not exist. The record will not be processed. |
Invalid - Not in ITEM or PROV_PART, and BOM Type is "E" or "P." Create New Provisional Parts checkbox is not selected on preprocessor screen. |
E |
Component Part |
This part number does not exist. A provisional part will be created. |
Invalid - Not in ITEM or PROV_PART, and BOM Type is "E" or "P." Create New Provisional Parts checkbox is selected on preprocessor screen. |
W |
Component Part |
This part number does not exist. The record will not be processed. |
Invalid - Not in ITEM or PROV_PART, and BOM Type is "E" or "P." Create New Provisional Parts checkbox is not selected on preprocessor screen. |
E |
Assembly Part/Component Part |
MPS planned parts can only be components of other MPS planned parts. |
Component Part’s Planning Type = MPS and assembly part’s planning type is not MPS. For validation purposes, do not include BOM lines where the component type = D or the out effectivity date is not null and less than or equal to the current date. |
E |
BOM Type |
The system is not set up to use Engineering Bills of Materials. Records with BOM Type = E will not be processed. |
BOM Type is "E," and BOM_SETTINGS_CORP. USE_EBOM_FL = "N." |
E |
Proposal |
Bills of Material for this Proposal have been frozen. This record will not be processed. |
E |
Proposal |
This Proposal/Rev combination does not exist. |
Proposal/Rev combination not found in PROP_HDR. |
E |
The quantity must equal zero for a quantity type of As-Required |
Qty Type = "R," Qty not = "0." |
E |
Field |
Error Message |
Error Condition |
Error Type |
Record Type |
This Manufacturing BOM line cannot be found. |
Record Type is "C" (Change) or "D" (Delete), and no MBOM line match can be found using the assembly part, component line number, or configuration ID. |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
Released MBOMs cannot be changed or deleted. |
Record Type is "C" (Change) or "D" (Delete), the Allow Released MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Changed/Deleted checkbox is not selected, and the Assembly Part Release Status is "R" (Released). |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
Assemblies must have a BOM status of "R" (Released), "U" (Unreleased) or "P" (Partially Released). |
Assembly Part Release Status is not "R" (Released), "U" (Unreleased), or "P" (Partially Released). |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
Input file records with the same assembly must also have the same Assembly BOM Status value. No input records for this assembly will be processed. |
Assembly Part ID and Assembly Part Revision combination exists on multiple input file records, and they have different Assembly BOM Status values. |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
The assembly part has a status of Estimating and is not a Planning Only part. It cannot have a BOM release status of Released or Partially Released. |
ASY_REL_CD = R or P, Assembly Part status is 'E'stimating, Assembly Part/Rev is not a Planning Only part type (PART. S_PART_TYPE is not L, for user’s company if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = Y) |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
The assembly part has a status of pre-release. |
Assembly BOM Status is "R;" Assembly Part status is "Pre-Release." |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
MBOMs cannot be released with this process. |
Record Type is "A" (Add), the Allow New MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Released checkbox is not selected, and the input file's Assembly BOM Status is "R." |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
MBOMs cannot be released with this process. |
Record Type is "C" (Change), the Allow New MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Released checkbox is not selected, the input file's Assembly BOM Status is "R," and assembly part's release status is "P" (Partially Released) or "U" (Unreleased). |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
This assembly has a subassembly with an unreleased MBOM. |
Input file's Assembly BOM Status is "R," the Allow New MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Released checkbox is selected, and one or more existing MBOM lines exist for this assembly with the component part's release status of "P" (Partially Released) or "U" (Unreleased). |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
Unreleased MBOM components will be released, unless the component type is 'D'eleted. |
Input file's Assembly BOM Status is "R," the Allow New MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Released checkbox is selected, and one or more existing MBOM lines exist for this assembly with the Component Release Flag of "N." |
W |
BOM Configuration |
This BOM Configuration is not valid. |
BOM Configuration ID is not in the Configuration ID table. If ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL is set to Y, check for user company. |
E |
BOM Configuration |
BOM Configuration IDs are not used. The value will not be loaded |
BOM Configuration ID is entered, and the Use Configuration IDs checkbox is unselected in the BOM Corporate Settings subtask of the BOM Settings screen. |
W |
Component Release Flag |
Valid component status codes are Y for released or N for unreleased. |
Component Release Flag is not "Y" or "N." |
E |
Component Release Flag |
The part has a status of estimating-only. You must release the part on the part master before it can be released in a BOM. |
Component Release Flag is "Y," and Part status is "Estimating." |
E |
Component Release Flag |
The part has a status of pre-release. You must release the part on the part master before it can be released in a BOM. |
Component Release Flag is "Y, " and Part status is "Pre-Release." |
E |
Component Release Flag |
A released assembly cannot have unreleased components. |
Assembly BOM Status is "R;" Component Release Flag is "N," COMP_TYPE not equal to “D”. |
E |
Component Release Flag |
A released assembly cannot have unreleased components. |
Record Type is "C" (Change), input file Assembly BOM Status is null, Component Release Flag is "N," and Assembly Part's Release Status is "R" and either the COMP_TYPE not = D (if in input file), or MFG_BOM.S_COMP_TYP_CD not= D (if not in input file). |
E |
Component Release Flag |
This Component line cannot be released. |
Record Type is "A" (Add), Component Release Flag is "Y," but the Allow New MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Released checkbox is not selected. |
E |
Component Release Flag |
This Component line cannot be released. |
Record Type is "C," MBOM Component Release Flag is "N," and input file's Component Release Flag is "Y," but the Allow New MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Released checkbox is not selected. |
E |
Component Release Flag |
This released component line cannot be changed or deleted. |
Record Type is "C" or "D," and the existing MBOM Component Release Flag is "Y," but the Allow Released MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Changed/Deleted checkbox is not selected. |
E |
Component Release Flag |
A component subassembly cannot have a release flag set to 'Y' when its BOM status is not released. |
Component Part's BOM Release Status is "Unreleased" or "Partially Released," and Component Release Flag is "Y." |
E |
Warehouse |
The Warehouse ID is not valid. Warehouse will not be loaded. |
Warehouse ID is not in Warehouse table, for user’s company. |
W |
Warehouse |
This component is not set up as a backflush part. Warehouse will not be loaded. |
Warehouse is not null, and Part Backflush flag is "N." |
W |
Location |
This component is not set up as a backflush part. Location will not be loaded. |
Location is not null, and Part Backflush flag is "N." |
W |
Warehouse/ Location |
The warehouse/location is not valid. Warehouse/location will not be loaded. |
Warehouse/Location combination is not in Warehouse table or Locations table. |
W |
Warehouse/ Location |
The location does not have a type of on-hand. Warehouse/ Location will not be loaded. |
Location Type is not in Locations table. |
W |
Work center |
The work center is not valid. The Work Center will not be loaded |
Work Center is not in Work Centers table. |
W |
Product Option |
This product option ID is invalid. Product Option will not be loaded. |
Product Option ID is not in Product Options table. |
W |
Product Option |
This part/product option combination does not exist in the Product Options table. |
Product Option ID and Part combination does not exist in the Product Options table or Part table |
W |
This line already exists. |
Record Type is "A," and an MBOM line exists with the same Assembly Part Key, Line Number, Configuration, Effective Start Date, and Effective Ending Date between the MBOM row and input file record.* |
E |
This line's date range overlap's another line's date range having the same line number. |
Record Type is "A," and an MBOM line exists with the same Assembly Part Key, Line Number, and Configuration; Effective Start Date and Effective Ending Date overlap.* |
E |
A part cannot be a component to itself. |
Component Part/Rev matches Assembly Part/Rev. |
E |
All component subassemblies must have BOM release status' of Released in order to release the parent assembly's BOM. |
Assembly BOM Status is "Released," but component subassembly has a status of "Unreleased" or "Partially Released." |
E |
The quantity must equal zero for a quantity type of As-Required. |
Quantity Type is "R," and quantity is not equal to zero. |
E |
The effective start date cannot be later than the effective end date. |
Effective Starting Date is later than or the same as the Effective Ending Date |
E |
This assembly part exists as a released component in one or more Manufacturing BOMs. |
Assembly BOM Status is Unreleased or Partially Released, but the assembly part exists in another MBOM as a component part where the COMP_REL_FL = Y. |
E |
Manufacturing Bills of Material must be released through the ECN process. |
EC_SETTINGS_CORP. ECN_MBOM_REL_FL = Y and Assembly BOM Status is set to released (previously null, Partially released or Unreleased). |
E |
Assy BOM Status |
A Manufacturing Bill of Material already exists with the assembly part as the component of this subassembly. This would create a looping bill of material. |
If component is a subassembly (BOM_EXIST_FL=Y), and that subassembly has the current assembly as a component, a looping condition exists. |
E |
Assembly Part/Rev |
Warning: this assembly is a MPS Planning-Only type of part. |
Assembly Part/Rev is a MPS Planning-Only type of part (PART. S_PART_TYPE = L for user’s company if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = Y) |
W |
* You must select the Process or Process/Print toolbar button for this validation to take place. This validation does not occur when you use the Preview or Print toolbar button.
Field |
Error Message |
Error Condition |
Error Type |
Record Type |
This Engineering BOM line cannot be found. |
Record Type is "C" (Change) or "D" (Delete), and no EBOM line match can be found using the assembly part, component line number, or configuration ID. |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
Released EBOMs cannot be changed or deleted. |
Record Type is "C" (Change) or "D" (Delete), the Allow Released EBOM Lines to be Changed or Deleted checkbox is not selected, and the Assembly Part Release Status is "R" (Released). |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
Engineering Bills of Material must be released through the ECN process. |
EC_SETTINGS_CORP. ECN_EBOM_REL_FL = "Y," and Assembly BOM Status is set to "R" (Released) (previously null or Unreleased). |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
Released Engineering Bills of Material must be modified through the ECN process. |
EC_SETTINGS_CORP. ECN_EBOM_REL_FL = "Y," and Record Type = C or D. |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
EBOM assemblies must have a BOM status of "R" (Released) or "U" (Unreleased). |
Assembly Part Release Status is not "R" (Released) or "U" (Unreleased). |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
Input file records with the same assembly must also have the same Assembly BOM Status value. No input records for this assembly will be processed. |
Assembly Part ID and Assembly Part Revision combination exists on multiple input file records, and they have different Assembly BOM Status values |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
The assembly part has a status of Estimating and is not a Planning Only part. It cannot have a BOM release status of Released. |
ASY_REL_CD = R, Assembly Part status is 'E'stimating, Assembly Part/Rev is not a Planning Only part type (PART. S_PART_TYPE is not L for user’s company, if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = Y) |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
The assembly part has a status of pre-release. |
Assembly BOM Status is "R," and Assembly Part status is "Pre-Release." |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
EBOMs cannot be released with this process. |
Record Type is "A" (Add), the Allow New MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Released checkbox is not selected, and the input file's Assembly BOM Status is "R." |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
EBOMs cannot be released with this process. |
Record Type is "C" (Change), the Allow New MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Released checkbox is not selected, input file's Assembly BOM Status is "R," and assembly part's release status is "U" (Unreleased). |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
This assembly has a subassembly with an unreleased EBOM. |
Input file's Assembly BOM Status is "R," the Allow New MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Released checkbox is selected, and one or more existing EBOM lines exist for this assembly with the component part's release status of "P" (Partially Released) or "U" (Unreleased). |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
Warning: Unreleased EBOM components will be released, except if component type is 'D'eleted. |
Input file's Assembly BOM Status is "R," the Allow New MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Released checkbox is selected, and one or more existing EBOM lines exist for this assembly with the Component Release Flag of "N." |
W |
BOM Configuration |
This BOM Configuration is not valid. |
BOM Configuration ID is not in the Configuration ID table |
E |
BOM Configuration |
BOM Configuration IDs are not used. The value will not be loaded |
BOM Configuration ID is entered, and the Use Configuration IDs checkbox is unselected in the BOM Corporate Settings subtask of the BOM Settings screen. |
W |
Component Release Flag |
Valid component status codes are Y for released or N for unreleased. |
Component Release Flag is not "Y" or "N." |
E |
Component Release Flag |
The part has a status of estimating-only. You must release the part on the part master before it can be released in a BOM. |
Component Release Flag is "Y," Part status is "Estimating." |
E |
Component Release Flag |
The part has a status of pre-release. You must release the part on the part master before it can be released in a BOM. |
Component Release Flag is "Y," and Part status is "Pre-Release." |
E |
Component Release Flag |
A released assembly cannot have unreleased components. |
Assembly BOM Status is "R," Component Release Flag is "N", and COMP_TYPE not = D. |
E |
Component Release Flag |
A released EBOM assembly cannot have unreleased components. |
Record Type is "C" (Change), input file Assembly BOM Status is null, Component Release Flag is "N," and Assembly Part's Release Status is "R", and either the COMP_TYPE not= D (if in input file) or the ENG_BOM.S_COMP_TYP_CD not= D (if not in input file). |
E |
Component Release Flag |
This Component line cannot be released. |
Record Type is "A" (Add), Component Release Flag is "Y," but the Allow New MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Released checkbox is not selected. |
E |
Component Release Flag |
This Component line cannot be released. |
Record Type is "C," MBOM Component Release Flag is "N," and input file's Component Release Flag is "Y," but the Allow New MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Released checkbox is not selected. |
E |
Component Release Flag |
This released component line cannot be changed or deleted. |
Record Type is "C" or "D," and the existing EBOM Component Release Flag is "Y," but the Allow Released MBOM/EBOM Lines to be Changed/Deleted checkbox is not selected. |
E |
Component Release Flag |
A component subassembly cannot have a release flag set to 'Y' when its EBOM status is not released. |
Component Part's BOM Release Status is "Unreleased" or "Partially Released," and Component Release Flag is "Y." |
E |
This line already exists. |
Record Type is "A," and an EBOM line exists with the same Assembly Part Key, Line Number, Configuration, Effective Start Date, and Effective Ending Date between the EBOM row and input file record.* |
E |
This line's date range overlap's another line's date range having the same line number. |
Record Type is "A," and an EBOM line exists with the same Assembly Part Key, Line Number, and Configuration; Effective Start Date and Effective Ending Date overlap.* |
E |
Component |
A part cannot be a component to itself. |
Component Part/Rev matches Assembly Part/Rev. |
E |
Component |
All component subassemblies must have BOM release status of Released in order to release the parent assembly's BOM. |
Assembly BOM Status is "Released," but component subassembly has a status of "Unreleased." |
E |
Component |
The quantity must equal zero for a quantity type of As-Required. |
Quantity Type is "R," and quantity is not equal to zero. |
E |
Component |
The effective start date cannot be later than the effective end date. |
Effective Starting Date is later than or the same as the Effective Ending Date |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
The assembly EBOM Status cannot be Released if there are component lines with provisional parts. |
EBOM Status is Released, and component lines with provisional parts exist. |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
EBOM Status cannot be Released if assembly is a provisional part. |
EBOM Status is Released, and assembly is a provisional part. |
E |
Assembly Part |
This assembly part exists as a released component in one or more Engineering BOMs. |
Assembly BOM Status is Unreleased, but the assembly part exists in another EBOM as a component part where the COMP_REL_FL = "Y." |
E |
New Provisional Part |
Provisional Parts should not begin with a space character. |
Begins with a space. |
E |
Component |
An Engineering Bill of Material already exists with the assembly part as the component of this subassembly. This would create a looping bill of material. |
If component is a subassembly (EBOM_EXIST_FL=Y), and that subassembly has the current assembly as a component, a looping condition exists. |
E |
Assembly Part/Rev |
Warning: this assembly is a MPS Planning-Only type of part. |
Assembly Part/Rev is a MPS Planning-Only type of part (PART. S_PART_TYPE = L for user’s company if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = Y) |
W |
* You must select the Process or Process/Print buttons on the toolbar for this validation to take place. This validation does not occur when you use the Preview or Print buttons on the toolbar.
Field |
Error Message |
Error Condition |
Error Type |
Proposal |
Bills of Material for this Proposal have been frozen. This record will not be processed. |
Proposal Header's Freeze PBOM flag is "Y" (Yes). |
E |
Component Line |
This Proposal BOM line cannot be found. |
Record Type is "C" (Change) or "D" (Delete), and no PBOM line match can be found using the proposal key, assembly part key, and component line number. |
E |
Record Type |
This update results in no more component lines for the Proposal Bill of Material, and so it will be deleted. |
Record Type is "D" (Delete), resulting in no more PBOM lines for the PBOM header Proposal/Assembly combination. |
W |
Component line |
Proposal bill of material line numbers must be unique. |
Two lines have the same line number |
E |
Component Release Flag |
This assembly exists as a firmed component in another PBOM for this proposal. You must either firm this PBOM or change the component firmed flag to N in the other PBOM(s). |
PBOM Status is Unfirm, but assembly exists as a component in another PBOM line for that proposal and component's Firm Flag is set to "Y." |
E |
Component Release Flag |
The Proposal bill of material cannot be set to firmed if one of more components are unfirmed. |
PBOM Status is Firm, but one or more component's Firm Flag is set to "N." |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
PBOM assemblies must have a BOM status of 'U'nfirmed or 'F'irmed. |
BOM Type is "P," and Assembly Release Code (ASY_REL_CD) is not "U" (Unreleased) or "F" (Firmed). |
E |
Assembly BOM Status |
Input file records with the same assembly must also have the same Assembly BOM Status value. |
Assembly Part ID and Assembly Part Revision combination exists on multiple input file records, and they do not have the same, non-null Assembly Release Code (ASY_REL_CD) value. |
E |
Component Release Flag |
Valid component status codes are 'Y' for firmed or 'N' for unfirmed. |
Component Firmed flag is not "Y" or "N." |
E |
Do Not Perform this validation During Trial Run |
This line already exists. |
Record Type is "A" (Add), and a PBOM line exists with the same Proposal key, Assy Part Key, and Line Number between the PBOM_LN row and input file record. |
E |
Component |
A part cannot be a component to itself. |
Component Part/Rev matches Assembly Part/Rev |
E |
Component |
The quantity must equal zero for a quantity type of As-Required |
Qty Type is "R," and Qty is not "0." |
E |
Component |
A Proposal Bill of Material already exists for this proposal with the assembly part as the component of this subassembly. This would create a looping bill of material. |
If component is a subassembly within the same proposal (if Component Part Key is in PBOM_HDR table for selected PROP_KEY), and that subassembly has the current assembly as a component, a looping condition exists. |
E |
Assembly Part/Rev |
Warning: this assembly is a MPS Planning-Only type of part. |
Assembly Part/Rev is a MPS Planning-Only type of part (PART. S_PART_TYPE = L for user’s company if ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP. ITEMS_BY_COMP_FL = Y) |
W |
* You must select the Process or Process/Print buttons on the toolbar in order for this validation to occur. This validation does not occur when you use the Preview or Print buttons on the toolbar.