Use this subtask to select project association information at different project levels, employee options and ranges, and vendor options and ranges.
These check boxes are not available unless you select the Associations check box on the main screen.
Select this check box to download project/employee information. Selecting this check box enables the Employee Project Level and Role fields and the Select Employee Options group box.
Enter a numeric value that will specify the project level at which project/employee associations will exist in Deltek CRM/GovWin. The application processes project/employee associations that are stored in the Labor History (LAB_HS) table in Costpoint to identify all employees that have charged time to the project.
Enter a role to be used when creating project/employee associations.
Select this check box to download project/manager information. Selecting this check box enables the Managers/Project Level field.
Enter a numeric value in this field that will specify the project level at which project/ manager associations will exist in Deltek CRM/GovWin. The application processes project/manager associations that are stored in the Project (PROJ) table in Costpoint.
Select this check box to download project/vendor information. Selecting this check box enables the Vendors/Project Level field and the Select Vendor Options group box.
Enter a numeric value in this field that will specify the project level at which project/vendor associations will exist in Deltek CRM/GovWin. The application processes project/vendor associations that are stored in the Voucher Header History (VCHR_HDR_HS) and Voucher Line Account History (VCHR_LN_ACCT_HS) tables in Costpoint to identify all vendors that have costs charged to the project.
Select this check box to download project/customer information. Selecting this check box enables the Customers/Project Level field.
Enter a numeric value in this field that will specify the project level in which project/ customer associations will exist in Deltek CRM/GovWin. The application processes project/customer associations that are stored in the Project (PROJ) table in Costpoint.
This group box will be enabled only if you select the Employees check box.
Select this check box to download associations for active employees.
Select this check box to download associations for inactive employees.
Select this check box to download associations for employees whose home organization is active.
Select this check box to download associations for employees whose home organization is inactive.
From the drop-down list, select the range of employees to download. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
The default for this field is All.
If you selected a range other than All
in the Range Option
field, enter, or use to select, the required parameters.
This group box will be enabled only if you select the Vendors check box.
Select this check box to download associations for vendors who are also employees.
Select this check box to download associations for vendors who are not also employees.
Select this check box to download associations for vendors flagged to receive a 1099.
Select this check box to download associations for vendors not flagged to receive a 1099.
From the drop-down list, select the range of vendors for which to download associations. Valid options are:
From Beginning
To End
The default for this field is All.
If you selected a range other than All
in the Range Option
field, enter, or use to select, the required parameters.
Project information is stored in the PROJ table. Project levels, project types, and owning organization information is assigned to projects in the PROJ table as well. Project/employee associations are stored in the Labor History (LAB_HS) table. Project/manager associations and project/customer associations are stored in the Project (PROJ) table. Project/vendor associations are stored in the Voucher Header History (VCHR_HDR_HS) and Voucher Line Account History (VCHR_LN_ACCT_HS) tables. Contract Information primarily comes from the Project Revenue Setup (PROJ_REV_SETUP) table, and Contract Modifications are stored in the Project Modifications (PROJ_MODS) table. Contract PSR information is stored in the PSR_HDR and PSR_FINAL_DATA tables. Parameter data for the record is stored in the X_OBJ_SUPP table.