Use this screen to set up mappings from Deltek Costpoint's accounts to Microframe's Element of Cost (EOC) codes. These mappings identify a Costpoint account that will be associated with an EOC code.

If you transfer to Microframe by EOC, you must enter this information for accounts before the transfer to Microframe can be completed. Please check with your system consultant to determine your company’s interface schedule.

Mapping ID

Use Find or enter a mapping ID to identify this particular mapping table. The ID can refer to a specific project or to a group of projects.


Enter a description for this particular mapping table.

Load Accts

Select this pushbutton to automatically load and display all active detail-level accounts that require a project. The EOC code will be set to the first character of the account name. 

Note:  Errors may occur if you attempt to save the mapping and the first character does not meet the validation criteria for EOC codes (as defined by Microframe; see the documentation for the EOC column).

Table Window


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the account to be mapped. The account must exist in the Account table.


Enter a valid Microframe EOC code to be assigned to the account. Valid codes are capital letters from "A" to "Z." You can have only 13 codes per mapping table.

Screen Error Messages