Use this screen to map Deltek Costpoint values to Microframe resource codes. Costpoint values that can be mapped include account, vendor, employee, and labor category. You must complete this screen before transferring data to Microframe by resource.
Enter a code to identify this particular mapping table. This can refer to a specific project or to a group of projects.
Enter a description for this particular mapping table.
Select this checkbox to have the Costpoint values used as the Microframe resource. For example, if employee IDs are identical in Costpoint and Microframe, the employee ID could be used because it exists in Costpoint.
Use this drop-down box to identify the level at which labor amounts should be transferred to Microframe. Valid options are "Employee," "Labor Category," "Employee - Labor Category," and "Labor Category - Employee."
Select "Employee" to map employees taken from the Employee table to Microframe resource codes.
Select "Labor Category" to map general labor categories taken from the General Labor Category table and project labor categories taken from the Billable Labor Category table.
Select "Employee-Labor Category" or "Labor Category-Employee" to map employees and general labor categories taken from the Salary Info and History table, and to map employees and project labor categories taken from the Project Employee Labor Category table and the Employee Account Group Default table.
Use this drop-down box to select the level at which ODC amounts should be transferred to Microframe. Valid options are "Vendor," "Account," "Vendor - Account," and "Account -Vendor."
Select "Vendor" to map vendors taken from the Vendor table to Microframe resource codes.
Select "Account" to map accounts taken from the Account table. Only accounts for which you selected the Project Required, Detail, and Active checkboxes (in the Maintain Accounts screen in Costpoint General Ledger) are mapped.
Select "Vendor - Account" or "Account - Vendor" to map vendors and accounts taken from the Vendor Expense Accounts table.
Select this pushbutton to automatically load the mapping table. If the mapping table is empty, it will be populated based on the values of Labor By, ODC's By, and Set Resource to CP Value. If the table already has rows in it, these rows will be displayed along with any unmapped rows.
If the Set Resource to CP Value checkbox is selected, use the Set Resource pushbutton to have the application scan the table for rows where the Resource column is empty. In these rows, the Resource column will be set to the value in the CP Value column, without the period delimiter ("."). For example, if the CP Value column is "DWORKIN.QC" and Resource is empty, Resource will be set to "DWORKINQC."
When entering lines manually, identify the type of line being entered. Valid options are:
E - Employee
G - General Labor Category
P - Project Labor Category
EG - Employee + General Labor Category
EP - Employee + Project Labor Category
GE - General Labor Category + Employee
PE - Project Labor Category + Employee
V - Vendor
A - Account
VA - Vendor + Account
AV - Account + Vendor
Line type is necessary for proper validation.
Enter the Costpoint value to be mapped. (Lookup will be available based on the value entered in the Line Type column.) Separate combinations of values by a period (".").
If you enter a combination in the Line Type column (e.g., "EP") and you use Lookup to find a CP value, you will first see a list of values corresponding to the first letter of your Line Type. After you make a selection, Lookup will load a second list corresponding to the second letter of your Line Type. For example, if the Line Type is "EP," Lookup will first retrieve a list of employees. After you select an employee, a list of project labor categories will be presented. When you make your second selection, the period separating the two values is added automatically.
Suppose you want to change the second value, but not the first, in a column that is already populated. Use Lookup to view a list of values corresponding to the first letter of your Line Type and select the Cancel pushbutton to leave the existing value unchanged. Lookup will load the values for the second letter of your Line Type, and you can now change it. For example, if your Line Type is "EP" and the CP Value is "DWORKIN.QC," use Lookup to see a list of employees. Then select the Cancel pushbutton. Now a list of project labor categories will be displayed. Select a value to replace the "QC" portion of the original. For example, if you select "RT," the resulting CP Value will be "DWORKIN.RT."
Enter the Microframe resource, up to 10 characters, to be associated with the value entered in the CP Value column.
Account does not exist.
The account entered does not exist in the Account table. Use Lookup to see a list of valid accounts.
Employee does not exist.
The employee entered does not exist in the Employee table. Use Lookup to see a list of valid employees.
GLC does not exist.
The general labor category entered does not exist in the General Labor Category table. Use Lookup to see a list of valid general labor categories.
Invalid line type.
Valid line types are as follows:
No labor mapping type has been selected. Do you want to continue?
You did not make a selection in the Labor By drop-down box. If you continue, no labor mappings will be created.
No ODC mapping type has been selected. Do you want to continue?
You did not make a selection in the ODC's By drop-down box. If you continue, no ODC mappings will be created.
PLC does not exist.
The project labor category entered does not exist in the Billable Labor Category table. Use Lookup to see a list of valid project labor categories.
Vendor does not exist.
The vendor entered does not exist in the Vendor table. Use Lookup to see a list of valid vendors.
You must have at least one mapping.
You cannot save a mapping table that has no rows in it. You must enter at least one mapping or exit the screen without saving the data.