Enter a source name of up to 15 characters.
Enter a source file description of up to 30 characters.
Enter "Yes" or "No" to indicate whether or not the input file contains a header row.
Use the Type column to define the type of data contained in the input file. The selections are "BUDGET," "FORECAST," and "ETC."
Use the Level column to define the level at which the data will be loaded into Costpoint. The selections are "TOTAL" or "PERIOD" for budget or forecast, but ETC-based data must be at the "TOTAL" level.
This non-editable column displays the Source Name from the Source File Definition grid.
This column must start at "1" and cannot skip any numbers. Enter as many rules as needed to exclude or include rows of data from processing. If you enter rule numbers that are not in sequence, you can fix them manually or you can have them fixed automatically by choosing the "Fix Rule Number for Include/Exclude Definition" option in the Edit menu.
Use this column to identify the column that the system will use to determine whether to include or exclude rows. The column number value must be greater than zero.
Use this column to define the exact data content the system will use to determine whether to include or exclude rows. The maximum number of characters is 20, and this must match the input file data pattern exactly.
Use this column to determine whether to include or exclude rows based on the content. The selections are "INCLUDE" or "EXCLUDE."
Use this column to specify how to handle multiple rules. The selections are "AND" and "OR." (Only "OR" is currently supported.)
This non-editable column displays the Source Name from the Source File Definition grid.
Enter a row type of up to six characters.
Enter a Row Type description of up to 30 characters.
Use these columns to define the type of data represented by a row. Enter "YES" or "NO" to indicate the selection chosen:
DLC = Direct labor
DNLC = Direct non-labor
INDC = Indirects
FEE = Manual Fee
ETC = Estimate-to-complete revenue amounts.
You can make only one selection on a row. You cannot process indirects alone; you must process them in the same input file as direct labor or direct non-labor and they must contain the same logical key information as the directs. You cannot process direct labor and direct non-labor in the same source file definition. If the input file contains ETC-based data, you can select only ETC.
Use this column to identify which column contains a specific data value that uniquely identifies this row. The Column No. value must be greater than zero.
Use this column to define the exact data value the system will use to determine whether an input file row matches this source file row definition. The maximum number of characters is 20, and the value entered must match the input file data pattern exactly.
Use this column to define how the system evaluates the "data value" within a column. The selections are:
EQUALS = matches column value exactly
BEGINS WITH = column starts with value
ENDS WITH = column ends with value
CONTAINS = column has value somewhere within it
The Source File Column Definition grid is non-editable on this tab.
This column displays the Source Name from the Source File Definition grid.
This non-editable column displays the row Type from the Source File Row Definition grid.
This column must start at "1" and cannot skip any numbers. Column numbers must be greater than zero. If you enter column numbers that are not in sequence, you will be prompted to fix them manually or to have them fixed automatically.
Enter a column description of up to 30 characters.
Use this column to indicate whether a column can be used for mapping. The selections are "YES" (include) and "NO" (exclude).
Use this column to indicate whether an input column is a repeating column. The selections are "YES" (repeating) and "NO" (not repeating).
Use this column to define the interval at which a repeating column repeats. If the column does not repeat, or if the repeating columns are adjacent to one another, enter "1."
Use this column to specify the number of times a repeating column repeats. If the column does not repeat, enter "1."
This non-editable column displays the total number of columns defined. This value is incremented automatically to reflect any repeating columns.